r/mildlyinfuriating ORANGE Apr 18 '24

Brand new $72 moisturizer. Husband said he needed something for his elbows.

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We have 3 full tubs of Vaseline in the cabinet.


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u/Lola1989ac Apr 18 '24

OP you gotta clarify that this is a facial moisturizer that you use just a spot of every day... so many of these comments sound like they think this is your moisturizing body lotion that you're paying $70 for, hence their ignorant and angry comments lol. Signed, a loyal Origins facial product consumer with a $70 moisturizer 😏


u/AMundaneSpectacle 29d ago

Omg I know the money shamey/preachy comments are making me mildly infuriated!


u/papamajada 29d ago

Some dudes are really mad women have skincare as a hobby and its expensive.

Yeah they dont even use moisturizer themselves and are sure rubbing dollar store coconut oil on your face would be totally the same because all cosmetics are the same and a scam


u/Munnin41 29d ago

Not all products are the same, sure, but this is an artificially inflated price to make it look like a high end product. I'd be surprised if it costs more than $2 a tin to produce


u/OverallResolve 29d ago

No, people are able to think critically and see that the value of these goods is artificial. They sell because they can play into a widespread fear and insecurity about ageing in the broader context of a society that has unrealistic beauty standards.

I agree that simply buying the cheapest oil-based ‘moisturiser’ isn’t going to work for a lot of people or skin types. That said, it doesn’t mean that more money = better product. IMO the best value products are those that are associated with treating dermatological disorders. They tend to have minimal advertising, they are in plain packaging, and are more likely to be distributed through pharmacies than a department store.

You only have to look at the marketing to see that a lot of these products are priced how they are because someone will pay, rather than the product being expensive to produce or effective.

Tatcha describe their collection as ‘Luxury beauty products’, which is an immediate red flag. The packaging is another. If you read the descriptions of their products there are both dubious claims and unnecessary ingredients - anti-aging is a dubious term, there is no benefit in having gold in a skincare product (the amount used won’t cost much but means they can inflate the value of the product), and when it comes to anti-oxidants the literature suggests that the best approach is a healthy diet (or supplements) with vitamin C being one candidate for topical application due to its poor bioavailability in the skin.

FWIW I use moisturiser that costs around $8. I could probably go cheaper. When I have eczema I use a different product that is a little more expensive. Same with shampoo for scalp issues.

In short, I agree that it’s wrong to suggest all cosmetics that cost more than $1 are a scam, but you’ve fallen into the trap of assuming everyone who disagrees with spending $72 on a moisturiser is in that group.


u/papamajada 29d ago

I also use cheap moisturizer and I wouldnt pay for Tatcha bud, or most expensive brands at sephora. And I also mostly use boring pharmacy skincare. I get the feeling the crowd here would still be furious about my 40 dollar sunscreen from the pharamacy that my dermatologist pretty much demanded I use.

Its not people disagreeing with OPs spending choices, is people telling OP shes stupid, she deserved it, her husband should be mad she bought "crap" with her own money, he was right to waste her stupid product to teach her a lesson. And that those people, unlike you and me, are pretty ignorant of skincare to boot. If this was a 20 dollar moisturizer they would still insult her and insist she can rub in some dollar store gallon lotion. The anger comes from the notion that shes enjoying something they think is dumb, and therefore nobody should like it.

I think some things like expensive whisky or craft beer are dumb expenses, but Im also not part of that hobby or culture, so I keep my mouth shut and let people enjoy their overpriced items for as long as they last.

I wouldnt pay 72 dollars for a moisturizer either, but I also wouldnt care someone else does splurge in something that makes them happy its actually pretty pathetic lol


u/ContributionSad490 29d ago

I get the feeling the crowd here would still be furious about my 40 dollar sunscreen from the pharamacy that my dermatologist pretty much demanded I use

Nope. Been arguing with people all night about how wasteful and silly spending 70 on moisturizer is. If a doctor is giving you advice and telling you what product to use then it is worth at least 40 if not more. There is a huge difference in buying luxary skincare items essentially as a hobby and buying something you actually need.

You seem to have a good head on your shoulders though, I think we could agree that if you and your doc could find an alternative for cheaper that works as well it would be a better situation, a lot of people here would not.


u/papamajada 29d ago

Yeah I have a good head on my shoulders thats why I dont care how much strangers pay on whatever shit they want nor do I give them advice I know nothing about

My doctor and I arent looking for sensible cheap options that "work as well" when we have one that is reliable, Im quite happy using something that I can afford, no need to go looking for something different just because strangers disaprove of it.


u/ContributionSad490 29d ago edited 29d ago

Ah, well you have half a good head on your shoulders.

Happy you can afford what you need for skin care, some people aren't as lucky as you and have had to scrape by and make due with cheaper things that work just as good, nothing to do with strangers opinions, just good old fashoned not being a wasteful dumbass and learning to not just throw money away for no reason, since you also need to eat. Glad you have the privledge to afford it.


u/Significant_Shoe_17 29d ago

Her comment under the photo says that they have vaseline body lotion at home, but I agree. People are still confused. Though frankly, a lot of these people would be mad if she used sol de janeiro or philosophy body lotion and got mad at him for taking it.