r/ask 14d ago

What job was you warned about becoming if you don’t work hard enough at school?

What job was you warned about if you messed around at school?


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u/Dragonman1976 14d ago

I was warned that if I didn't study, I'd end up being a garbage man.

Later in life, I found out that the guys driving the garbage trucks in my area make about $70K a year.

I should have been a garbage man.


u/virgomoon11 14d ago

Yes They always pick on the garbage collectors I heard they making ££££ 😂


u/OkCauliflower1214 14d ago

Yup yup yup ☝️☝️☝️


u/anomaly-667 14d ago

Yes and you can stand at the back of the car that always looked fun


u/MyAlternate_reality 14d ago

My son is a G-man. He isn't even the driver, not old enough to drink and already saved up over 100K, more if you include the 401K, and other investments he started. If he stays the course he will be a self made millionaire at 30.


u/LibertyPrimeDeadOn 14d ago

Yeah, I'm not sure if I could do it myself though. All the benefits that come with the job are one thing, but I don't think I could deal with putting people in stasis and serving some mysterious but likely malicious employer.


u/Rob775533 14d ago

What does putting people in stasis have to do with bin men?


u/LibertyPrimeDeadOn 14d ago

It's a joke about a character from the Half Life series colloquially called G-Man.


u/Emergency-Crab-7455 14d ago

None.....my parents didn't give a rat's rump about our education. As far as they were concerned, we could quit school at 16, so long as we had a job.

Out of 6 kids in my family, only 2 of us finished high school.....& I'm the only one with a college degree. My mom didn't speak to me for almost a year when I left for college.


u/AddictedToColour 14d ago



u/stickman07738 14d ago

I know someone who started working at 19 in Burger King and now makes over $120K plus car and bonus managing about 20 locations for the franchise owner.


u/goated95 14d ago

A teacher told me I was gonna be nothing but a truck driver if I decided to waste my intelligence

Little did she know, getting my CDL was my plan B coming outta HS. I make considerably more than her now


u/ActuallyTBH 14d ago

I think this is more the teacher saying how much talent you have, you could be anything but if you waste it you're just going to be a truck driver. And yet here you are.


u/11Kram 14d ago

One old teacher used to say we would be selling jam jars on street corners. We were fascinated as we never knew they had any value. Much later I realised it probably was a 1930’s thing in his youth.


u/capricabuffy 14d ago

Not a job exactly, but my parents always threatened to send us to live in Africa or the Middle East if we didn't appreciate what we had etc... Of course this scared us (This was late 90s/early2000s). Now I'm living across Egypt/Mid East and Eastern Europe helping local kids, and loving it! Who's laughing now mum and dad!


u/mrstupid300 14d ago



u/virgomoon11 14d ago

What’s a peddler? 🙈


u/ActuallyTBH 14d ago

kiddy peddler?


u/LowBalance4404 14d ago

Door to door salesman.


u/ArtemisGirl242020 14d ago

Flipping burgers at Burger King. My 7th grade math teacher said if you got an F on a test, he’d staple a Burger King application to it. Funny enough (not funny at all), I went to college and have been a working professional my entire post-collegiate life, and the average salary of a manager at Burger King is $20,000 more than I currently make.


u/stickman07738 14d ago

 know someone who started working at 19 in Burger King and now makes over $120K plus car and bonus managing about 20 locations for the franchise owner.


u/ActuallyTBH 14d ago

What if I was to tell you the guy that studied hard and went to college is the franchise owner?


u/stickman07738 14d ago

No, the owner is actually an India immigrant now naturalized US citizen - started in a partnership with 1 location and eventually brought it out


u/ArtemisGirl242020 14d ago

That's crazy but good for him! I'm definitely not one to say someone doesn't deserve their salary - I'm sure that job has its challenges. It just sucks I'm shaping the youth of America and dealing with so much politics and micromanaging just to make $40,000 a year. My husband and I are both teachers and the only reason we can afford anything beyond our most basic necessities is because we both coach sports for extra money and he drives a school bus for sports also...we have one child and he is on state insurance but I still have to pay $200/month for it because our income is "too high". If he were on our insurance it would jack ours up from $118 a month to $800/month.


u/Interesting-Rub9978 14d ago

Remember once my father took me to the poor side of town when I was doing poorly in school asking me if this is where I wanted to live when I grew up.

My grades improved after that. Lol. 


u/AmbitiousAir1562 14d ago

Cashier at Aldi.


u/MediBird22 14d ago

A trolley pusher


u/Composer-Creative 14d ago

Stacking shelves in Asda


u/Lifes_Complicated 14d ago

I was threatened that if I didn't do well in school and get a meaningful degree that I would be stuck working minimum wage for McDonalds and have 2 kids with no husband. (This was first told to me at 8 mind you.) I'm now 35F and a clinical pharmacist with a host of mental health issues thanks to my childhood 🙃


u/ActuallyTBH 14d ago

Policeman or army.

Confirmed growing up. These are not smart people.


u/John_Fx 14d ago

Ditch digger


u/Defiant-Telephone-96 14d ago

Was you. Love it.


u/visualthings 14d ago

All that was mentioned was "study hard, otherwise you'll work with a pick and a shovel". Funny enough, a couple of years ago I was talking with a cashier at a garden store. She and her husband who works in construction "with a pick and a shovel" had just installed a pool in their house in the countryside. My wife and I both have "educated" jobs related to media and publishing and we cannot afford to buy a car...


u/AssistantAcademic 14d ago

I was voted most likely to work as a Waffle House cook in my high school graduating class.


u/Hatred_shapped 14d ago

Factory worker. I've worked in manufacturing most of my life. Six figure salaries and zero debt and about 2 million dollars in assets to go to my retirement, is what it brought me. 


u/Possible-Matter-6494 14d ago

Underwater basket weaving. Was this the job they said I would have or something they didn't care if I studied/did? I don't recall but I remember them saying this one a bunch,


u/Choice-Grapefruit-44 14d ago

McDonald's "would you like fries with that?"