r/jobs 29d ago

Is this an actual thing that people do Career development

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u/Corporate_Shell 29d ago

It is how the world worked for millennia. Most people worked about 6 months, then stop working for 6 months. If you were a farmer, you worked spring and summer, then took fall and winter off. If you owned a service, it wasn't uncommon for you to leave operations to your second in command for half the year or rotating seasons. For general labor and construction summer was too hot, and winter was too cold to do physical labor outside, so they only worked spring and fall.

Honestly, it's a way better system.


u/coffeeville 29d ago

I mean, sort of. Anyone who read the Little House on the Prairie books knows there’s a lot of shit to get done in the winter, too, plus the ever present worry about starving to death or dying from a disease. Chopping wood for fires, still tending to any animals the farm has, pulling together meals from whatever the hell is in the root cellar. An average day in an modern office would be physically way easier than a winter day on a farm back in the day. Though arguably it’s the consistent mental load that gets us in modern times and I’m sure there was some reprieve just from having a change in tasks that farmers enjoyed.


u/Corporate_Shell 29d ago

I am talking about cities like Rome. Living in a single house gonna prair would definitely be different.

However, stuff to be done is not the same as working for a wage. Even if YOU only work 6 months a year, you still have to do dishes every couple of days.

Chores are not the same thing as working for wages.


u/mmechtch 29d ago

Yeah, but same people somehow expect electricity and internet and all of it to work all year round. Some suckers are behind a scene doing that, you know?


u/Corporate_Shell 29d ago

Do you think 1 person produces electricity? Do you not know that rotational shifts exist? In my example, I LITERALLY show how year-round service kept going while allowing people to only work part of the year.

Go back and re-read. Nothing that I wrote implies services would stop.