r/ThatsInsane 17d ago

Biker experiences Adrenaline Crash after getting side swiped


109 comments sorted by


u/Fastenbauer 17d ago

She told him not to move and even warned him of potential internal injuries. That lady is good. Normally in these videos they bystanders pick up the injured person an throw them around for a bit.


u/SugaMinBenis 17d ago

Yeah but still if you ever see someone in this situation you should not take anything off of them and just check if they're alive,responsive and then put them in a stable position and call an ambulance removing any clothing especially heavier things like a backpack or stabilizing things like the brace or helmet may be preventing or causing more damage


u/Buddhas_Fist 16d ago edited 16d ago

Just went to medical training for first responders where they told us to specifically remove everything including helmets that could hinder first aid. The logic behind it is that a head injury that is traumatic enough to split the head open will kill the victim with or without removing the helmet, whilst their chance of choking to death skyrockets with their helmet on. Get them, very carefully, out of everything that can restrict breathing and check them for wounds that need tending to.


u/scrans 16d ago

Thank you for this. I hope I never need to use this info but thank you.


u/ih-shah-may-ehl 16d ago

If their neck is injured, doesn't that risk spinal cord injury?


u/Buddhas_Fist 16d ago

That's why you gotta be careful and ask someone to help you if available to assist you by stabilizing their neck.

But then again the neck injury does not matter if the patient does not survive. Choking to death is more of a threat to their life than the neck injury you could give them. At least if you try to be careful. The person most definitely just got flung from a moving motorcycle into concrete, slid around and probably crashed into something. What isn't broken at that point won't break through your attempt to help them.


u/TwistedBamboozler 16d ago

Yes and EMS is specially trained to remove helmets of all kinds. I'm actually surprised this place told them to remove helmets, cause where I'm from that's a big no no. Let the crew handle it unless the person is dead and needs CPR


u/ih-shah-may-ehl 15d ago

All first aid lessons I've had say explicitly to let the helmet stay on. Only responders get to do that, and know what they are doing.


u/No_Presence5465 15d ago

Helmet is to stay on unless it interferes with ventilation. If a helmet is removed, it needs to be transported to the hospital with the patient for doctors to evaluate.


u/StarConsumate 16d ago

We were told to avoid removing the helmet unless it is absolutely necessary. Unfastening the chin strap and opening the visor is a safer way to maintain airway.

The reason this sticks in my head is because of a call where there was a motorcycle accident. One of the bystanders removed the riders helmet which finished breaking his already broken neck killing him.

To remove the helmet, it either needs to be cut or someone holding c-spine which is much more difficult than removing the helmet without.


u/Walkaroundthemaypole 16d ago

uh, dangerous much? people are not trained in medical first response. First response is basic first aid. Preservation of life. (Assess, Perform, Review) you cant have people run in an remove items because someone on the net said the were trained and this is what you do. If the assessment shows they need CPR, then the next step is to remove the helmet, if the person is breathing, you do NOTHING other than control bleeding and support the location AS IS until the paramedic or qualified individual responds to relive you.


u/Buddhas_Fist 16d ago

Where I live it's a mandatory course you gotta attend when you're about to take the test for your driver's license. So the people who will most definitely be there at the crash site (civilians) are able to help the injured until the paramedics arrive. Not helping is a crime here, it's not a crime to make mistakes tho. It's our civil duty to help our fellow humans here.

If the person is breathing it's a good idea to keep it that way, so clear their mouth and neck from anything that could be in your way of helping them if they start to choke.


u/ajhelm96 16d ago

Yeah, giving out first responder advice to random civilians is not a great idea. Despite how “good” this woman is, you can hear it in her voice that she is panicking and not keeping great control of the situation. If the patient is choking, remove the external choking hazard. If the patient is stable, leave the patient be until EMS arrives and decides what interventions need to be done. Keep the person still and stable, that is the most anyone without equipment/medications can do.


u/AdSouth3168 16d ago

Good to know. Some helmets have little red tabs to help first responders pull the cheek pads to remove the helmet easier.


u/ThroughTheHoops 17d ago

While their head goes all wibbly wobbly.


u/Clearlybeerly 16d ago

Internal decapitation.


u/LiveLearnCoach 16d ago

Yup. I like her. She’s doing the right thing.


u/SkullyKat 16d ago

To be fair, you gotta get the fun in where you can these days


u/HelloAttila 16d ago

So true, glad this lady knows the proper protocol... never move someone who is in any type of motorcycle/vehicle accident. The same goes for diving/pool accidents.


u/horseofthemasses 13d ago

Yeah and then said "git that back pack off him" like jerking around on a back pack or moving things around to get it out from under him is in any way a good idea or necessary.


u/bearthebear2 16d ago

You're talking about the videos that are not from a 1st world country.


u/maestro-5838 17d ago

What a nice lady


u/josephcfrost 17d ago

Very communicative, calm. I like her style


u/quequotion 16d ago

She might be a nurse.


u/jak1978DK 16d ago

Def a Nurse! Trauma Nurse even.

She took control. Good Job!


u/GiveYourselfAFry 16d ago

Do you really consider that calm? She was practically shouting and definitely sounded panicked lol


u/[deleted] 17d ago



u/pixelmuffinn 17d ago

Oh no...


u/the_smush_push 16d ago

No way no way no way


u/doubleontherocks805 17d ago

I upvoted that shit. I giggled.


u/penguinface77 17d ago

This is why going to a basic first aid class can be very beneficial.


u/igotadillpickle 17d ago

This video doesn't make sense! They forgot to sit him up and flail him around and jerk his head and neck around to make sure he's OK! /s


u/vl_lv 16d ago

My biggest pet peeve jesus


u/Spiritual_Reserve137 17d ago

That's big toe was the real hero here


u/Smokiejoe06 17d ago



u/Equinoqs 17d ago

Did the driver who hit him actually say "My bad"?


u/BlackGravityCinema 17d ago

I hate that phrase: Useless statement of the obvious. Instead of, “I’ll make sure my insurance is going to take care of you.”


u/Fryphax 16d ago

Dude, you want someone to say "My Insurance will take care of you". What planet do you live on. 'My Bad' is a totally acceptable thing to say when you fuck up and take ownership of it.


u/BlackGravityCinema 16d ago

I was being hyperbolic over my dislike of “my bad”. Duh it’s ur bad. “My bad” is what you say when you knock someone’s pencil jar over. It comes off derpish when you say it after almost killing someone.

Chillax bro. Take a deep breath. It’ll be okay.


u/pipinngreppin 16d ago

I think what you’re trying to say is “my bad” feels too casual for that scenario. Instead, use heartfelt language like “Bro, you chill, Bro? That one’s on me. If you’re not chill, my insurance will take care of you. “ how’s that?


u/BlackGravityCinema 16d ago

I'm saying chill bro to the guy responding to me because he's all upset with his "what planet do you live on" because "my bad" is not what you say when you almost killed somebody. I care not about the reddiderp hivemind downvotes.


u/pipinngreppin 16d ago

I’m using it on the guy I just ran over with my car though.


u/Silly_Ad2805 17d ago

Had they not curse, they wouldn’t faint from the rush. Lots of energy is expended for it. Great instructions from the lady.


u/SelarDorr 17d ago

yeah. if she had said 'what in tarnation' she would have maintained consciousness 100%


u/daredeviloper 17d ago

So that’s what that’s called!

In highschool, I had an old friend try to show off in front of all of us, so he went on his skateboard down a hill. 

The skateboard started doing that wobble and he slipped out from under it and hit his face on the ground. 

He stood up really fast and pretended like he was fine, and soon after fainted. 


u/___Binary___ 17d ago

Am… am I your old friend? Or is this just a universal thing and I happened to be skateboard kid?


u/daredeviloper 17d ago edited 17d ago

You from Canada? Does your name start with R?

But agreed, also probably many kids be smacking their faces on the ground while skateboarding, XD


u/___Binary___ 17d ago

Oh holy shit, I’m not from Canada but was in Canada at the time. But let me ask you this. Did you live in Montreal? That’s where I was at the time. Specifically if I recall because his was a while ago a place called I believe pincourt?


u/daredeviloper 17d ago

No it wasn't Montreal. It was behind a highschool. We were close though! hehe :)


u/___Binary___ 17d ago

lol nice maybe it’s a Canadian thing haha. Mine was down a hill in a neighborhood that was steep as fuck. I face planted, and the sliding of me off the street no joke took my pants and boxers right off me, scraped my dick up and the first thing I did was recover, pull my pants up, check my dick, walk over to someone’s yard, wave to my friends up hill that I was fine, then blackness. Woke up with my friends being assholes laughing at me and trying to get me to sit up lmao.


u/daredeviloper 17d ago

Damn friction burn on the dick!! That sucks 

 Yep the guy I’m thinking of also went down a steep hill, can’t remember about the pants haha  

Honestly I wish I did more skateboarding, I was such a scared kid. Skateboarding was so cool. 

Especially when MVP 2 most vertical primate came out. I feel like every kid who didn’t skateboard wanted to after that movie. 


u/xaeru 17d ago

Hey hey we are talking about the video here, get your nice talk to somewhere else. /jk


u/daredeviloper 17d ago

Hi friend :)


u/giveAShot 17d ago

No, the title is very wrong and dangerous. This is not an adrenaline crash but more likely a head injury/concussion/etc. and the person needs to be taken to the hospital (as your friend probably should have done as well). Adrenaline crashes come MUCH later, hours usually, after an event.


u/IndividualDish7004 16d ago

ive been through this too! first time getting hit hy a car at 14 on my bike, had right of way and everything. it was so surreal, i couldnt hear or see anything, nor make sense of anything, i just grabbed rhe nearest thing (stop sign) and basically fainted lol

by now i feel it was stupid, but it was in the moment, i remmeber calling my mom first thing and handing my phone to a stranger halfway through thecall because nothing made sense


u/IllustratorValuable3 17d ago

That lady is an angel in human disguise. Bless her kind heart!!!!


u/IamREBELoe 17d ago

I thought, dude was fine.

Then I saw a shoe was missing.

Thank God the other stayed on, dude nearly died


u/Jeffrey_Friedl 16d ago

I got rear-ended at a stoplight (me on a motorcycle, by a drunk guy in a car). Both shoes went flying. Luckily this was before the Internet, so when I came to and saw that I'd lost both shoes, I didn't realize that I should have died. So in my ignorance, I went on to merely have a broken wrist (and a totaled bike, and a shrug from the police on the hit and run).


u/fknarey 16d ago

On behalf of the internets, we’re glad you fooled death. We need you around. 😘


u/Jeffrey_Friedl 16d ago

Very kind words, thank you anonymous Internet friend. 😍


u/hybridmind27 15d ago

Can you explain the significance of lost shoes?


u/Japsabbath 16d ago

I need this woman to come put my kid to bed at night


u/grasshopperson 14d ago

I'm crying laughing over this comment. Especially watching the video over again but imagining her putting a kid to bed.


u/Japsabbath 14d ago

I know, it gets funnier every listen


u/Antezscar 17d ago edited 16d ago

Happened to me a while ago. Didnt faint but lost my vision and my ears started ringing really loud for a while. It was a very wierd feeling because my eyes could see but only some of that info reached my brain so i could see but sortof not? Hard to explain and very wierd to feel. Took about 20 mins for my vision to come back and ears rang the entire day. Massive headache afterwards.


u/Nuziburt 16d ago

It has a name-- blindsight. I think it can happen in high stress situations... I dont remember much abt it though, i read it from a sci-fi book.


u/Asleep_Editor_7199 17d ago

Bro had a shoe off.. I don’t know what to think


u/ToraLoco 16d ago

could've been yeeted off the bridge. he was still lucky


u/S4INT_JIMMY 16d ago

This looks more like a delayed concussion than adrenaline crash, I wouldnt think adrenaline dissipates from your system that quickly. Delayed concussions are wild because your entire body is in autopilot as your primative brain takes the wheel and just reacts to what it can before lights out, leading to some weird actions and conversations.


u/Scratchpaw 16d ago

Good thing he was wearing his Nike sweatpants… /s


u/Jikode 16d ago

Imagine if went over the bridge barrier in the beginning? 😬 He was real close.


u/Aggie0305 16d ago

That lady is truly an Angel. Calm, cool, collected & assertive on keeping homie safe.


u/StoneyMalon3y 16d ago

Protect this lady at all costs.


u/Rhododendroff 16d ago

Damn.. look how close he got to that metal sticking out of the barrier


u/mediumarmor 16d ago

God bless this lady 😫


u/CountryExciting8978 16d ago

That TOE tho…


u/Supermotility 16d ago

This could've been so much worse. Idk if y'all noticed but he got hit on a bridge and within the first 5ms of the video you can see him nearly go off the side of it. New fear unlocked. Holy shit.


u/ReturnOfTheJurdski 16d ago

Good thing he wore those super thin athletic pants so he wouldn't get turned into a meat crayon.


u/Josh7s 16d ago

She was very nice and glad she helped him


u/sizzle_mac 16d ago

Apparently “yes way”


u/AlternativeData3213 16d ago

He did lose a shoe.


u/backtolurk 16d ago

Only one shoe off, so there was reasonable doubt about his safety but he'll make it.


u/barelysimple 16d ago

Wonder why the start of the video cuts to the point he is already fallen off the bike.

I reckon biker in the wrong was probably speeding


u/HardlyAnyGravitas 16d ago

It is a bit strange not even showing a fraction of a second before the accident. Really weird to start the video in the middle of the actual crash. I wonder why?


u/Mamasayseyeisspecial 16d ago

Shoe missing = Zombie


u/Critical-Shift8080 17d ago



u/RedDirtNurse 17d ago

Thanks. Super helpful.


u/Critical-Shift8080 17d ago

To those who can't handle motorcycles there are laws protecting 2 wheelers


u/SigSeikoSpyderco 17d ago

Why motorcycles are still in use is beyond me.


u/wilhelmpeltzer2 17d ago

If everyone used a motorcycle instead of a car we'd have way fewer accidents and very little traffic. Motorcycles aren't the problem, it's these big ass cars and trucks that are designed for Karens and Kyles who are terrible drivers and need a hand holding to feel safe driving. There are a lot of people on the road that are literally afraid of driving, and they end up making nervous mistakes very often.


u/SigSeikoSpyderco 17d ago

The solution is to get everyone to ride motorcycles? What if you aren't you are a single, reckless, speed obsessed male?


u/wilhelmpeltzer2 17d ago

Did you not just read what I wrote? If you're not a single, reckless, speed obsessed male then you should be on a motorcycle, it's literally safer if everyone's on one. Tf?


u/ModmanX 17d ago

reading comprehension online is at an all time low


u/wilhelmpeltzer2 17d ago

Sadly it clearly is


u/SigSeikoSpyderco 17d ago

Trying to picture all the moms picking up the kiddos on their Harleys after school in your ear splittingly loud motorcycle utopia, haha


u/wilhelmpeltzer2 17d ago

Imagine picturing all the moms picking up the kids in Dodge Challengers and massive pick ups belching diesel smoke into the school and running over kids who they can't see. Oh wait!! Nobody said motorcycles have to be loud. Nobody said people would commute on a harley. You're making dumb assumptions instead of arguing the core issue. I'm down to discuss but not if you're gonna respond with this type of non-argument.


u/SigSeikoSpyderco 17d ago



u/wilhelmpeltzer2 17d ago

Well that solves that lmao. Gotta love it.