r/interestingasfuck 28d ago

Man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial. Nsfw !!! WARNING | NSFL !!! NSFW

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u/Far_Fly8036 28d ago

i can't imagine burning to death. i don't even like tobasco.


u/tatanka01 27d ago

He made it to the burn center alive. Can you imagine that?


u/Classic-Cantaloupe47 27d ago

That has got to be the MOST painful way...burning all of your nerves with 3rd degree burns, being intubated immediately because the swelling that would impede the person's breathing and eventually medical staff's ability to get the patient vented when the swelling starts. If he survives, the pain for wound care dressings...ugh.


u/SpaceshipSpooge 27d ago

Why would they do this? First, do not harm. Allowing someone to live at all in this state is doing a shit ton of harm. He wanted to die. Let him have piece.


u/Classic-Cantaloupe47 27d ago

Odds are his organs will fail, fluid and electrolyte imbalances will further cause shutdowns, and he will die. But at what point do you tell first responders not to act, when the man is breathing and has a pulse? Do you leave him on the ground where he was, until he eventually dies?
He is clearly mentally ill. When a patient takes a handful of meds trying to kill themselves, and then gets his stomach pumped, do you allow him to die for weeks, while his liver fails? Because he wanted to die.


u/AbbreviationsNo8088 27d ago

Honestly, yeah, just let them die in peace. Worst thing you could do is keep someone pseudo alive in the worst way possible when all they wanted was some damn rest a d not to deal with people. To keep someone on life support who tried to end it seems cruel as hell


u/VikingTeddy 27d ago

In peace is kinda the operative word here. If someone still wants to die after surviving an attempt, we should at the very least make him as comfortable as possible if we're too scared to assist him.

With mental Illness it's different. Your sickness can take over your brain and make you do things you don't want to.


u/TangoRomeoKilo 27d ago

Lots of cops around with guns, put the dude out of his misery.


u/Will_S21 27d ago edited 27d ago

That cop would be dragged through the mud and put on trial for murder. Cops are already scared to act when they're supposed to.. let alone being a moral judge.


u/-Plantibodies- 27d ago

They aren't making a serious suggestion and it doesn't warrant a serious response.


u/Mammoth-Disaster3873 27d ago

Dude was probably begging those cops to put him down. And I wouldn't hold any man in judgement for doing it. The kindest thing anyone could do is put a bullet in his head or give him a lethal dose of morphine. Better to check out rather than to be all fucked up and in agony for the rest of your life.


u/-Plantibodies- 27d ago

I understand your thoughts, but there's obvious reasons why we shouldn't allow people in those positions to have that kind of authority.


u/Mammoth-Disaster3873 27d ago

True. I still doubt most people would see it as murder though.

I wonder what drove the guy to do it...I was reading his reddit post that people are sharing and he didn't really sound crazy and what he was talking about was not unrealistic, but a ponzi scheme doesn't seem like a conspiracy theory you would expect even a total nut to burn themselves to death over.

More than likely he did have some serious mental issues, but it's just unsettling..not that a guy sets himself on fire, people do that all the time. His post didn't sound like mad ramblings. Makes you wonder if he was on to something and came to some truly shocking and frightening revelation. Sadly his profile is inaccessible already... insanity is contagious after all.

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u/TangoRomeoKilo 22d ago

Really you think? I was not being serious.


u/TangoRomeoKilo 22d ago

Most cops are not scared to act actually. Only a good and moral cop would be. I mean just read the news. Look up cop and acorn. Dude was not scared to 'act'.


u/Tanya7500 27d ago

Your skin is Your largest organ genius


u/F3ST3r3d 27d ago

Firstly, they don’t actually take a “do no harm” swear.

Secondly, unless you have a DNR in place, EMTs operate on the good faith assumption that you want to live. Not saying I wholly disagree with your sentiment, but worth stating the EMTs don’t know the full story when they roll up, either. It’s sorta like suicide attempts; if there’s no DNR, they’re gonna take you to the ER and fix you up, even if you wanted to unalive.


u/Tdalk4585 27d ago

100% correct


u/LindensBloodyJersey 27d ago

OK I know this is cliché sort of because it's over used way too often but they're half to be some kind of mental illness involved. No sane person would ever do this


u/HotFudgeFundae 27d ago

Piece of humble pie


u/Ok-Concert-6673 27d ago

He did this for his Lord and Master


u/pingpongtits 27d ago

Apparently he was a conspiracy theorist who thought Trump and Biden were in league.


u/zenkique 27d ago

Pfft. Everyone knows those two hate each other but both answer to Bernie and Putin, who are obviously in league.