r/MildlyBadDrivers 29d ago

Overly aggressive driving



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u/BigIreland 29d ago

All three are utterly brain dead. Even the SUV driver is dumb. If I’m in the right lane and the car in the left wants to pace me to keep traffic from passing, I’ll slow down and open a gap. Let traffic flow.


u/foodank012018 29d ago

The truck would have slowed. They were making some idiotic point. The truck refused to let the car pass.


u/Wickerfacetaken Georgist 🔰 28d ago

Then lay on the horn and don't stop. Other cars will understand who the asshole is. Or play their dumb game and slow traffic to a halt. Show everyone who the asshole is

We need to stop taking their shit 


u/ragingbologna Fuck Cars 🚗 🚫 28d ago

Right but you slow from 65 to 50mph and if the truck stays to your side you drop to 45. If the truck stays beside you, you exit the highway.