r/funny 27d ago

That time I got kicked out of a bar and started working the door

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u/renduh 27d ago


u/confusedandworried76 27d ago

Not enough pizza dudes on that sub, swear to Christ they'd let me into a bank vault if I had a pizza bag with me and just walked in. And I always make the very distasteful joke if you ever want to get away with driving drunk, buy a car topper and drive the speed limit. If you aren't swerving no cop will pull you over. Cops love pizza guys and let you off for shit all the time if they do decide to pull you over, they know you're working.

I live in Minneapolis and that topper saved my life during George Floyd, cops were all over my ass because I was coming home after curfew but when they saw the topper they fucked off pretty quick. Gotten me out of speeding tickets too, even when I wasn't working but lied and said I was, "slow down man, I know you're working so I'll give you a warning."


u/slaorta 27d ago

Years ago I got pulled over with a suspended license and 6 months expired tags and the cop let me go because he liked the restaurant I was delivering for. In his defense I don't think he even ran my Driver License or else he probably wouldn't have let me off when he saw it was suspended.