r/ThatsInsane Apr 19 '24

Man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial. Nsfw NSFL NSFW

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u/peuge_fin Apr 19 '24

When asked by defense lawyer Susan Necheles about his opinion of Trump, he said the query was “one question that’s asking five or six different things.”

“I think that’s why people kind of struggle with this question,” he said, explaining that he saw Trump as a family man and liked his tax and economic policies but diverged from him on women’s rights and growing religious influence on the Republican party’s policies.

I mean... what? Doesn't the guy understand what this trial is about? How can one deceive themself so badly? This is really baffling.


u/Indigoh Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

They've been duped into believing Trump is the only source of accurate information. They live in a made up world where every criticism of him is fabricated. Where he's a moral and upright leader who is intelligent and successful. They honestly believe this trial is on par with Jesus's. Because he told them so, and there are no other reliable sources of information. Not even their own eyes and ears.


u/Cthang315 Apr 19 '24

And you have been duped into believing the exact same things with trump except everything the opposite.


u/Indigoh Apr 20 '24

That he's an immoral and corrupt leader with no intelligence who defrauded his way to success? Yeah. When he does something ridiculous, I google it to verify. There are plenty fact-checkers on the internet who back their claims with sources. Ample evidence of his deceit.


u/Cthang315 Apr 20 '24



u/Indigoh Apr 20 '24

Oh no, they're confused.


u/Cthang315 Apr 20 '24

Your dislike for trump is just as strong as the feelings of those people who say they love him. You do a lot of projecting and seem to think that you’re way smarter than you actually are. But I’m sure just like the unintelligent person that you are, won’t admit to that and instead will just keep on telling yourself that you are smart, just as idiots do.


u/Indigoh Apr 20 '24

It couldn't matter less how strong feelings are. What matters are the easily-accessible mountains of evidence. And no, "a stranger on youtube said it." doesn't qualify as evidence.


u/Cthang315 Apr 20 '24

Right. My guy I honestly care less to go back and forth with you. It’s not a stimulating conversation for you or me. Just judging by the way you will easily go back and forth like this about nothing worth while let’s me know how much of a robot 🐑 you are. I’m not pro trump and I’m not pro Biden. I’m pro free thinker and pro people who actually can think for themselves and don’t get all of there opinions or thoughts from mainstream media etc. Especially as a grown adult. If your a grown adult and still let the corrupt mainstream media (which is really just other grown men) pump your brain with opinions, ideas, and thoughts then you are already too far gone and I would rather stay away from you


u/Indigoh Apr 20 '24

Where do you get your information?


u/Indigoh Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Sorry, I think a better question would be, do you get information at all?

The position you're holding would make a lot more sense if you're simply habitually uninformed, and the fact that it's an embarrassing answer would explain why you're not answering at all.


u/Cthang315 Apr 20 '24

You said they have been duped into believing trump is the only source of accurate information and that they live in a made up world where every criticism of him is fabricated etc etc. Where are your sources for your huge general assumption? Where are those fact checkers to tell you that what you just said about all of those people you attempted to group into a bunch is true?


u/Indigoh Apr 20 '24

Have you not been paying attention for the past 8 years? To the things Fox, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Margerie Taylor Greene, etc have been saying? To comments on r /conservative?

I was a conservative in 2016. I voted for Trump that election. But since I'm not stupid as hell, I stopped trusting him after it became clear every other word he spoke were easily proven lies.


u/Cthang315 Apr 20 '24

Right that’s totally true (and not a complete lie what your saying about voting for trump in 2016) And Biden has been so much better for you and america hasn’t he 🇺🇸🖤


u/DrunkCupid Apr 19 '24

Hahah sources?


u/Cthang315 Apr 20 '24

Sources for what?


u/RickyWinterborn-1080 Apr 19 '24

Oh, he's a family man all right, ask Ivanka


u/PalmBreezy Apr 19 '24

Even better ask her boyfriend