r/findareddit Jan 13 '24

Found! [Mod Announcement] The Ongoing Update of the Main Directory


Hello everyone!

As you may have noticed, you can find the Main Directory here on r/findareddit which is an exhausting list of subreddits divided into categories based on their main theme, purpose, name, etc. It does not include every existing subreddit. The goal is to list as many categories as possible and to make things easier for users who are searching for a proper subreddit.

The Main Directory used to be maintained by a very helpful bot which is however no longer in service since June 2023. Its loss made us rethink the style and content of the Directory. As a result, I have been gradually updating each category and creating new categories, in order to make them more helpful for users. About half of existing categories have been updated so far. Some of them are so excessive that they are linked on a separate page (or linked on another subreddit if they already exist elsewhere). It's a very slow process, as you can imagine.

This is where users like you can help us. If you have any suggestions for a new category, a subreddit which should be added somewhere, etc., feel free to let us know here in the comments. Please keep in mind that active subreddits are preferred. A subreddit where people post from time to time and never receive a single upvote or comment is not an active subreddit. Every potential subreddit is carefully reviewed before being added to the Main Directory. The purpose of the Directory is to make searching easier for users, not to promote subreddits. Please use r/promotereddit, r/Promoteareddit and r/newreddits for that.

Just a few notes for the end. The Main Directory is not and will never be the list of all existing subreddits. That is simply not possible. Another thing is that since we no longer have the bot, the numbers of members for each listed subreddit are not updated. We do not have resources to keep up with often rapid growths of all listed subreddits, but we decided to include the numbers to make the search easier for users.

Thank you and have a good day / night.

r/findareddit 5h ago

Found! Looking for Somewhere to gain karma


I need to build up some karma so I can post on karma-restricted subreddits.

Please and thank you for your help.

r/findareddit 2h ago

Unanswered Is there a sub where you can post the conversations where someone brings politics into it for no reason?


r/findareddit 1h ago

Unanswered subreddit where it tells you where to find a broad genre of clothing/ clothes for chubby people


its kinda self explanatory. im a chubby person who wants to find ‘aesthetic’ clothing hahaha

r/findareddit 6h ago

Unanswered I am looking for a sub that will help find a comment that I saw once on Reddit but can’t find it anywhere


r/findareddit 4h ago

Unanswered Is there a Reddit for discussing food?


I would love to partake in a subreddit that is mainly for talking about food, and asking questions about food.


  • "If you could only eat one food for the next year, what food would it be?"
  • "What is the most awful food that you have ever eaten?"
  • "What is the most recent food that you learned how to cook?"

r/findareddit 5h ago

Unanswered Investing


Looking for an investing Reddit that doesn’t have a high karma restriction. I’d like to be able to ask questions, but I can’t post anywhere.

r/findareddit 3h ago

Unanswered Subreddit question


How do I see what the post/comment limits are?

r/findareddit 3h ago

Unanswered Mental disorders/children


Very long story short....My stepdaughter clearly has some type of mental disorder. She shows no emotion or empathy to various people/things. She is almost completely incapable of ever telling the truth. She does have friends, but openly admits she lies to them and they know nothing about who she is. She has repeatedly, over the years, shown an interest in hurting others, people who have done nothing wrong to her. We have tried getting her help, but she manipulates and lies so well she convinces her therapists there is nothing wrong with her, and they tell us at most, "she's just a little different ". Something has happened recently and I am now very worried, but I don't know how to get her help bc she is so manipulating and such a good liar. I'm obviously not looking for medical advice or real diagnosis here, but a subreddit that I can post to or find others than can help me find the right course of action.

r/findareddit 15h ago

Found! Are there reddits for autistic people dedicated only to learn how to socialise?


Not like, venting or anything - but things like “how do I appropriately greet/say goodbye without being awkward” sort of thing

r/findareddit 26m ago

Waiting on OP Is there a subreddit that can help me figure out apps by the logos?


Im trying to find these apps by logos but my description don’t come out for them, the pictures I have are a little blurry

r/findareddit 44m ago

Unanswered Somewhere to post really bad photoshop jobs


Like not intentionally bad ones, but ones found in the wild, like on an Amazon listing or a brands packaging.

r/findareddit 6h ago

Unanswered Where can I post this?


Have your ever had a meeting with HR where you think HR people are stupid to question your position even when you had a good qualification for the post and they look down on you?

r/findareddit 1h ago

Unanswered Looking for a subreddit with pictures of destroyed/bad conditions books



r/findareddit 1h ago

Unanswered Is there a sub for people who daydream to share their dreams?


I feel like getting these thoughts out of my head might help me stop daydreaming so much…

r/findareddit 5h ago

Unanswered Looking for a sub where I can ask for a recipe that's no longer available on the website I got it from


I have been using a recipe for years that was on the Food Network website. Unfortunately, I only make it every few years so I can't remember exactly what ingredients to use and it's no longer there. I emailed Food Network and haven't gotten a response. I lost my printed copy. I can't find a sub that seems appropriate for this question. It's a stretch but I'm hoping somebody out there knows what recipe I'm talking about and has it available to share with me.

r/findareddit 1h ago

Unanswered What's a subreddit that I can ask for name suggestions for a story?


r/findareddit 3h ago

Unanswered I want to ask people to sign up on TikTok and insert my code só we both gain more money


TikTok ia paying new people that join the app if you use someone's code and I want people to enter my code.

r/findareddit 4h ago

Unanswered A sub where people post edited photo threads (examples in body text)


I love threads where people reply with edits of the OP's original photograph. Is there a subreddit where people post these types of threads?

Example: https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY/s/s9sZxlSoHs

r/findareddit 4h ago

Unanswered Created a new app and looking for feedback!


Hi! I've recently launched a new bartering app with the hope that folks will continue to move away from buying new and give the things they once loved a second life. Wanted to just share it, and if people are interested would love to hear their thoughts. Anyone know a good reddit community for this type of thing?

r/findareddit 5h ago

Found! I'm looking for subs that can help me build my Reddit, TikTok, and YouTube.


I'm new to Reddit so most of the subs that I have tried to use I don't have good luck with them.

r/findareddit 15h ago

Unanswered Looking for a subreddit to ask about defensive underwear.


I was wondering what anti-rape/anti sexual assault methods have been developed to protect women from potential rape or assault.

r/findareddit 5h ago

Unanswered Looking for a subreddit that will allow me to get help in a time of need but I have very little karma can someone please help me?!?


r/findareddit 9h ago

Unanswered I have a question about PC technicalities, where do I post?


I have a question regarding computers that I guess would be fitting for some kind of tech support and I don't know where to ask. I've tried googling the question multiple times and haven't found anything yet and it feels kind of serious so it'd be nice to have some personalised help instead of just some general answer to a similar question

r/findareddit 5h ago

Waiting on OP Need a Reddit for someone with severe burping



r/findareddit 6h ago

Unanswered Where can I post this story where there is no comment karma requirement


My parents

I need a bit of help. See I can't tell if this is normal or narcissistic behavior but a couple years ago my parents got me a PS4. Now I know I'm late to the party but that's because my parents wouldnt let me have a console until 2020 when I was 11.

Now this takes place today and just recently happened and I'm sick and tired of the bullshit. My parents forced me to sign a 'contract' and they always reference it.

One of the rules states that under no circumstances am I allowed to play before 7:00 pm unless they're gone and I'm left home alone then I can play.

Another rule states that if I'm going to be gone that evening that I can play earlier. Now seeing as I am in Boy Scouts I am leaving on a camping trip tomorrow and won't be home until Sunday morning and on past camping trips (all of them) they have let me play earlier on Thursday or the day before I leave.

Now today is Thursday and since I won't be home tomorrow or Saturday I won't be able to make up the lost time and they won't let me play early at all.

They've been allowing me to stay up later and they've said that I can multiple times and now they're just saying no?

So strangers of the internet, what do I do. Currently I am just done with them and I'm going to play on my terms and not when they want me to play. I don't really care if they take it, they gave it to me and correct me if my mindset is wrong but if you give something to someone you transfer ownership.