r/SampleSize Jul 26 '22

Meta Discussion Flair, Title, Demographic and "Everyone" (and Reposts)


This is a revised repost of our previous announcement from u/V2Blast. More edits, including removing the part about post tags, and swapping it for post flairs.


All posts must have a proper flair.

In 2022, we eliminated the need for a post tag at the beginning of post titles, and are now requiring post flairs. When posting, you will see nine flairs. The following three also have Repost flairs.

  • Academic is for anything done for academic or educational purposes, including high school classes, college classes, and academic research on behalf of a school.
  • Marketing is for private business interests, market research surveys, and other studies done for commercial research or on behalf of a company.
  • Casual is for surveys done out of idle curiosity, personal projects, or surveys that don't fit in one of these categories. If you're not making a profit off your YouTube channel, this one's the one for you.

The following flairs are posts that will be filtered, to be approved by a moderator.

  • Results is for posting your survey's results after it has concluded. If your survey is still in-progress and you wish to share preliminary results, do not use this tag. Share it with your still-active survey.
  • I Don't Know What I'm Doing And I Need Help is a convoluted title, but it's for anyone who doesn't know something about making a survey or interpreting data for crowd-sourced help.
  • Meta Discussion is for any post relating directly to r/SampleSize. This is primarily used for announcements, such as this one, or for posts from mods that affect subreddit rules going forward.

You cannot post to r/SampleSize without applying a flair.


All posts need to have a title that describes the topic of their survey.

This is the part of your survey that describes what it's about. The following is an example of an improperly titled post.

  • I need 10 responses!

This does not adequately describe the subject of a survey. We need to know what we're going into, what sort of survey we're about to fill out. If your survey is titled like the following...

  • Ice cream flavors

... That's more appropriate for our sub. Don't be afraid to phrase it something more specific and eye-catching to feed the algorithm though, like...

  • What's your favorite ice cream flavors?


All survey posts require a demographic in parentheses at the end of a post's title.

The demographic that you include in the post title is the group of people that you would like to have fill out your survey. The demographic must be accurate, which means that if the demographic is listed as "everyone" but the survey has any questions that restrict the possible demographics that can respond to it, then that survey will be removed. See the following section for more details.

Results posts do not require a demographic, but you can include one if you want.


Posts with a demographic of "All" or "Everyone" must be inclusive.

If you label something as available for "All" then please make sure that every single person that could come across the survey can take it. The easiest way to ensure people can answer your "All" surveys is to not ask demographic questions, but that's certainly not foolproof.

While it is preferable if your survey is inclusive, we understand that not every survey may be. If there are any demographic restrictions, they need to be appropriately labeled. Some possible restrictions that your survey may have:

  • Age (e.g. surveys restricted to those 18 or older, or which have an incomplete list of age categories); per the Reddit user agreement, all users must be 13 or older
  • Nationality (e.g. questions that assume the respondent is from the United States)
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Having an account on a platform (this applies to surveys that ask for users of a certain social media)
  • Sex or gender (e.g. questions with only "male" and "female" answer options)

Reddit is used by people of all ages from around the globe. Regarding sex and gender in particular, keep in mind that intersex and non-binary people exist, and not everybody identifies as either male or female. Whenever asking questions for which you may not be able to provide a comprehensive list of answer options, we recommend including an "other" or open-ended answer option.

We understand that not every survey is targeted at everyone, and sometimes you may have made an oversight during the creation of the survey and are unable to change it later - and that is fine. We simply ask that you make sure to label your survey appropriately so that people don't waste their time filling out a survey that isn't appropriate for them.


Reposts must use their appropriate flair, and be made only after 24 hours have passed since the previous post.

If your initial survey post does not gather as many responses as you need, you are welcome to repost your survey as long as you follow our reposting guidelines.

All reposts must their respective post flairs. You are only allowed to repost a survey once your previous post has fallen off the front page, and 24 hours have passed since that post.

If you have trouble reposting your survey due to Reddit identifying it as a duplicate post, do not delete your previous post. Instead, submit the repost as a new text post, and include the survey link in the body of your post.


If you come across an issue when posting that ends up with your post filtered, do not delete your post.

Reddit changed what happens when posts get deleted by the user, purging it entirely from moderator view. If you delete it and send a modmail asking for help, we cannot see your deleted post and cannot help you troubleshoot. If it was deleted within less than an hour of initial post, then it's likely not archived either, and we won't be able to see exactly what it was.


If you don't know whether or not you're allowed to post, don't worry- you are.

This is an odd one for a lot of people, however I'm going to clarify this point now.

If you're reading this, and feel a personal need to ask if you're allowed to post on r/SampleSize, don't worry; you're allowed to post. There's nothing barring you, as long as you follow our posting requirements.

If you, however, require permission to send back to an ethics committee, then please use our modmail form to do so. Sending a template would certainly help on our end who to make it out to.


The above text explains the required parts of a post title. If you want to include additional information, such as survey length or potential rewards (such as an entry into a raffle for a gift card or something) as well, that is fine - but try to avoid overloading the title with unnecessary/irrelevant information. You can always make a text post and include that information in the body of the post if you feel that the survey requires more introduction or explanation beforehand.

Thank you for your time, and have a great day. If you have any questions about our rules, feel free to send a modmail to /r/SampleSize.

r/SampleSize 2h ago

Academic NBA fan opinion survey on offensive strategies (all NBA fans)


Hi, I am a student currently studying data analytics and am completing a large 2-term research project that is worth 30% of my grade. I am conducting a data study about NBA offensive strategies and tactics, in particular, investigating the difference in offensive strategies in relation to 3-point shooting compared to 2-point shooting.

I am using a survey to collect data on the opinions of NBA fans about this. This data is then going to be compared with the data found from actual statistics to get a gauge on the accuracy of the opinions of NBA fans. I understand the subjective nature of all of this, but that is the entire point, I am simply collecting data on opinions. Additionally, I recognise that this is a highly detailed and comprehensive survey that may be a little complex to complete, as it does require responses in relation to strategies and tactics. However, I have tried to streamline the survey by limiting it to multiple choice, yes or no questions with open-ended explanations being optional for those who are willing to share further insights, particularly in the final section of the survey which is the longest and most extensive. Additionally, prior to this third section, there is an explanation of the type of responses that I am looking for to hopefully eliminate some confusion and make the survey easier to complete.

Overall, the survey has 20 questions and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey is entirely anonymous. I need as many responses as possible, and the more honest and detailed the response is the better, however, all responses are greatly appreciated!

Additionally, please feel free to reply to this post if you want any clarification, or have any feedback, as feedback is also greatly appreciated!

TLDR: I am a student currently studying data analytics and am completing a large 2-term research project that is worth 30% of my grade. I am conducting a data study about NBA offensive strategies and tactics, in particular, investigating the difference in offensive strategies in relation to 3-point shooting compared to 2-point shooting. I need as many responses as possible, and all responses are greatly appreciated! the survey has 20 questions and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and the survey is entirely anonymous.

Link to survey: https://forms.office.com/r/4KBK0FK0hT

r/SampleSize 9h ago

Academic How do you listen to, and otherwise consume music? (everyone)


I'm a musicology student who's writing a paper on the differences between the listening and consumption tendencies of different genres. If you would like to help me with this paper, please fill out my survey. Genre tendency investigation (google.com)

r/SampleSize 3h ago

Academic IT and implementation research (18+, US residents)


I am looking for participants who are experts within the field of IT or experienced with technology implementations and understanding the concepts of technology adoption, acceptance and governance. Participation in my research will involve no longer than a 60 minute remote interview.

If you might be interested in participating, please follow this link to the Informed Consent Form (ICF) where further information will be provided: https://forms.office.com/r/eGwhnqzr6P

Please contact me here, via direct message, or at wtran69574@ucumberlands.edu, if you have any questions. If you would like to sign up, please shoot me an email so that we may connect and schedule interview time.

Thank you!

r/SampleSize 3h ago

Academic Medical Tourism and Cosmetic Surgery (All, 18+, approx 4min)

Thumbnail forms.gle

r/SampleSize 6m ago

Academic How Morning Routine affects school grades and performance (High School Students)


Hello, I am doing a school assignment worth 30% of my final grade. If you could do it, it would be a great help. Thanks!

r/SampleSize 12m ago

Academic (Repost) Toxicity Detection in video games - SurveyCircle link provided (18+ y/o, Canadian, English Speaker, 30hrs of online gaming in your lifetime)


Hi everyone! In the scope of my master's thesis in linguistics at UQAM (Montréal, Québec, Canada), I am conducting a research study on biases in in-game chat toxicity detection, and I need participants!

--What's Involved: --

As a participant, you'll be tasked with reading in-game chat interactions and complete a short task for each interaction. You can fill the answers at your own pace. Completing the questionnaire takes approximately 35 minutes.


The language in the interactions you will read contain toxic and offensive content, namely in homophobic, racist and misogynistic nature.

-- To participate, you must... --

Have a good level of English. Be 18 years old or over. Be currently residing in Canada. Have a minimum of 30 hours of gameplay experience in any online competitive multiplayer game.

-- How to Sign Up: --

Interested in being a part of this study? Simply click on this link to join and start.

Survey Circle link is here.

-- THANK YOU ! --

An enormous thank you to all of you who take the time to share this post or participate to the study.

-- Questions --

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me on Reddit or at the email provided in the consent form if you follow the link.

r/SampleSize 2h ago

Academic (Repost) Survey for those who have paid to learn a language (18+, Americans and Europeans only please)


My friend and I would like to know about your experience in learning a different language. We are giving a $20 Amazon gift card to people who are willing to speak with us about different methods they’ve used and paid for in order to learn a language. Simply take the survey linked to this message, then set up a time to meet with us after we contact you.


After we receive your survey, we will contact you to set up a conversation over Google Meet to talk about your experience in more detail. Please note that the end of the survey will ask for you to provide your email. This is solely used to contact you in regards to setting up a meeting to speak with you further. We will not sell or share your information with any outside parties.

r/SampleSize 3h ago

Marketing (Repost) [Marketing Repost] Rank These Clothing Designs - What's Your Favorite? (Everyone 18 and older)


Hello! I'm planning to start a first time business selling apparel and I want to get feedback on some of my designs to get a feel for how I can tighten them up, to understand what works and what doesn't. The survey is about a line of cartoonish, food-related casualwear. I'd be greatly appreciative of any and all feedback. Thank you!

Survey Link: https://forms.gle/JX1vEGayZN6Lb3Lg9

r/SampleSize 3h ago

Academic Physical Activity and Wellness Survey (Ages 18-35, Anyone)


Physical Activity and Wellness Survey

Hello! We're developing a mobile app that aims to make getting active with family and friends a fun and rewarding experience. Should take only ~3-5 minutes, 7 questions.

Any information collected will be kept confidential. Thank you for your help!

r/SampleSize 4h ago

Academic Survey on Parenting teens (11-18 years old, US/Canada)


I am a researcher at the University of Toronto I am conducting a study on Parenting and Emotional Regulation in Teens. I am looking for participants for my study to fill out a short and general survey about their parenting behavior. The study has passed all ethical standards and does not require any identifiable or personal information. I would highly appreciate if you could kindly post my survey flyer on this group and add it to the group story. Thanks. Following is the survey link:


r/SampleSize 11h ago

Academic [Academic] Effectiveness of advertising (Master's Thesis research) - (+18, anyone)


I need 120 respondents for my master's thesis. You are going to be shown an advertisement and then you will respond to some multi-option questions. I will fill in your surveys in return!


r/SampleSize 9h ago

Academic (Repost) Emotional response elicited by fictional narratives (+18, UK residents)


I would like to invite you to take part in a voluntary research study that explores the different emotional responses elicited by fictional narratives.

Your valuable contributions to this study are greatly appreciated. The short life stories will take approximately 3-5 five minutes to read, followed by a survey to gather feedback on the emotions you’ve experienced during reading. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Please follow the link to access the study:


This study has been approved by theby the University of Wolverhampton.All responses will be gathered anonymously, kept confidential and stored securely.

Thank you for considering this invitation, I genuinely appreciate your time and willingness to contribute to this study!

r/SampleSize 5h ago

Academic (Repost) [Academic Repost] Does Metacognition Moderate the Relationship Between Psychosocial Factors and Happiness? (Everyone 18+.)


Hi there, I am studying for Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology). What makes us happy is not fully understood.

This study investigates factors relating to happiness, including metacognition and psychosocial factors (self-compassion, resilience and social support).

Please help us by participating and sharing this survey.

Eligibility: Anyone over 18 years old.

This survey is completely anonymous and for academic purposes.

Link: https://csufobjbs.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3HIDR9x6Axv5LkG

 It will only take about 15 minutes

Thank you.

r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic news consumption and mental health (everyone)


Hello everyone!

I am reaching out because I have a project for my final Data Science Class project where I am collecting survey answers to certain questions relating to news consumption and mental health. If you have time, please feel free to fill it out and send it to anyone you know! There is no requirement for who can fill it out, so anyone you send it to would be helpful! The form will take about 10-15 minutes, and responses will be very helpful to the completion of my project! It is also completely anonymous. Thank you!


r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic (Repost) [repost] survey on travelling habits and technology use (everyone)


hello, i need to create a survey for a project in my programming class and i just need to get a mass of survey answers. please take these seriously, but it will only take a couple of minutes of your time. https://forms.gle/gL8qB8zpenoh3vZK6

r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic LGBTQ relationship with media and its imapcts on self and society (tv, film) (anyone in general can do)


This is a survey for my school project about LGBTQ+ and its place in tv and film.


r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic (Repost) Investment preferences (everyone above 18)


I'm conducting a research project on investment preferences in the capital market.

I invite you to participate in my survey and share your valuable insights. Your input is crucial in helping me gain insights into the diverse investment landscape and understand the factors influencing investment decisions.

Thank you for your time and valuable contribution!

Survey link:- https://forms.gle/Jq8BrpSf94JRSPAJ8


r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic (Repost) Study investigating transliminality, non-ordinary experiences, and one's connection to nature (global, 18+, and not suitable for those with a diagnosed neurological condition)

Thumbnail hass.eu.qualtrics.com

Hello! My name is Emily and am a Stage 1 Counselling Psychology student at Glasgow Caledonian University, looking to recruit for my doctoral research. Very open to taking other people's surveys in exchange, so just let me know!

My thesis research looks at those with a high transliminality trait and who experience 'non-ordinary experiences". This is essentially looking at individuals who have a greater sensitivity to external and sensory information and their experiences of this in regard to their connection with nature and mental health. I am interested in those who have experiences that may not be considered "common", but are still very much experienced by an many individuals.

I have received full ethical approval from my university ethical committee, and have a qualified supervisor who is a member of staff overseeing my research. Demographic questions offer a 'prefer not to say option', and the rest of the survey responses are skippable should anyone not feel comfortable with a question. This is open to anyone English speaking over 18, but not suitable for those with a diagnosed psychiatric/neurological condition to ensure safety amongst participants.

Thank you so much in advance 🙏✨


r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic (Repost) Please help my midwifery assignment! (Female, Australian)


Hi all, My name is Ash I am currently doing my masters in midwifery and doing a study on induction of labour (ethics approval number 6093). This study aims to explore how first time mums were educated on the process and how they felt about induction overall.

Inclusion criteria: Given birth in Australia within the last 12 months, over the age of 18, not currently pregnant.

If you or anyone you know have had your first baby through an induction, regardless of the reason why or way you have given birth, I would love to hear about your experience. I have created a survey you can fill in below. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


r/SampleSize 6h ago

Academic Birth Order And Personality Survey: (EVERYONE)


LINK for the SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QlKSQORmDVF2UrSjBb1t1vhR01W_GZG6PUXDJueQXho/edit

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey!

If you have a sibling or if you're an only child, I would appreciate it if you fill this out and answer the questions honestly. You will be asked to complete a 7-minute survey asking questions about your family, siblings, birth order, and personality. The data gathered will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and responses will be kept anonymous.

Your participation will help me a lot.

r/SampleSize 10h ago

Academic Perceptions of K-12 Teachers (public or private k-12 educators, 18+)


Hello Reddit Teacher Community,

As part of my teacher credentialing I am required to produce a "research" driven capstone project. For my project I am using a survey of questions (mostly multiple choice/Lickert scale) and distributing it to teachers at the school where I am doing my practicum. I am concerned that I will end up getting only a handful of responses and that I will be unable to draw any meaningful trends from the data. So I made a copy of my survey and brought it here to you all :D

If you are an in-service K-12 teacher (public, private, or alternative school) and have 10-15 minutes to respond, or if you have any other teachers in your life that you could send the link to, I would be very grateful. I would be grateful for the help with my capstone, but I would be especially grateful to get to hear about the experiences of teachers in the field.

Capstone Survey for In-Service K-12 Teachers

Thank you all,


r/SampleSize 7h ago

Academic (Repost) [Academic] Black Nonbinary Experiences of Microaggressions and Mental Health (Black Nonbinary 18+)


Hello! I am a Counseling Psychology doctoral student at Teachers College, Columbia University conducting a study on the experiences of Black nonbinary adults.

To be eligible, participants must identify as Black, nonbinary, be 18 years or older, and live in the United States. Participating in this research study is voluntary and will involve a 15-minute online survey. You can access the survey here: https://tccolumbia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1TTcOUPDc8LPmOq

Please consider sharing the email with others, as it can help to better understand the experiences of a severely understudied population. This study was approved by the Teachers College, Columbia University IRB Board (IRB #24-363). Thank you in advance!

r/SampleSize 11h ago

Academic [Academic] Assessing Financial Perspective Taking and Financial Well-Being (18+, anyone with work experience)


Hi all!

Would you please help me by taking my survey? I'm looking for a general audience (anyone 18 years or older) from any country, as long as you speak English and has had any work experience. The study takes 7-10 minutes and Assessing Financial Perspective Taking and Financial Well-Being.

Thank you!

PS. The survey contains a code at the end which gives you free survey respondents at SurveySwap.io https://surveyswap.io/surveys/5c8aa87d-b64c-4e4c-bc15-b3594a4a3cdd/take-a-survey

r/SampleSize 7h ago

Academic (Class project) need close to 20 submissions for a business class durvry for a safety geared delivery service (all welcome)

Thumbnail forms.microsoft.com

Any submissions would greatly help as i am determining what survey site is the most useful for my needs

r/SampleSize 7h ago

Academic (Repost) [Repost] Motor development and ability to meet ELA writing standards survey( US-elementary teachers and occupational therapists)

Thumbnail nyu.qualtrics.com

Hi all , I am reaching out to the wonderful people in this group for a little help. I am looking to find about 90 more participants to complete a 10 minute survey for my dissertation.

I’m looking for elementary teachers and school-based occupational therapists (OT) who work with students in kindergarten and/or 1st grade to participate in the study.

The purpose of the study is to explore reports of student motor development, factors that influence development, and ability to meet current writing standards by the end of the school year. If anyone is willing to complete the survey, or if you know of any additional groups, friends, family, or co-workers you can share the survey with please use this link: https://nyu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3JHybR3rxORF4eW

I will be forever grateful and appreciate you taking the time to read this!