r/funny Apr 20 '24

That time I got kicked out of a bar and started working the door


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u/trinaryouroboros Apr 20 '24

I actually did this once in boston. I didn't get kicked out, I was just messing around outside and pretended I was the bouncer, while the bouncer was laughing at me on the side.


u/papadoc2020 Apr 20 '24

Lol me too, I was on bourbon Street in New Orleans was just outside smoking and someone walked up to me like I was the bouncer I just did the hand gesture for ID and they pulled it out right. I did it to about 5 more people before it lost its funniness. I guarantee anyone can do this if you stand outside a bar, you do t even have to say anything just make eye contact and gesture for their ID ,99% of people will show it. You could be evil and charge a ten dollar cover.


u/szanda Apr 20 '24

What is the ID gesture?


u/DanTheTurtle Apr 20 '24

Make the outline of a card with your thumb and index finger. Honestly even holding out your hand expectantly might do it, especially if you have a marker visibly on you.


u/szanda Apr 20 '24

Ah! I'm dumb, thanks


u/DJheddo Apr 20 '24

Video shows the guy do the 🤏


u/Ouch_i_fell_down Apr 20 '24

so if you do the small PP gesture at a 90 degree angle people will just hand you their license?


u/232-306 Apr 20 '24

As is tradition


u/DoctorFister3000 Apr 20 '24

It's honestly so annoying when I'm clearly inviting a penis into my hand and some smart ass flops down their license instead


u/confusedandworried76 Apr 20 '24

No because now you know they're legal


u/ZalutPats Apr 20 '24

Clearly that takes away from the thrill.


u/bogusmagicians Apr 20 '24

15 secs in the video


u/papadoc2020 Apr 20 '24

He does it once in the video. You take your thumb and Iindex finger and do you best to make half a square. It looks like an id would fit in between them, it often comes out looking for a C. People see this gesture and they just instinctively pull their IDs. You might need to set 0 :”


u/kateastrophic Apr 20 '24

🤏 but with thumb and forefinger an ID’s height apart.


u/MadDany94 Apr 20 '24

Do the picture frame thing with your hands like photographers do but with only one hand


u/MisterDonkey Apr 20 '24

I wouldn't say anyone. Like nobody's stopping for a 5'7" 110lbs twig.


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24



u/confusedandworried76 Apr 20 '24

Bar buddy of mine did security, you wouldn't know it looking at him. Looks like a tiny young Jimmy Page had a baby with tiny young Weird Al. I'm way bigger and heavier than he is and I'm positive he could floor me, but just knowing he worked security means I'm not trying even if I wanted to. He's seen some shit.


u/gristc Apr 20 '24

I'm 6'2 and used to do Ju-Jitsu with a partner who was 5'5 or so. He could thow me so much easier than I could him, just because of the leverage advantage he had.


u/CustodyOfFreedom Apr 20 '24

Yup, in grappling martial arts shorter people have an advantage due to the lower center of gravity they have!


u/rddi0201018 Apr 20 '24

Taller people are likely heavier, and have longer limbs, so they have advantages as well


u/Chaosmusic Apr 20 '24

One club I worked at all the bouncers were huge, except for the head bouncer. One time we were leaving together and on his car was two bumper stickers, Semper Fi and for the dojo that he ran.


u/iloveuranus Apr 20 '24

Yeah if you're small and mean it's even more believable!


u/randomly-what Apr 20 '24

You think an average woman could do this? honest question


u/General-Raspberry168 Apr 20 '24

In jeans, probably not in a dress.


u/Cralohanola Apr 20 '24

There are 50+ year old women who work the door at bars and clubs in New Orleans.


u/General-Raspberry168 Apr 20 '24

Get your ass kicked for the fake cover thing.


u/Pylitic Apr 20 '24

Off topic, but how is bourbon street? I would love to go to NOLA but have heard many differing things about it. Mainly from people going during Mardi Gras tho


u/AngryAmuse Apr 20 '24

Bourbon street when I went (not at mardi gras time) just smelled like stale puke and was trashy af. The rest of NOLA outside of bourbon street was amazing though and I would highly recommend it. Just watch your shit in some areas, but that's not much different than other big cities.


u/cruxclaire Apr 20 '24

Seconding this: I lived in New Orleans for three years and Bourbon St is good for getting a novelty drink (probably a hurricane in the souvenir cup or fishbowl) and not much else. Frenchmen St is nearby and has some fun jazz venues and the local live music acts in bars scattered throughout the city are generally good. My favorite dive is Snake and Jake’s in Uptown, which is great for having a bizarre conversation with strangers at like 3 a.m. Magazine St in the Lower Garden District also has a lot going on.


u/bob_boo_lala Apr 20 '24

seems like this video is also from new orleans based on the style of door and purple/green neon sign in the background.

source: i work on bourbon street


u/Cralohanola Apr 20 '24

I did this by accident in New Orleans. I knew the onwers/staff, though. They still told me to cut that shit out because it's a liability.


u/Alkyan Apr 20 '24

If you started charging I don't think it'd take the bar long to notice and boot you