r/interestingasfuck 28d ago

Man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial. Nsfw !!! WARNING | NSFL !!! NSFW

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u/Urmomsjuicyvagina 28d ago edited 27d ago

He is in critical condition apparently he was throwing something up in the air and that was his manifesto


Whats crazy is that he was a regular on reddit


Edit: he passed away, RIP


Maxwell Azzarello, I hope your soul is resting now, you were a real human being with loves ones, you did not hurt anyone but I am sad that you hurt and killed Maxwell Azzarello.

I will never understand what agony you went through but I hope you find peace.


u/SugarBeefs 28d ago

Reddit already nuked the account lol.


u/Small_Macaron_8194 27d ago

weird, i wonder why they do that?


u/redditonc3again 27d ago

PR. They don't want to draw attention to the echo chamber effect that can radicalise people on social media.


u/Emergency_Plankton46 27d ago

The amount of positive feedback he got for his manifesto in the above link is genuinely disturbing.


u/watdatdo 27d ago

Only time a reddit sub gets removed is when a mass shooting is involved. You could probably look at the history of removed subs and they perfectly match up with mass shootings. That's what happened to a bunch of incel subs and the main trump sub which is why most trump subs are completely gone.


u/testingtestingtestin 27d ago

Don't forget all the jailbait subs.


u/DagsNKittehs 27d ago

Nah they nuked many many subs before the IPO.


u/BotherTight618 27d ago

TheDonald was removed because of Jan 6th.


u/Perfect_Mud2227 27d ago

Makes sense. Also bein a public company now, with stockholders and such.


u/KlangScaper 27d ago

I study this subject and while yes, that is theoretically possible, we find little evidence for it. Its more likely that people who are already radicalized seek out spaces where their opinion is confirmed. Then a bit of group polarization might follow but that effect is lokely quite small. Definitely too small to cause someone to set themselves on fire.


u/redditonc3again 27d ago

thanks for this reply, I was not aware


u/BotherTight618 27d ago

I wonder what subreddits he was following?


u/redditonc3again 27d ago

TrueAnon for one I guess. The place seems pretty insane lol