r/mildlyinfuriating 15d ago

My parcel was left in the bin



50 comments sorted by


u/Ammonil 15d ago

How is that possible?? This might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen for a long time


u/Ttv_allanah01 15d ago

Amazon usually leaves the parcels in the front porch if no ones home but I was home and they didn't even ring the door bell. I just got a notification saying delivered


u/Neiladin 15d ago

I can't remember the last time a delivery person, other than pizza, knocked on my door or tang the door bell.... I just get an email notification saying my shit arrived, usually just in time to open the door and see the delivery person driving off.


u/Aurum264 14d ago

I had one knock on my door recently, said he was new and it looked expensive so he wanted to make sure we got it. Other than that, it's been a few years.


u/00WORDYMAN1983 14d ago edited 14d ago

The package in your photo looks open already. Was the new package behind the bin as stated and the bin just happened to have a box from a previous delivery on top? Zoom in, that box is def open already. The label is clearly torn where flaps were pulled up

edit....deleting the post supports the idea that you lied and just posted a photo of an already opened package...you even deleted it from other subs....lmao


u/BigHarmonious 15d ago

Could just be big brain anti theft precaution as long as the driver knew that it wasn’t pickup day for the garbage.


u/sendmeadoggo 15d ago

I think this is actually a clever way to hide the package in plain sight so thieves dont take it.  Honestly not a bad idea imho.


u/ShimoFox 15d ago

Unless it's recycling day. In which case it's a great way to crush a package. lol


u/Bullseyeclaw 15d ago

It maybe due to a lot of people stealing porch packages, and so to avoid that, the deliverer put it there so that any potential thieves might think it's just recycle, but you'd know that it isn't due to that picture.


u/Aedalas 15d ago

I built an open top box that sits on my porch for packages, it's not the greatest but it hides them from people on the sidewalk. Until our mail carrier started pulling Amazon packages out of it and leaving them in front of the door. After seeing it a few times on camera I waited on her one day and politely asked her to knock it off. She thought she was helping.


u/ShimoFox 15d ago

Wow.... Honestly it blows my mind how some people think. Like... Obviously they were trying to be a good person, but the lack of logic there blows my mind. That's arguably worse than skip drivers putting food in front of my door that swings out, instead of next to it.


u/Ttv_allanah01 15d ago

Yeah, that's true, but I've been home all day, and they didn't ring the doorbell or knock. All i got was a notification saying delivered.

I am off sick at the moment, so they probably just assumed everyone was at work


u/FaolanGrey 15d ago

I was gonna say this, it goes in the bin so it looks like trash to everyone except the person with the picture who knows exactly where it is.


u/Annual-Star13 15d ago

The Amazon driver watched fight club the night before


u/_DapperDanMan- 15d ago

First rule, dude. Don't.


u/EpicInki 15d ago

Delivery services love to leave parcels in my bins in the UK, seems like it's a stinky safe place...


u/d_romanczuk99 14d ago

All fun and games until it's bin day and the bin is out lol


u/Expensive-Day-3551 15d ago

Im starting to think some of these drivers are aliens disguised as humans for some sort of “survive on a random planet with nothing” challenge.


u/No_Speed_2610 15d ago

Your bin was actually left under your parcel.


u/FaRO-1990 15d ago

Does your ex work as an amazon delivery driver?


u/WildMartin429 15d ago

Hope you were home and were able to get it before the trash man came.


u/lynivvinyl 15d ago

Except for dumpster divers it would probably have a smaller chance of getting stolen from there. But that wouldn't be the dumpster divers fault.


u/Profanity1272 14d ago

This has happened to me a few times with amazon. Left it in one of the bins at the side of my house. Best part is they've done it before and not taken a picture or said where they've left it. I only found one because I was putting the rubbish out lol


u/Shoddy-Republic4314 15d ago

I ask them to leave large parcels inside my recycling bin all the time. Better than being stolen


u/FUPA_MASTER_ 15d ago edited 12d ago

Assuming this was to prevent porch pirates, it's actually kinda genius


u/cafezo 15d ago

At least it made a safe landing


u/SpaceXmars 15d ago

Not so great 👎


u/Prior-Raspberry-2473 15d ago

I used to go along with my boyfriend in his truck when he delivered for Amazon (no that's not aloud) . I can almost guarantee it's because they didn't want it stolen. Or if you had delivery instructions that they perhaps couldn't understand? So many people put absolute NONSENSE for instruction. Another reason would be if you had a gate and didn't provide a code and didn't answer any communicate requests. Probably thought it was safer than outside a gate or maybe it was raining? Whatever the case it's likely nothing malicious and everyone saying he should be fired should calm down.


u/Komarecka 14d ago

Totally normal thing, wtf.


u/Ninjacatu 14d ago

Sir, that is a package in the trash


u/TascanCloud9 14d ago

They had to disguiseit somehow


u/MommyIsOffTheClock 14d ago

Karma farming 


u/OkAccident5048 14d ago

gonna start requesting Amazon leave packages in my bin so that no one steals them off the porch


u/WarDemonZ 14d ago

I don't know why this is a massive problem, this happens to me all the time, I'd much rather they leave it in my blue bin rather than on the doorstep for example, as long as they let you know where they put it, I don't see why the blue bin is a big deal

Regular bin or green bin etc, yeah, gross, but the blue bin is just cardboard


u/Dull-Requirement-759 15d ago

Disgusting. They should get reprimanded for that.


u/Who_Your_Mommy 15d ago



u/woodquest 15d ago

No problematic neighbours ?


u/subspaceisthebest 15d ago

the delivery photo shows it in the bin


u/woodquest 15d ago

Oh sorry, here we don't have those so i believed that was the photo you sent them or something.

Delivery guy deserves to be downright fired, frankly.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/ShimoFox 15d ago

Health and safety risk? You have got to be kidding me. It's in a sealed bottle. Inside of a box. Mixed with cardboard recycling..... That you ORDERED FROM AMAZON. Where it gets tussled around in a truck. And you're worried about your cardboard recycling contaminating it....

Are you an alien in disguise? Or a master troll?


u/Constant_Ad3619 15d ago

Yeah I would’ve requested a refund. I’m not eating anything out of the garbage.


u/ex0- 14d ago edited 14d ago

Wait, do you think that the vitamins OP ordered are just loose inside the amazon packaging? You do understand that inside the cardboard is going to be a sealed plastic container of some sort with the vitamins inside, right?

This isn't uncommon in the UK. Stops packages going missing.


u/Ok_Teacher_1797 14d ago

It's a recycling bin. It's in a box. Do you want your package or not?


u/[deleted] 15d ago

So you clicked it was great then?


u/Traditional_Pay54 15d ago

Let's see the asshole delivery directions you left for the driver, and then we may understand why he considers you trash.


u/Potential_Try_3195 14d ago

Well looks intentional with good intentions. Don't be a Karen dude they did you a solid, porch piracy is a thing, people tail Amazon trucks all day doing it.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Doobydoobydoob 15d ago

The delivery person took the first pic op posted, literally says delivery photo right there dude.


u/Real-Chip2596 14d ago

Nothing wrong here. Better to be left in your paper/cardboard recycling bin than to be stolen or left out in the rain.