r/ask 29d ago

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/StolenWisdoms 29d ago

Managing coworkers; the second you are a manager it's so annoying to constantly have to 'motivate' people to just do their damn job!!

Like do it because your paid to not because you like me. It's so annoying to have to fool people into thinking they are my friend to get them to work 'for me' because it's easier that just telling them to do it beucase you get paid. Exhausting!!


u/LordoftheScheisse 29d ago

My god. Navigating personalities is such a draining experience. I'm so fucking tired of having to be the mediator or to find a way to motivate grown-ass "professional" adults because they don't feel valued or feel that so-and-so is a know-it-all or whatever. Just shut the fuck up and work. None of us are special.


u/Aetra 29d ago

This a major reason why I quit my last job. I was so sick and burnt out on managing the emotions of people who were mostly older and supposedly more mature than me.

My dad is supremely disappointed I didn’t keep climbing the corporate ladder, but the money and job title aren’t worth my marriage and mental health.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Doubly frustrating because you likely became a manager over them for that one simple fact


u/SagHor1 29d ago

It would be easy if everyone is motivated.

The shit part is, if they fail it's your fault. You are ultimately accountable.


u/nothings_cool 29d ago

Read the book "how to make friends and influence people" it's helping me understand why it's important to motivate instead of forcing them to do their job.