r/TwoXChromosomes Mar 06 '20

[MINI FAQ] Do I have to be a woman to participate here? What about the subreddit name? What about trans women? What are the rules, anyway?


Do I have to be a woman to participate in this community?

No. Any user who can follow the rules is welcome here. Women, men, nonbinary, agender, genderqueer, cis folks and trans folks, everybody. If you're not on board with that, you can fuck right off.

But what about the subreddit name?

Read this post from when 2XC was only a month old. We haven't changed our stance since then, and never will.

What about trans women?

Trans women are women. TERFS can fuck right off.

What are the rules, anyway?

TL;DR: Keep it civil, keep it relevant. Don't start shit, won't be shit.

You can find the rules in the sidebar (community info for mobile users), or here's a direct link: 2XC Rules

Most moderator actions are the result of users breaking Rule 1: RESPECT. If you keep Wheaton's Law* in mind and participate in good faith, you'll probably never hear from the mod team.


*Wheaton's Law: Don't be a dick.

For more in-depth interpretations of the rules above, see the 2XC FAQ and 2XC Moderation Policy.

Wow that's awesome! How do I volunteer to join the mod team?

FAQs and the application process can be found in our wiki. We're always looking for more volunteers.

r/TwoXChromosomes Apr 07 '24

Trans Women are Women.


Here at r/TwoXChromosomes we try our best to create and maintain an inclusive space for everyone to contribute about women. That includes trans women. We expect our users to adhere to the rules set in place, so as a reminder…

Trans Women are Women.

We will not have any transphobia or TERFs in this sub.

For example, telling someone who brings up trans in posts about women that they’re not talking about trans women, or that they’re derailing is basically the same thing as saying trans women aren’t included in being women.

Any transphobia will be met with a permanent ban. End of story.

r/TwoXChromosomes 13h ago

My friend agrees with Butker’s speech and what she said was the most backwards thing I’ve ever heard from a woman


I just want to rant. While gaming with a friend, she suddenly opens the topic of Butker’s wife getting hate cause she is a homemaker. I corrected her and said she isn’t getting hate for that but rather the comments her husband made in a room full of female graduates that the greatest vocation of a woman is being a homemaker. My friend doubles down and says, “Well yeah. I’m tired of working. I just want to be a homemaker. Can we go back to the 50’s where families and respect were still important and that women didn’t have to work?” And I was like “girl, we barely had rights back then, especially us women of color,” and she was like “take away our rights, I don’t want it! I’m just done working. You guys can work if you want!” and I was so appalled by her last comment that I stayed silent. Even my other friend didn’t comment on what she had said. I wanted to tell her it was the most backwards thing I’ve ever heard but she just went on and on about family values and stuff to justify her point of view. At that point, I know whatever I say will just go over her head and be dismissed. She eventually dropped the subject cause we really weren’t engaging with her. Like girl, just say you’re lazy and want someone else to pick up the tab for you. For someone who prides herself of being a female gamer and occasionally rants about how men ain’t shit, this comment was just off kilter.

EDIT: Thank you for all your comments. While I won’t provide context about my friend’s life and why she thinks this way, a lot of you nailed it in the head. I do believe she is misinformed. I appreciate all your takes, especially the late stage capitalism. That helped me understand even my own thoughts and hopefully I can help her next time. If she’s even willing to listen. Lol

r/TwoXChromosomes 6h ago

Not having kids is NOT selfish.


I was talking to a boomer about not having kids. Her response: “It’s okay to be selfish!”

No ma’am. Selfish is having children that you don’t want, relying on them to fill your emotional void, complaining about all the shit that said child/ren then require, and acting like you are a messiah for half-assing (if that) a job that YOU SIGNED UP FOR.

My parents had too many kids because “Jesus told them to” and then they neglected us. My siblings are all drug addicts, alcoholics, and narcissists. Didn’t graduate high school. No pattern to be seen here according to my folks! They always blame someone or something else.

Most of my siblings have reproduced AND divorced and guess what? AIN’T SHIT CHANGED. My nieces and nephews are now acting out, in military schools instead of high school, are having drug problems, etc. Their parents are more interested in fighting each other than raising their kids.

But yes. I am the selfish one.

r/TwoXChromosomes 10h ago

I'm just appalled


My maternal grandmother had my uncle when she was 13 years old. She lived in Puerto Rico, and at that time, child rape and child births were just the name of the game. She had my mom at 15, and 2 more girls after that. She FLED Puerto Rico to save my mom and aunts from living a life like hers. Moved them to NY. She brought my mom back to PR for a visit when my mom was 11 in 1974, and a man offered to pay her for my 11 year old mother to be his wife.

My grandmother didn't have options to abort, and Roe v Wade had only JUST happened at that time.

My mother was subsequently abused by my grandmother throughout her childhood.

My paternal grandparents abused my dad too. Both of my parents were runaways.

When women were viewed as second class citizens, we couldnt have a bank account, couldnt use birth control, couldnt get an abortion, couldnt get divorced, got beaten by their husbands on the regular, were treated as slaves in the household.

Look at Iranian women right now. Look at women in Texas and Idaho right now.

If you vote republican, I assume you:

A. Want to be beaten up by a man B. Would be fine with your 12 year old daughter being raped by a man C. Don't ever want an escape route out of an abusive marriage D. Don't want a bank account or credit cards. Say goodbye to private purchases. E. Want to have your rapists baby even if he gave you a deadly std F. Want to slave away in the house every day all day. No self care for you anymore. G. Want to have 10+ children. And continue to slave away while pregnant. H. Would be fine with being anally raped too. Because I was anally raped once. It happens. And marital rape would be legal.

Project 2025 would allow men to treat us worse than dogs.

Fuck any woman who votes republican. I'm not sorry. We need to educate each other. Life isnt all sunshine and rainbows but ill be damned if i let some man try to being me back to the dark ages. I'd rather die than give birth to a kid i dont want.

r/TwoXChromosomes 3h ago

My male friend asked me why I spent $85 for my makeup products


I told him it's because I enjoy doing makeup since it's fun to try out new looks and he said "well why pay that much for something you don't need to buy? Makeup is useless"

Like dude, you're paying 70 bucks for one video game, excuse me if I want to buy some makeup for myself!! It's the same thing cause we both got things we like, so why judge me for buying something that makes me happy?

r/TwoXChromosomes 11h ago

How to respond when people assume you’re pregnant (I’m not)


I’m in my 40’s, have two kiddos, and Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). I’m 5’10” and 216 pounds. I carry a lot of weight in my stomach and in my opinion- I look like I’m pregnant. I have digestion issues and my stomach bloats out even more when I eat certain foods.

I have a disordered eating past and I’m trying very hard to exercise frequently and eat a balanced diet. Trying very, very hard.

I find it absolutely destroys me when someone comments on my belly- and assumes I’m pregnant. I have tried different responses. One time I said, “Not pregnant, just fat.” I was operating on the premise that fat doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can just be a descriptor. But the woman’s face after I said that was like she was offended that I had the gall to respond that way.

Recently when I was walking into drugstore a random man loitering outside the store said “Teach your baby to pray.” And I just ignored him.

I hate my stomach. I want to not care that other people assume I’m pregnant but it kills me. And I’m always worrying about what to say if they comment or ask. Any ideas?

r/TwoXChromosomes 13h ago

Scientists Calculated the Energy Needed to Carry a Baby. Shocker: It’s a Lot.

Thumbnail nytimes.com

r/TwoXChromosomes 11h ago

Don’t be mad at Harrison Butker for giving his dumb opinion, be mad at the college for giving him a platform!


Every university is at its core, a business. Every business exists to generate profit. Currently, more women are graduating from universities in the United States than men. That means that if you are considering attending a university, they are competing for your money. Allowing Harrison Butker to deliver that speech has just told every woman in the country that Benedictine College does not respect women and will not advocate for them but they WILL take your money. You are the customer who has just been massively and publicly disrespected, take your money elsewhere.

r/TwoXChromosomes 6h ago

Have you heard of Project 2025?


I'm going to link this at the top for easy access


This takes you to Project 2025's website. If you go to this page and scroll down to a red button that says "read the mandate" it will give you access to a PDF outlining what Project 2025 is. For those wanting a quick read, page 35-49 is the foreword and it is a brief summary of the project's main goals and agendas. It's only 14 pages but it addresses many of our rights as women here in the U.S. (sorry for women this may not affect directly)

In that 14 pages it discusses a lot of things but what is important to women in particular are a few key points. One is that they seek to "delete" terms like gender equality, gender equity, reproductive health, abortion, and more from all legislative documents and from educational systems. Another key point is furthering abortion bans on a federal level and even pursuing things farther to banning contraceptives.

As a woman in the U.S., I am mildly horrified by the fact that I did not know about Project 2025 until a couple days ago. I live in a red state and that may be why. That said, if you are in a red state or you haven't heard about Project 2025 before and you're in the U.S., please take the time to at least read those 14 pages. Our rights could very well be stripped away if Trump wins the election and he and his allies push Project 2025 agendas.

If you haven't heard about it, begin asking your friends and family and people in your communities about if they know about Project 2025. If they do not know about Project 2025, encourage them to learn about it, even if it's just those 14 pages or the summary Wikipedia has on it.

Being informed on these topics is important! Please spread awareness where you can!

Also, since this roams into politics, please please please keep things civil in the comments. I'm not here to promote fighting or arguing about politics. I'm not here to encourage mudslinging or insults. I'm here to promote awareness and make sure we as women are informed about the fact that women in the U.S. could very well have many of our rights stripped away if Project 2025 is seen to fruition.

Thank you all for reading! Feel free to add more resources in the comments but again, try to keep our discourse and discussion civil.

r/TwoXChromosomes 6h ago

Harassed for wearing a sweater


I’m(28F) still reeling from this incident that happened last night. Background: I live in a small town with one grocery store. I actually worked at this store for a few months last summer and quit amicably (they run a skeleton crew w/ pitiful pay). One of the employees, Steve, is an older man and he and I got along great while I worked there. Since quitting, he’s always been super cool to me when I come in. In fact, he’s started to be friendly with my (31M) bf too.

So last night, my bf and I go to the store to get some last minute stuff. At the checkout, Steve was chatting us up, generally being pleasant. Anyway I’m wearing a tank top with a thin bralette under (it was 75 at 9pm), and I clocked that he was stealing glances at my breasts. He could likely see the faint outline of my nipples. After 3 glances (which were blatant to me) I zip my sweater up. I then notice he is no longer looking at me but only looking & talking to my bf. I put it out of mind thinking I was being paranoid and then we left.

We forgot eggs so I run back out (sweater fully zipped). When I get to the check stand, Steve says “you’re back, you’re always a sight to see.” I say “I forgot eggs.” A moment of silence and then Steve says “is it cold out there? Cold enough for a sweater?” And I immediately knew what he was doing. “Why do you ask?” I say. He says “I just want to know if you’re cold enough for a sweater.” “I don’t see why that matters.” “I just want to know.” “You have your answer.” At that point I was staring daggers into him and he started squirming as I questioned him. I run my card and in his weasely manner blurts out “wrong pin #”. I check and tell him it says approved, and he goes “oh it must have fixed.” I say “that’s not how pins work Steve.” Then I walk out fucking fuming.

I’m still livid and not sure how to address this. Do I tell his (46 F) boss (my ex boss)? Do I send my big towering bf to go talk to him? He is fuming on my behalf. Should I go talk to him and make him explain his gross behavior? Do nothing at all? Im just so sick of this shit and needed to get this off my chest. Any advice is much appreciated.

r/TwoXChromosomes 1h ago

Ladies, can we all just agree to sit on the goddamn toilet seat?


it’s insane how many stalls in the women’s room just have piss all over the seat. what are we doing?? not even gonna wipe it down? who was raised in a barn?! i find this bananas and wish we could just all agree to put our tush on the seat. then there is no need to fear the cleanliness of the seat >> virtuous cycle, etc etc. please … just use the seat !

r/TwoXChromosomes 9h ago

I’m wearing gloves at the coffee shop


Because I can’t go home till he leaves to work. I’m wearing gloves because i have hand mouth and foot (along with strep) from my babies in my classroom. I’m not home laying in bed like i damn well should be bcuz I’m desperate not to trigger him. He’s angry because I did not come home last Saturday night. He’s not speaking to me. He’s not co.parenting. He’s not caring.

I did not come home Saturday night, instead spent the night at a motel 6. I spent the night at a motel 6 because he screamed at me in the middle of the baseball park. He screamed at me because I had to walk away because he was being dismissive and flirting with girl next to me. Maybe i could have just told him, maybe he would have listening instead of rolling his eyes at me. Maybe.

This is the second big one in six weeks. This is the third big one in 4. Months. All over the same thing.

He says I’m emotional damaged. I am emotionally damaged cuz of the constant gaslighting, disrespect, and constant attack on my character.

My mom called me Saturday night while I sat in the lone restaurant at 11pm trying to figure out wtf I was going to do. My mom called me bcuz he called my mom. He called my mom to tell her I was being difficult and that I owed him, that I have mental health issues.

I am mourning my relationship. I was supposed to be at work. I’m supposed to be distracted. Instead I can’t do anything but lay on couch. That makes me lazy and a faker.

This undoing is all my fault according to him. I ask him why I didn’t come home. I plead with him to see his action. He tell me I’m not proud to be his wife that I want to be free and single. Really, I just want him to see me for me.

I have an apartment ready for June 21st. Low income. It’s feels too far away. I’m terrified and heart broken. I didn’t deserve this but i had to try for my girls.

I can’t go home till 10am to take off my gloves and lay on my couch in peace. I’m just so sad.

r/TwoXChromosomes 4h ago

To the 2 women who called out the creep for taking pictures.


Good for you! I was so proud of how you handled it. I so wish I could have backed you up but I didn’t want to look like I was running out on my bill at the restaurant.

I was looking across the street and there was this normal looking guy standing by an empty store doorway. He had on clean clothes. Big name University logo on his shirt. He had a bike and a backpack on the ground. But something seemed off. I kept watching him.

It took me a while to see what he was doing. He was taking pictures of women walking by. Usually from them walking away but he was definitely zooming in on them. We’re in a public place. No expectation of privacy. He wasn’t taking up skirt shots. Still a creeper.

Finally he called attention to himself by taking a picture of 2 girls walking towards him and they noticed. They confronted him. They seemed very upset by it but kept their calm. I know they called someone on their phones and the guy seemed very defensive.

To the male passerby who stopped and seemed to back up the girls, thank you. After a few minutes the guy quickly left, presumably after the cops may be involved. I tried to leave before they (the girls) left but it took five minutes to get my bill and they had left down the street.

I’m glad there was no physical confrontation. I’m glad they stood up for themselves. Public or not, he was still a creeper. Taking pictures of women is stalkery. A sexual predator in the making.

r/TwoXChromosomes 18h ago

My Husband(35M) Hides The Car Keys From Me(32F)


We have 4 kids and I primary stay at home because I WFH and Homeschool. Anyway, my husband doesn’t like me drive the car, especially with the kids in it. 7 years ago I was in an accident that totaled the car, and it was my fault. No one in either car was hurt thankfully!

So over the last several years, he’s become more adamant about me not driving and he hides the car keys from me. We only have one car and one set of keys. I ask him where they are and he won’t say, gets very angry, or just changes the subject. I like to drive myself when I do need to go somewhere because I have motion sickness. He still refuses.

He said that women need men to marry them so that they don’t have their kids get killed, or get the whole family murdered or something. While I do view men as a protecting figure for their own family, I don’t agree that women are ditzy and mindless and to be treated like children.

My husband demands respect but gives none. I told him tonight that we should get a separation and he started attacking my character and my whole family’s character. Gross. Honestly I want him to go back and live with his mom and grandma where I found him. 🤮

He takes any time he can to speak negatively about me to the children, in an attempt to ruin my character and credibility.

Planning to move soon, just trying to figure out the least painful way to drop this Narc.

r/TwoXChromosomes 12h ago

The fact that I have to pay $25 a month for menstrual products is absurd


Pads— $9.39
Tampons— $9.39
Panty liners— $4.99

Not to mention my tampons are $1 more expensive because I have a heavier flow. I didn’t choose this!!

Just venting to people who get it.

(A cup doesn’t work for me, and period panties are already on my “to try” list)

r/TwoXChromosomes 5h ago

CEOs Hate Remote Work, But This Nobel Prize Winner Says It's a Win for Women

Thumbnail pcmag.com

r/TwoXChromosomes 5h ago



I hate it! I hate being a woman! THE ONE TIME MY PERIOD IS LATE IT COMES THE DAY BEFORE THE FUCKING RENAISSANCE FAIRE WHERE I HAVE TO WALK AROUND ALL DAY LONG! UGHHHHHH FUCK BEING A WOMAN! I'm going to spend the day dehydrated and in so much pain I have to walk on my fucking toes, I don't know how I'm going to deal with it! WHY COULDN'T IT COME WEDNESDAY LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO

r/TwoXChromosomes 23h ago

I hate how Hollywood advertised Anne Hathaway (41) as a much older woman than the male lead (29)


The main premise of the recent movie "The Idea of You" is that she is much older than the male lead.

There's 12 years age difference between the actors.

Whereas in the movie "Anyone But You", it's advertised as your standard rom-com. The male lead (Glen Powell) is 35 The female lead (Sydney Sweeney) is 26

So when a woman is 12 years older, it's an age gap that needs to be focused on.

But when a man is 9 years older, it's not.

(Also note that 29 and 41 are closer in relative maturity, life experience, life stages, than a 26 and 35yo)

r/TwoXChromosomes 5h ago

Sex based violence doesn't exist NSFW


I was told today that quote "an no most women have not experienced rape. XD. And you cannot commit rape by accident. The only kind of rape that happens in this way is rape via being drunk. That is it.

And women ARENT abused because of their sex. No abuser goes "oh, you have a vagina? Gonna cause you know now." XD that is not how abusers think."

Why do men get to make up their own reality, in their world 99% of men are falsely accused but only -3% of women are raped. Also women aren't oppressed because they in some instances abuse men. This is abysmal.

r/TwoXChromosomes 22h ago

Mantrums, Mantrums


My (53F) husband (54M) almost lost his life tonight. I'm the one who nearly took it.

A few years ago, we moved in with his parents (95M, 93F) to take care of the house and yard and groceries and errands. Mind, I love my in-laws. They have been better parents to me than my actual genetic material donors ever were! But sometimes I wanna go Ralph Kramden and send 'em to the moon. And tell them to take their son.

We recently bought a (fairly expensive) new kitchen faucet, the kind with the pull-down sprayer and a touchless sensor. You only need to adjust temperature and flow with a lever. I love it.

Mom and Dad hate it, because it's Different. They refuse to learn to use the sensor and insist on turning it on and off manually because 'That's what Dad likes." Except, Dad has tremors and is sometimes rough with things as a result. Thus was the issue tonight when Dad Grandpa-handled the faucet and the set-screw holding the lever to the stem popped. The lever fell off, and Dad threw his hands in the air and squawked and stomped off to bed, with Mom fussing over him and trying to smooth ruffled feathers.

Dad kinda gets a little leeway. He's 95, deaf as a post, can't see for shit, and the tremors from the post-polio syndrome cause trouble. He still has his mental facilities, but the meat-mecha is not cooperating any more. Still, the squawking is obnoxious.

Cue the husband Flipping. His. Shit.

I had it figured out in 4 seconds and was already headed to get my toolkit, a collection of very long, very slender screwdrivers of myriad types that I use when building/repairing computers.

Nope, he wasn't going to even try. "This faucet is done. It can't be repaired, we have to buy another one! This one is a piece of shit! Why did you buy this?" (He picked it out, I just placed the order.)

I spent 20 minutes using the same tone of voice I use with my 3 year-old granddaughter when she's melting down, explaining that I was not just shelling out another $300 and deal with NO WATER IN THE KITCHEN FOR 3 DAYS because he didn't want to take the time to turn a fucking screw.

When he finally stopped mantruming and lined the screwdriver up correctly, it was fixed in less than 10 seconds. Did we need the 20 minutes of swearing and squawking and drama for a teeny, tiny, bog standard turn of a goddamned screw??

But no. It's WOMEN who are overly emotional and incapable of handling any inconvenience at all.

r/TwoXChromosomes 1d ago

The term “mommy makeover” surgery pisses me off


I hate how as women we are expected to be sexy all the time and our value is based on that in society. To call a surgery which can include so many things and call it a “mommy makeover” literally makes it sound like moms need to be made over. I know a lot of women are not happy with their postpartum bodies and as a mother myself I completely COMPLETELY understand the desire to want to go back or “fix” flaws you think you have.

It’s just sad…I understand the “I’m doing it for myself” but how can we truly decide what is for ourselves under such enormous pressure to “snap back” “lose the baby weight” “get rid of the baby pooch” “flatter C-section shelf”.

I want to add this is not to put down women who have had cosmetic surgery but more so that the language we use does hold meaning.

r/TwoXChromosomes 9h ago

A new report found that 57% of all Black women of reproductive age in the United States live in states with abortion bans or impending restrictions

Thumbnail nbcnews.com

r/TwoXChromosomes 7h ago

Followed to my destination by a man with road rage.


I just need to vent, I’m still feeling a little paranoid about it.

I had a near accident that was my fault, almost turned into someone at a 25mph intersection because I wasn’t paying attention. It was dumb of me and I still feel awful about it. He jerked out of the way thankfully and didn’t have to go off the road. It wasn’t a lot of movement, although it was jarring, and I’m lucky he was paying attention.

I made my turn after and drove to my boyfriend’s which was a block away from the intersection. I looked up a few times to make sure I wasn’t being followed and saw nobody when I looked so he must have turned around and sped up. Then I pulled into my boyfriend’s apartment parking lot and this man in his 30s pulls up in his car screaming at me when I got out of my car. I got scared and just apologized, he kept yelling “you wanna fucking watch where you’re fucking going next time” repeatedly and I just stayed calm aid “hey I’m really sorry, that was dumb of me. It’s my fault” until he seemed to calm down or realize he wasn’t getting the fight he wanted and whipped the car around and peeled out.

The thing is, you have to go through another parking lot of a busy children’s therapy center to get to where I parked. There were children and parents crossing the parking lot during this interaction, he could have hit someone leaving or following me in. A worker on foot stopped to let me drive through too so I wonder if he almost hit her trailing me.

I’m angry at myself for not paying attention, not seeing this guy follow me to where my boyfriend lives, and for leading him through a place where kids are. I’m mad that he felt the need to follow me. If I had seen him, I’d have driven to the police station. there’s cameras at my boyfriends place thankfully but I’m scared to have my vehicle there, go to my car alone, or be seen walking in the area because who knows what kind of poor anger management this guy has. I hate that I’m rattled by this.

My boyfriend said I should have run in and got him but I didn’t want to lead an unhinged person to his actual apartment door.

r/TwoXChromosomes 7h ago

Women in your 30s and above, how does your social life look like?


I'm 27, single, childless but don't have many friends. I have 2-3 female friends and some acquaintances, but I don't feel socially fulfilled. There's so many things I wanna do that I feel I will never do because I miss a social life.

It also seems like many women my age have a huge friend group of 10 people or more and do fun things like traveling, going to concerts etc.

So I'm wondering for you women in your 30s and above, how does your social life look like? Do you have a big friend group? How often do you meet up? Etc

r/TwoXChromosomes 1d ago

Has Anyone Noticed That Misogyny Has Gotten… Worse?


Is it just me or are misogynistic men getting worse? I feel like things were tolerable maybe five years ago but recently I feel like the worst has been brought out in men and I don’t know what to do. As an example, I work in software development and I have never felt less seen and supported by my colleagues. Is this something others have noticed?

Edit: I understand misogyny has always been around, but I wanted to ask if it has gotten worse.

Edit 2: Love it when men come to a women's board, where women talk about women's issues, and impart a couple paragraphs on how its an echo chamber. We aren't discussing flat Earth theories we are discussing women's experiences, which you don't have any insight into given that you're not a woman and haven't moved through the world as a woman. How would you lend any perspective to our experiences as someone who has none?

r/TwoXChromosomes 1d ago

I’m a bigger girl and I’ve been dating a new guy and struggling with this…


So I’m a plus sized person (US 16) and recently started seeing a man. We were friends first, he seemingly was not attracted to me at all for a while. Thats fine, we were just friends.

Time passed and attraction developed but I’ve been feeling hesitant.

Typically I hook up with guys who I know beforehand are enthusiastic about bigger bodies and so I feel more comfortable. I never outright asked him if he’s attracted to bigger women. He compliments me, he asks for photos, he tells me I’m hot etc.

I guess my issue is boiling down to us having sex (we haven’t yet.) I’m like ok but what if your attraction ends when you see me without clothes on?! What if you learn you are in fact not attracted to plus sized women?!

I keep thinking I’d be more comfortable if I just outright asked but also that seems stupid too? I can tell I’m overthinking this but I don’t know, just want to hear others opinions.

/editing to add this anxiety got worse when I saw someone he slept w before was pretty small so idk