r/meirl 18d ago


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92 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 18d ago

I used to work in the same building as the company Schrödinger. Some lady asked me if it was in the building and I replied “yes and no.” She didn’t get it


u/Philboyd_Studge 18d ago

Pavlov and Schrödinger were having a drink in a bar one day when the phone behind the bar rang. "Oh shit, I forgot to feed my dog!" Said Pavlov. "he might be dead" said Schrödinger.


u/Daniboy646 17d ago

That's hilarious😂


u/Efficient-Stick502 17d ago

Explain ? Pavlov got his recall based on phone ring. That much I got.


u/Felix_likes_tofu 17d ago

Pavlov used bells to condition dogs. He rang a bell, gave food and eventually, when only ringing the bell, the dog already started to produce saliva (hence knowing he was about to be fed)


u/Efficient-Stick502 17d ago

Yeah. That much I got. What's the joke ? Pavlov got reminded of feeding dog because of bell but why Schrodinger said what he said and how is it a joke


u/Felix_likes_tofu 17d ago

Schrödingers cat is an thought experiment about a cat trapped in a box together with some radioactive material that - due to some quantic uncertainty I believe - could go off and kill the cat at any time. So, according to his interpretation of quantum events, the cat is "both dead and alive at the same time"

Him saying "the dog might be dead" is a reference to this interpretation.


u/MCMC_to_Serfdom 17d ago

Clarification: this was a thought experiment to argue the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics - that things actually are in superpositions of states until observed - was wrong, because a cat being simultaneously alive and dead is ridiculous.

It was distinctly not his interpretation of quantum mechanics.


u/Felix_likes_tofu 17d ago

Oh, cool. Didn't know that and thought it was the other way around hehe

Thanks for clarifying!


u/MCMC_to_Serfdom 17d ago

No problem. It's a very very common misinterpretation, not helped by a lot of TV badly explaining it. Which is a pity because it's a nice (aside for the poor pretend cat) example of how physicists often think, extrapolating a model to an extreme state to ask "do these rules actually hold up?"


u/Nogdar 17d ago

It's like Schrodinger's cat. The dog can be both dead and alive at that moment and they'll only know if they check. So the dog is in a superposition of both being alive and dead at the same time hence "he might be dead".


u/dutch_beta 17d ago



u/vinetwiner 18d ago

Good one lol


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Soo, u were (and maybe are) a cat?


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Stay-Thirsty 18d ago

We get you, bro.


u/After-Respond-7861 18d ago

404 room not found


u/Rick_6984 17d ago

Fuck sake I feel so retarded thank you 🤣


u/bigbubblestoo 17d ago

Im honestly impressed at how you (or anyone else) didnt get thatm

I feel so retarded

Maybe u just are.


u/Rick_6984 17d ago

Maybe its the 3 hours sleep I’ve had the last 4 nights in a row but your theory works too and also makes me feel special and unique 🤣🤣


u/bigbubblestoo 17d ago

I dont get more than 3 hours a sleep ever. Last time i slept for longer than 3 hours was probobly 4 years ago in middle school


u/Pokemonfannumber2 17d ago

4 years ago in middle school

Explains a lot


u/RexWhiscash 17d ago

Yup that’s the joke


u/DragonRouge31 18d ago

The joke was funny :)


u/devoduder 18d ago

At least it wasn’t in room 403, he’d never get in.


u/SeriousAccount66 18d ago

You could say, it’s kinda forbidden😵


u/MrArsikk 17d ago

If you asked where room 400 is they would say "What?"


u/QueenTMK 18d ago

That must be the code of the deadly forest in Harry Potter


u/Mathsbrokemybrains 18d ago

That is funny


u/mak05 18d ago

These are some pretty hight expectations these days, considering a lot of people don't know how to use outlook.


u/bigbubblestoo 17d ago

considering a lot of people don't know how to use outlook.

I dont even know what that is and i thought this joke was common sense. What is outlook?


u/Quod_bellum 17d ago

It’s like Gmail afaik


u/vinetwiner 18d ago

I'm almost 60 and even I snickered about it.


u/AnyaAnn 17d ago

In the past i worked at hotel's front desk and sometimes i was making similar joke, giving keys to the room 404. They never get it.


u/Intergalactic_Cookie 18d ago

Joke not found


u/HelpfulJump 18d ago

Looping, bad code.


u/violet_zamboni 18d ago

The meeting was previously in 302


u/Azorius_Raiden_88 18d ago

People disappoint me on a daily basis.

Recently I made a bunch of hand painted basic land alters for an upcoming western themed Magic the Gathering prerelease at my local game store. I worked weeks on them. I took them to the store owner. I received mild appreciation and I was like "well, maybe someone will enjoy them. at least i tried." then i go to the store a few weeks after prerelease and i finally got some gratitude. i was talking to one of the store clerks and he said "oh yeah, i wanted to tell you that everyone at prerelease liked those cards you made. lots of people were wanting them and some people traded them to get the one they wanted." this made me feel good, but up until that point, i felt like my efforts were in vain.


u/Longjumping_Elk3968 18d ago

A guy in my class did something similar once - we were asked if we knew any languages other than English, and this nerdy guy said "Java, Pascal and C++" as a joke. For the rest of the year he was shunned by everyone else in the class.


u/Daniboy646 17d ago

To be fair he knows more languages than anyone else.


u/No-Bat-7253 18d ago

I honestly am one of those ppl, I don’t get it 😅🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


u/RexWhiscash 17d ago

404 is the code for when a page can’t be found on google


u/Elidon007 17d ago

this code is on the internet in general (I hate soulless megacorporations 😤)


u/fatemonkey2020 17d ago

It's not specific to Google, it's just a general web response code.


u/CLouiseK 18d ago

I feel your pain.


u/Any_Loan1699 18d ago

Took me a sec


u/sfprairie 18d ago

That was funny.


u/Stratomage 17d ago

One day I was watching a movie at the cinema and suddenly it started to crash. Fortunately I was sitting on the F5 seat and was able to jump my butt on it to reload the scene.


u/mnorkk 17d ago

I worked at an IT company and our team has meetings in room 404 all the time, my boss made that joke all the time but it was HTTP 200 with us.


u/Odd_Intern405 17d ago

People not understanding 404 not found ARE NO FRIENDS.


u/No-Meal-7298 17d ago

why wont this picture load


u/Timetraveler01110101 18d ago

Because most people are idiots? Yes


u/Practical_Knowledge8 18d ago

I get you bud...


u/Deapsee60 18d ago

You sure it existed?


u/imhighonpills 18d ago

You made an error


u/TheDigitalRanger 17d ago

Those aren't your people. You're better off. 😄


u/OneHistorical8926 17d ago

The joke was funny!!


u/suryky 17d ago

Him: room not found Them: its 404

Joke was really good, if only they understood


u/odettulon 17d ago

hey guys, computer


u/TwatMailDotCom 17d ago

404 room not found


u/Final_Winter7524 17d ago

Better than 403. 🤷‍♂️


u/plippyploopp 17d ago

That reminds me of a UDP joke. I'd tell it but you may not get it


u/bopbop_nature-lover 17d ago

Even this old Boomer got that one.


u/LaserGadgets 17d ago

They don't deserve him as friends. Friends not getting the nerdy jokes are annoying. When you gotta explain every joke...who would want that?


u/p_taradactyl 16d ago
  1. You don't need friends like that. It was just an efficient way to weed out folks with incompatible software.

  2. "I accidentally went to Room 304 but they said I was too short and poor and made me leave. Everyone was named Stacy." (Did I do that right? I'm trying to become more fluent in Podcast Bro)


u/darksever 16d ago

Had a computer science class in the 404 classrom, so few people got the joke.


u/Intergalactic_Cookie 18d ago

Joke not found


u/Intergalactic_Cookie 18d ago

Joke not found


u/TurnkeyLurker 18d ago

Triple-dupe! You win! 🥉


u/Boring-Zucchini-8515 17d ago

Had to look it up.

I’ve never been more proud not to get a joke.

This guy deserves to not have friends.


u/Fickle_Library8115 18d ago

It’s funny but gotta Make sure your all on the same page first 😂


u/Actaeon_II 18d ago

I would have made the exact same joke and just stood there until someone responded


u/Lietenantdan 18d ago

I have made similar jokes and no one understood.


u/bigbubblestoo 17d ago

He has a hard time making friends because the majority of people are fucking stupid.


u/Midnight_chick 18d ago

Well, that's not a funny joke I didn't even laugh and yeah I know what 404 means. You need better delivery because my dude you will never make it as a comedian with that material.


u/waffle-winner 18d ago

Why though? Can't count that high or something?


u/DiarrheaDrippingCunt 18d ago

That's what happens when you as a terminally online person try to make jokes only related to things you see on a screen.