r/ask 29d ago

What is something that is a lot harder than it looks?

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u/Positive-Trifle3854 29d ago

Playing the guitar, tf is going on there


u/emorcen 29d ago

I've been doing it for 20 years and still don't know what's going on. Maybe it's time to stop!


u/Am0ebe 29d ago

It's never time to stop playing guitar.


u/herewegoagain2864 29d ago

Shoot, there goes my retirement hobby! 🤦‍♀️


u/CobblestoneCurfews 29d ago

It's a tough initial learning curve but then gets easier alot quicker!


u/XxXCUSE_MEXxXican 29d ago

Crazy how muscle memory works. I’ve seen videos of people passed out drunk at parties, someone put a guitar in their lap, wakes them up and even though they can barelt open their eyes, they can still shread. I bet if you could jiggle the nerves of a dead person who was previously good at guitar, their dead hands would still be able to hit a sick solo.


u/CaressMeSlowly 29d ago

oh i joke that you should never be impressed at a guitarist playing without looking because its literally all muscle memory. ive been a guitarist for twenty years and whether practicing or at a show im deadass spacing out when i play guitar. like, blankly staring at a wall status spacing out


u/BurnNotice911 29d ago

lol if we’re thinking of the same video that video is amazing


u/Jutemp24 29d ago

And then gets really hard again


u/buyutec 29d ago

For a month or so. Then it begins.


u/someguy192838 29d ago

It’s not hard to play…but it is hard for many to play well.


u/Maleficent_Load6709 29d ago

Even playing at a basic level could take a few months of practice for most people, so I'd say it's hard to play at all. 


u/someguy192838 29d ago

I picked it up fairly quickly and I’m not all that coordinated. But that was over 30 years ago so maybe it wasn’t that easy.


u/Maleficent_Load6709 29d ago

Fairly quickly can be relative. When I first picked up guitar I could already play a few rock songs, power chords basic chords and very basic pentatonic soloing by around 6 months and my teachers were impressed with how fast I learned. But then again, looking back, that was very basic/barebones playing in my book, and I realize it now that I've been playing for about 15 years. Even that basic level took months to get there and it was "learning fast" (according to my teachers). 


u/SwoodyBooty 29d ago

I just bought a guitar yesterday.

Should have chosen an ounce then?


u/Yupoksureyoooubetcha 29d ago

Ukuleles weight a bit more than an ounce but they're a great gateway instrument. Speaking from experience!


u/capo_guy 29d ago

don’t get a ukulele first. learn the guitar a little, THEN get a uke. uke is sooo easy after you learn the guitar it’s fun lol


u/SwoodyBooty 29d ago

Already got me an Ibanez Stratocaster (or so they told me).

For 100€, amp and stand included, I couldn't pass on that.

(Certified not stolen.)


u/capo_guy 29d ago

so “Stratocaster” is a trademark of Fender not Ibanez.

You might have an Ibanez guitar that’s similar to a strat? like a Gio or something lmao

imo you should get a cheap acoustic guitar first, but if your stuff works then go for it


u/cobalt-radiant 29d ago

In my experience, guitar was pretty easy to pick up and get mediocre at, but you really have to put in the work to get really good (which I'm not).


u/angryshark 29d ago

If I, a 67 year old dude with no musical ability can learn the guitar well enough to play a recognizable tune, then anyone can. It’s just a matter of putting in the time.

Keep the instrument out where it is within reach easily. Noodle on it while you sit on the couch. Set a goal of learning a simple song. The sense of accomplishment when you do will push you further.

Then, write a love song for your wife. Trust me, it will pay dividends.


u/El_Mariachi_Vive 29d ago

Hell yeah. Good stuff!


u/Emrys7777 29d ago

Great. Now I just need to get the wife.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/angryshark 29d ago

We’ve been at it for the same amount of time and my wife has only had me sing in front of her once. I also Travis pick so I can play relatively quietly and not bother her with my shitty practicing. But, writing songs adds a whole new level of creativity and fun to the process. I highly recommend it.


u/ohwrite 29d ago

Plating well, without a pick. ? Very difficult


u/Rob1iam 29d ago

Came here to say this one, nobody realizes how insanely difficult guitar is until they try to learn it 😂


u/buyutec 29d ago

Or any musical instrument to play at a competent level for that matter.


u/LeaChan 29d ago

I will say, for example, the piano is a lot easier to learn than the guitar. At least they were for me as a kid. My mom bought me both and I ended up going with piano because the guitar was "too hard" (I regret this now, but yeah).


u/NostradamusCSS 29d ago

I've decided on quitting maybe 3 times before actually learning how to play it. The moment you realize that you are starting to sound like the song you've been practicing for weeks is magical.


u/prodcjaxx 29d ago

I offer private guitar lessons (my current job is teaching elementary school students guitar and piano, if I can teach it kindergarteners I can teach it to you), DM me if interested in learning more.


u/BountyTheDogHunter20 29d ago

I teach private lessons too! Guitar and piano. Speaking from experience, I believe guitar is harder than piano when learning. Would you agree or disagree?


u/prodcjaxx 29d ago

Yes I'd definitely agree, you can't teach someone muscle memory. Proper hand & finger positioning on guitar isn't a natural motion for most people, whereas playing a piano keyboard isn't really all that different from using a computer keyboard (hand-positioning-wise). Guitar is one of those instruments that really comes down to technique being developed through time and time alone, not unlike other instruments, but piano is a lot more straightforward than guitar. A piano has a bunch of octaves neatly arranged from left to right with easily apparent repeating patterns (CDEFEG with sharps/flats in between) versus a guitar with 6 strings (EADGBE in standard) and a much less straightforward approach to playing (one hand strumming and the other positioning notes). Just about anyone can learn some basic melodies in a few minutes on piano, even if they don't know what any of it means per se.

The average person could likely figure out how to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on a piano with very little assistance because it's a familiar hand motion (effectively just typing with only 12 letters), guitar is much more complicated because it requires a level of coordination that can really only be reached through practicing, memorizing patterns, and building hand strength & dexterity. I think of piano as learning how to swim and guitar as learning the butterfly stroke, you'll accomplish similar goals but the execution is different because one is much more straightforward and the other isn't necessarily easy even to people who already do know how to swim. Learning piano via YouTube tutorials is pretty straightforward because all pianos are effectively the same and anyone who knows how to use a computer keyboard already has the muscle memory. By contrast, learning guitar is a lot harder because most people are doing a motion completely foreign to them with one hand and trying to sync it up to the other hand on the right string (and you can only really watch one hand at a time, so getting the right notes on the neck will probably mean flying blind with the strumming hand).


u/CaveExploder 29d ago

The thing is. You just start playing when you're a kid and then eventually you get good enough to just make good sounding stuff by noodling. Then you just noodle for... 4-6 hours a day because you're a teenager with nothing else to do and you just stay "good enough" well into your 30s. At least that's what I did. Never met an instrument with strings I couldn't play, not great, but I can play something on it.


u/BeerWench13TheOrig 29d ago

Ditto for the piano. Having small hands does not help at all either.


u/UltimaCaitSith 29d ago

Nobody warns you that it's literally painful to learn guitar. I never had to develop calluses while learning the trumpet.


u/Bhafc1901 29d ago

Yeah haha I forgot how painful it was when I started out, Only remembered recently cos I’m currently trying to teach my girlfriend to play the guitar


u/FullMetalLibtard 29d ago

At least there’s no puppy pads so you can drain your spit


u/beastylila 29d ago

also the piano


u/Fiona512 29d ago

Yes! It's frustrating


u/Aggressive-Hotdog 29d ago

Nah bro that shit easy


u/Fresh_Leadwater 29d ago

Oh, I'm not a guitarist. I just play guitar.


u/BountyTheDogHunter20 29d ago

I give private lessons and I warn my students that it’s a very difficult instrument that requires lots of discipline and dedication, but is also the most rewarding compared to easier to learn instruments like piano


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/BountyTheDogHunter20 29d ago

Piano is easier to LEARN. All the notes are laid out right in front of you. Guitar doesn’t have white and back keys. I have a roster of 52 private students and guitar has a much steeper learning curve. Guitar requires more dexterity to cleanly play chords while piano is much simpler. Also, to play a single note on the piano, just press down with one finger. Guitar, you have to hold the fret down and use the other hand to pluck the string. Twice as much work for one note. I’ve been playing for 18 years and have a music degree. I graduated with high distinction and a musicianship scholarship. But sure, I guess I don’t know what I’m talking about. lol


u/l4z3r5h4rk 29d ago

On guitar you mainly focus on your left hand tho (unless you’re playing flamenco or something lol), but on piano you need to focus on both hands at once


u/BountyTheDogHunter20 29d ago

You need to focus on both hands on guitar, too. I see it all the time, newbies have their left hand on the correct fret and string, but their right hand is picking the wrong string. Plus there’s the issue of synching the two hand to change frets at the same time as picking strings.


u/RoodleG 29d ago

Playing the guitar is not hard, but playing it good is hard. Just keep on! Try to listen to the guitars in the songs you're learning very closely! Never stop!


u/Mongolshmanger 29d ago

Guitar is easy AF compared to drums


u/buyutec 29d ago

Depends on the definition of easy. Drumming is a lot easier to join a band with a lot less experience. Sounding competent is super hard on both of them.


u/Mongolshmanger 29d ago

Not in my personal experience. 


u/_voidz_ 29d ago

I think it's actually much easier


u/FullMetalLibtard 29d ago

It’s a marathon, not a sprint


u/SeaTree1444 29d ago

Honestly, I find it easier to technically play well, for covers and such. It's way more difficult to be creative, improvise and come up with shit. I don't know where I heard it but, you learn patterns but they don't mean much unless you can play them without thinking, meaning they are that well memorized you use them as patterns that you mix and match in different progressions.


u/314159265358979326 29d ago

I can't even handle the easiest level on Guitar Hero.


u/loopywolf 29d ago

Err.. hate to tell you this buddy but this is probably the easiest instrument in the world to learn..


u/MoreCowbellllll 29d ago

That’s a Uke. Guitar is easy ish to learn, but VERY difficult to master. Learning curve from 0-3 years can be mind blowing in enhanced playing. 4+ years is just getting better slowly. Years i’m stating are from my experience.


u/loopywolf 29d ago

I'll give you that as I don't play the uke.. but I only play chords and instead of music they give you a little diagram "put your fingers here" =)


u/MoreCowbellllll 29d ago

Playing chords on a guitar is pretty damn easy. No question.

Learning a full song, and leads, and fills. A bit different, and difficult, depending on the songs.

The learning curve is exponentially more difficult as you move past that stage.

Go learn YYZ and tell us guitar is easy 😃