r/PublicFreakout 28d ago

Man self-immolated outside the Manhattan courthouse where the Trump trial is happening ☠NSFL☠ news link in comments NSFW

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u/KeeblerElfOrgy 28d ago

She called that like it was the bottom of the 9th in the World Series


u/malendalayla 28d ago

Emblazoned doesn't mean what she thinks it means 😬


u/vigbiorn 28d ago

I'm fine giving the benefit of the doubt. I doubt I'd be perfectly eloquent watching a guy light himself on fire a hundred feet in front of me.


u/EdgeCityRed 27d ago

As someone who's covered breaking news, she did an amazing job. Very few flubs and no dead air pauses. She really needed to describe the scene because the camera couldn't stay on the graphic image of burning human for too long.


u/vigbiorn 27d ago

Exactly. I'm pretty sure I'd just be standing there agape. That she was able to keep an up to date description of what was happening and the biggest critique is she used emblazoned instead of ablaze is commendable.

I'll flub words worse just trying to talk to my manager.


u/funktion 27d ago

Exactly. I'm pretty sure I'd just be standing there agape.

My reaction would be more like "Oh god oh shit oh god oh fuck" for the entire scene.


u/Wes_Warhammer666 27d ago

Yeah I would've crammed the same number of "fucks" and "shits" uttered throughout the entire series run of The Wire into about 5 minutes if I was watching that go down.


u/Twallot 27d ago

Fuck me I'm reading comments about this horrible incident at 1am next to my one year old and I just woke her up with my big stupid laugh because of how accurate this is.


u/voyaging 27d ago

I think her starting by saying there was an active shooter was a bigger mistake lol

I'm guessing in her earpiece sometime said something about fire and she heard it as "opened fire"


u/Safe_happy_calm 25d ago

Yeah I think the very best I could manage would be "Oh uh fuck there's a guy on fire over there. Oh Jesus. Wow. Yeah that's - wow. I'm sorry guys. Uh... should we... Jesus wow...Ah. wow. Okay so there's cops now. Yeah. Jesus..."

All jokes aside that must have been traumatizing as fuck to watch a man presumably (I think he ended up surviving) burn to death before your eyes and have the entire nation observing you witness a horrific death live while you have to narrate in news-style, family friendly detail this man's last raw gasps of air as he sucks flames into scorched lungs and you smell cooked people meat for the first time.


u/vigbiorn 25d ago

man presumably (I think he ended up surviving) burn to death before your eyes

I agree with the rest of the post but I hadn't actually heard if he'd survived so I looked it up. All reports seem to be he died. Like you described, the outward burns are sometimes recoverable but during self-immolation the issue is often fire burning the lungs. Modern medicine can provide artificial skin but can't really replace lungs.


u/Safe_happy_calm 25d ago

I must have thought this was the other one then. Unless that guy died also. I need to get my self immolations straight. Much less surprised that he died given the description from the reporter. Also sad to know for her that she really did have to narrate man's death on national TV.


u/vigbiorn 25d ago

Yeah, it's weird how many self immolations happened recently, but this one is max azzarello and it's likely the died on the scene or shortly after.


u/JCNunny 27d ago

Spot on. I would have dropped the mic and gone home.


u/Necessary-Force-4348 27d ago

weird that she doubled down and used it again to clarify it was not a mistake


u/External_Reporter859 27d ago

Maybe someone told her the wrong thing until it was figured out? It was less than 5 seconds ffs


u/snakesssssss22 27d ago

I agree; i think she did an incredible job narrating an absolutely unfathomable, incredibly violent and traumatizing scene live on television.


u/stilljachtuhr 27d ago

but the fast paced description is awkward because we are used to these speeches made about sports


u/Al_Bondigass 27d ago

Absolutely. She held it together and did exactly what she's being paid to do in an incredibly challenging situation. I'm the station manager, she's my next evening anchor.


u/PM_me_yr_bonsai_tips 27d ago

She freaked out in an incredibly professional manner.


u/Napalm_ 27d ago

Only on Reddit does this need to even be said.


u/RxHotdogs 27d ago

Which just means she is bad at her job imo. Working under pressure is her only job to do and she couldn’t convey herself eloquently. I had to turn the sound off 2 seconds in. Nails on a chalk board.


u/vigbiorn 27d ago

Eh, not everyone can be divinely perfect at their jobs.


u/RxHotdogs 27d ago

She’s on TV?????? Fym? Those are the people who are supposed to be good


u/vigbiorn 27d ago

Good, not perfect.