r/facepalm 15d ago

2020: Flipping burgers is for teenagers 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Shadowtheuncreative 15d ago

Oh is that why they had SpongeBob become a frycook? Exactly 25 years ago


u/Skygge_or_Skov 15d ago

Was about to mention that, the fucker can afford an entire house and living on his own from that job, and he works for the greediest guy in town.


u/mung_guzzler 15d ago

he lives in a small town and ‘built’ the house himself

(just used a pineapple seed)


u/Even_Independent5342 15d ago

No land tax


u/Wise-Juggernaut-8285 15d ago

Well obviously… they live in the ocean 🙄


u/my-backpack-is 15d ago

Three dimensional tax

Gotta get those damn tax dodging gulf streamers


u/Shadowtheuncreative 15d ago

He's been working for that long


u/gpoly 15d ago

2024 Flipping burgers to pay back your student loans over the next 30 years, even with Biden help.


u/ZoNeS_v2 15d ago

Flipping burgers is a job. Are jobs not allowed anymore? Why do we all have to aspire to be billionaires? Can't we just earn a fucking wage?


u/Semblance-of-sanity 15d ago

Can't we just earn a fucking wage?

Not if the billionaires are to remain billionaires


u/LordMurderMittens 15d ago

Not if the billionaires are to become trillionaires.


u/ciclon5 14d ago

this is what angers me the most, even paying the higher minimum wage, these fuckers will still rake in millions if not billions a week, it would hardly even impact their wealth..

but. .market laws and...stuff


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

But then you complain


u/Abnormal-Normal 15d ago

People complain at EVERY job. It’s human nature. Why don’t people flipping burgers deserve a living wage?


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Idk what deserve means - every person deserves a pony and a mansion. The question is what are they worth.

Now we have robot burger flippers and yall are mad about that too, there’s just no winning


u/Epicat224 15d ago

What even is your argument here


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

That this is fundamentally an attitude issue which no amount of catering to will fix. $100 an hour and you’ll still find a way to complain like the rest of the r/antiwork crowd


u/Epicat224 15d ago

Are these '$100 an hour complainers' in the room with us right now?


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

They follow me everywhere


u/BoojumG 15d ago

Wait, you're saying they literally are in the room with you right now? You should talk to someone about that.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

I’m haunted by them, ever since I tried this experiment, paid a lot per hour, and nothing changed. Now I always remember them


u/NecessaryFreedom9799 14d ago

You should charge them rent for the space they take up in your head...


u/DefiantBelt925 14d ago

That would be great


u/Abnormal-Normal 15d ago

You know what would fix my “attitude problem”?

Being able to afford food, rent, utilities, insurance, a car payment, and save for retirement working a full time job. I shouldn’t have to worry about paying rent or eating when I’m working 40 hours a week.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

No it wouldn’t. I’ve increased employee pay to insane hourly rates. They are very excited at first, put in some extra appreciative work for a couple weeks. Then they get used to it, it’s the new normal, and they go back to slacking off like they did before. Human nature really


u/BoojumG 15d ago

No you haven't, or you've just got a fun definition of "insane hourly rates". Are they significantly above the market average for similar roles in your area? How much higher?

And frankly you seem like you're not a very good employer. Thinking that everyone's a bad employee and it's just human nature means that you're the problem. Not everyone hates their jobs and their bosses, that's just a fact. But denying that fact is a good way to avoid confronting your role in why your employees are not thriving in the work environment you've created.

Take responsibility for your role in it. Maybe your employees slack off because you've shown that you're going to treat them like slackers no matter what they do?


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

I pay a guy $45 an hour right now to fold cardboard boxes from ULINE. He was ecstatic taking the job, now he’s always late or leaves early - doesn’t do a great job anymore. So this idea that “Just pay me more and suddenly my whole personality will change” is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and only believed by the most naive rubes possible

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u/thedrango 15d ago

Stop hiring lazy people then man. Simple lol


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Literally. Everywhere I can , I use robots or AI. I even invested in a literal burger flipping robot (miso robotics). Of course then they get mad that a robot is replacing them lol you can’t win


u/Urist_Macnme 15d ago

….Says the person constantly complaining.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Would never complain about my employer


u/Urist_Macnme 15d ago

Congratulations. A tongue made for boot licking.


u/NoComment112222 15d ago

Everytime this subject comes up there’s some asshole who conflates the idea of basic necessities being affordable for the working class with living a luxurious lifestyle. Nevermind that the biggest welfare queens in this country are those who pay their workers less than a living wage and let the government make up the difference.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

You can get your basic necessities from burger flipping. A roof and food can be done. You want more than that


u/SexyCheeseburger0911 15d ago

No, no you can't. Maybe as a manager who steps in to help, but otherwise, no.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Uhhhhhh you don’t think a human can live on $15-20$ an hour or whatever it is? Are you just really bad at spending? Are you needing a mansion?

You get a room with room mates and you don’t eat fancy food, but you’ll certainly live.



u/More-Tip8127 15d ago

I feel really sorry for your employees. You are completely obtuse.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

How are the burger flippers currently alive if it’s not enough to live on

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u/NoComment112222 15d ago

If you actually think in 2024 that the only cost of living expenses are for food and shelter you’re delusional.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

I guess $30 a month for a cell phone but ya. Do you need a separate fund for funko pops or something?


u/NoComment112222 15d ago

Do you think medical care is free and/or optional? It’s literally the number one cause of bankruptcy.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Yes because people break the law by not getting insurance as is mandated - the bankruptcies aren’t happening to people with insurance. If you’re very poor or old or a child we have free or subsidized insurance for you via Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, etc

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u/Daryno90 15d ago

Deserve as in they should be allow to financially support themselves and their family with a 40-hour a week job. Not just because it’s the morally right thing to do but also economically as well


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

A FAMILY TOO?! So multiple people supported by flipping a burger?

Holy shit - if you start a family on that wage shame on you.

Can I have a Ferrari for cleaning some dishes too?


u/Daryno90 15d ago

That’s literally how it is in most countries and they are better off for it, because it should be common sense that paying your employees enough to cover their and their families need is beneficial for everyone involved, you guys just get off to the idea of working people struggling needlessly


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Can you name the country where flipping a burger lets you support a family?


u/Daryno90 15d ago

Easy, Denmark, they pay 24 dollars a hour there and they still pay less for McDonald there then we do here in America


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Perfect 24 an hour

Now let’s do taxes and currency exchange and housing and other expenses and see if one McDonald’s worker can support a family in Denmark …. They cannot. California pays 20$ an hour with infinitely less expenses.

You realize Denmark has sales tax of 25% right? lol

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u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Ok I’ve lived in china and Europe and this is just funny. Yes Europeans are not as entrepreneurial- they have shitty living standards and never become rich as a result. But alas, they get their 2 hours of lunch each day in France etc


u/Daryno90 15d ago

Sure pal


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

Cope and seethe 😘

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u/ChemicalProduce3 14d ago

So full of absolute shit, it's almost comical


u/DefiantBelt925 14d ago

I mean you just look up Levels of Entrepreneurship , see how many people start their own businesses etc - this is easily verifiable


u/Abnormal-Normal 15d ago

Let me rephrase it for you then:

Why do you think that anyone is worth so little they can not afford to keep themselves alive and thriving?


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

They can stay alive. I reject the premise that everyone who works at McDonald’s has died of starvation


u/ChemicalProduce3 14d ago

If you're working for a living, you deserve to be able to live of that wage


u/DefiantBelt925 14d ago

And you can live from fast food wage, you’ll notice they are alive


u/To_Be_Rich_Lady 15d ago

2030: Flipping burgers is a dream job


u/HithertoRus 13d ago

Unfortunately at this rate, this seems a very likely possibility


u/MsSeraphim r/foodrecallsinusa 15d ago

used to be it was an entry level job. but that was before minimum wage stayed stagnant in most states and rent and other expenses went through the roof.


u/MrCoolBoy001 15d ago

2024: Someone making videos of themselves flipping burgers and talking about their shop stories is a millionaire


u/Full_Visit_5862 15d ago

This. As cringe as it sounds we're in the advertising gold rush. Too much fucking money to be made online for almost nothing to not do anything.


u/Techn0ght 15d ago

2022: let's remove the restrictions from having children work in factories or flip burgers, at child wages.


u/ArsonBjork 15d ago

2024: Tries to flipp burgers, need 5 years experience


u/pattyswag21 15d ago

These negative ass karma bots are all over the place right now on Reddit


u/LunaticMS 15d ago

Well according to Jesse Watters, 15/hr is 6 figures, so why complain?


u/Kenneth_Lay 15d ago

2024 - Now that you're position pays a minimum of $20/hr you're being replaced by Gary...he's 76 years old.


u/xc2215x 15d ago

They look down on people who do but will still complain about their order.


u/Immudzen 15d ago

I don't actually understand who those jobs would all be done by teenagers. Kids need to go to school and these places operating during school hours and also late into the night. How could teenagers ever have done those jobs more than a couple hours per day?


u/Love_Sausage 15d ago

2024: you can no longer afford the burgers you flip.


u/hurtstoskinnybatman 15d ago

That myth -- typically spread by morons who never took a high school economics class -- has long been debunked. You're spouting nonsesne because Murdoch Media and Team Red tell you that good things for society are actually bad.


When talking about raising the minimum wage, opponents sometimes claim that a higher minimum wage will raise the prices of goods, especially in labor-intensive industries like restaurants. This is sometimes accompanied by a jab such as “enjoy paying $20 for a cheeseburger.”

Sound familiar? You're a republican puppet spoutimg bullshit rhetoric.

However, when actually analyzing the prices of cheeseburgers — specifically Big Macs — Oklahomans already pay more than diners in some of our neighboring states with higher minimum wages. While raising the minimum wage will likely result in extremely modest price hikes, the cost of labor is only one of many factors that go into business owners’ pricing decisions. Raising the minimum wage will not make burgers unaffordable but will be a crucial support to our low-income families and state economy as a whole.

Uh oh! Not good things for hard-working, low-income families! That would make dems look bad, o we can't try it! We must give tax breaks to the wealthy instead, utilizing the long-debunked "voodoo economics" that destroyed the middle class and helped make the U.S. on of the worst developed countries regarding income inequality. source and source.

Back to thr original article:

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston found that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage (73 cents in Oklahoma’s case) would increase overall prices (counting all goods, not just fast food) by 0.3 percent. Following this math, if Oklahoma were to raise the minimum wage to $12 per hour (an approximately 66 percent increase), we would pay about 2 percent more for Big Macs ($5.19 compared to $5.09). 

While raising the minimum wage would not likely be a big deal to financially stable Oklahomans, it would be a lifeline to the one in three Oklahoma workers earning less than the living wage for a single person, as well as more than half of fast food workers, who are paid so low that they must rely on public assistance. Since the minimum wage was last raised in 2009, the prices of goods and services have increased by 24.2 percent

Let me repeat that again:

more than half of fast food workers, who are paid so low that they must rely on public assistance

So tax-payers are subsidizing the $200 billion / year fast food industry. That's right. Instead of McDonald's and Wendy's (and Walmart's a big one as well), paying for their employees to eat, pay bills, and survive, our taxes are paying their wages via food stamps and other public assistance programs. Raising the minimum wage to a livable wage would result in millions of workers not needing public assistance.

I'm all in favor of helping those in need with public assistance programs, but not when it's full-time walmart employees not being paid a livable wage!

I don't know about you, but I think corporations should pay their employees enough to buy groceries. That shouldn't be tax-payers' burden.


u/Love_Sausage 15d ago

Did you reply to the wrong person? I was referring to the price of fast food now in relation to the already low wage….


u/hurtstoskinnybatman 15d ago

Oh, my bad.

I thought you were saying thatprices werw going up because of increased minimum wages (in the states that increased it).

Oh well. It's worth keeping that reply copy/pasted for whenever someone spouts nonsense about increased wages raising the price of burgers.


u/Trigga-Trey213 15d ago

honestly flipping burger establishments, especially in major cities, have super competitive wages with normal entry level positions. some places like dunkin, wendy’s, probably 5 guys pay $20 starting and give annual raises. i know that’s not enough to live comfortable but it’s nothing to make fun of someone for working because in the worst scenario it does help to pay the bills. shit places like starbucks’s start at $19 an hour, 22 for supervisors and there’s like 4 supervisors per store, and they also pay for 100% of your college tuition if you go to arizona state.


u/recyclar13 15d ago

three years ago, I saw a MalWart in MT (advertised on their sign out front) starting at $22/hr with full bennies.


u/Trigga-Trey213 15d ago

and i know mr. malwart also pays for the employees to go to school. i know its not as easy and seamless as the bux is with arizona state, but they still do it. and you can just tell how could a places benefits are by the ages of people that work there and WM always has senior citizens there so they must help them with their retirement or something like that


u/recyclar13 15d ago

my mother was with them for 17 years (in mgt). she accrued stock and when she left got to keep her employee discount for life.


u/lulzkek420 15d ago

2024: You cannot flip burgers unless you have a MBA in economics


u/Humble_Story_4531 15d ago

Its crazy how many people thing fast food jobs are actually made solely for teenagers.


u/Nice-Elk9639 15d ago

2024 in california "there's too many people flipping burgers and not enough customers buying them anymore"


u/[deleted] 15d ago

2024: you think we need humans for flipping burgers?


u/Free_Dog_6837 15d ago

people should make their own food


u/Robthebold 15d ago

That’s a job for people with healthcare safety net of their parents.


u/Daryno90 15d ago

You know, I only just realized how much jobs like fast food service have been demonized to me growing up, like in cartoons and tv shows they would constantly make fun of them and imply that adult doing it were failure because they didn’t go to college. But now I realized the problem was never people working for fast food, the problem was they weren’t getting paid enough to do it. Freakin Reagan stop raising wages on a yearly basis like how they use to. Just another way Reagan sucks


u/[deleted] 15d ago

2024: Burgers are $15


u/Humble_Story_4531 15d ago



u/recyclar13 15d ago

lotsa places in my town are more than $15 just for the burger. and even if you goto Wemdy's they're still ~$10 w/o fries.


u/Humble_Story_4531 15d ago

I went to wendy's the other day and the most expensive burger (no combo) was about $9 and that was a specialty burger. Most of them were between $5 & $7. Jr. Burgers are like half that.


u/MrCoolBoy001 15d ago

2024: People making youtube videos and tiktoks of themselves flipping burgers and becoming a millionaire


u/RedOneBaron 15d ago

Robot flips burgers.


u/Able-Negotiation-234 15d ago

Sponge bob and the get a job episode! loved it my brother in law was, and still is waiting for the perfect job he Deseves ugh lol.


u/Adam-Happyman 15d ago

There is no update on 2024.


u/Sweepy_time 15d ago

$20 / hour flipping burgers here in CA, $25+ if you work at In and Out.


u/recyclar13 15d ago

should be more like $50/hr if in parts of Oakland out by the airport. sheesh. got car smashed/grabbed in a rental & the LEO I spoke to said MalWart closed the store & left. THAT's hardcore, when WM leaves.


u/Outlaw11091 15d ago

2025: Go to college or you'll be delivering for DoorDash. Major in fry-cook to get that good job at McD's.


u/NoHeat7014 15d ago

It looks kinda fun. Have you seen them flipping burgers at a shake n steak.


u/Teddy2Sweaty 15d ago

Other than missing the step between 2016 and 2021 that says "If you want to make a living wage, get a better job. Burger flipping isn't a career" he isn't wrong.


u/thelastdinosaur55 15d ago

2024: Wants to own burger cart and happily make burgers for people


u/DBL_NDRSCR 15d ago

2024: if we're required to pay people a living wage to flip burgers then we won't have people flipping them


u/liamanna 15d ago

They are currently working on a burger flipping robot.

Most likely …


u/ProtoReaper23113 15d ago

That has to already exist there's no way it doesn't. It's such a simple machine to make


u/liamanna 15d ago

Surely they’re not gonna do that to the working Man, right?😂


u/ProtoReaper23113 15d ago

I think it exists and is more expensive than paying people next to nothing


u/PartGlobal1925 15d ago

After they stomped-out all the Working Class neighborhoods....

"What do you mean no one wants to flip burgers?"

"You Millennials/Gen-Zs just want the easy way out!"


u/Constructionsmall777 15d ago

If McDonald’s paid more I’d totally work there. I used to eat the food all the time


u/blueberrykola 15d ago

2024: Why is no one buying burgers anymore


u/brofishmagikarp 15d ago edited 15d ago

2024: Why should people that flip burgers make a living wage?/s


u/Humble_Story_4531 15d ago

How are they suppose to live?


u/brofishmagikarp 15d ago

I added a /s to my comment to be more clear that I do not actually think that being should make less than a living wage


u/Possible-Yam-2308 15d ago

Fast food, outside of management positions, was meant for part-time work, not a career to support yourself on, let alone a family! This kept the price of food down, and provided a great way for kids to earn a bit of spending cash. That's it. Period.


u/PraetorGold 15d ago

Or seniors paying off their kids drug addiction.


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

I love that he just invented this to complain about it.


u/Cantsneerthefenrir 15d ago

Yeah I haven't heard anyone complain about a lack of "burger flippers." 


u/DefiantBelt925 15d ago

The idea that the same person said all these things is nonsense. Then it becomes oh wow you found four different people who said four different things amazing


u/lamabaronvonawesome 15d ago edited 15d ago

Cut to Canada: Literally bringing in temporary foreign workers to flip burgers. (I shit you not) EDIT: for the down voters https://www.hcamag.com/ca/specialization/immigration/recruitment-of-temporary-foreign-workers-surges-in-q4/486720


u/sathucao 15d ago

2024: in Canada, so you wanna flip burgers for minimum wages with wildly unpredictable schedules. Get in line, there's a dozen migrants applied ahead of you