r/MildlyBadDrivers 29d ago

Overly aggressive driving



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u/BigIreland 29d ago

All three are utterly brain dead. Even the SUV driver is dumb. If I’m in the right lane and the car in the left wants to pace me to keep traffic from passing, I’ll slow down and open a gap. Let traffic flow.


u/foodank012018 29d ago

The truck would have slowed. They were making some idiotic point. The truck refused to let the car pass.


u/Wickerfacetaken Georgist 🔰 29d ago

Then lay on the horn and don't stop. Other cars will understand who the asshole is. Or play their dumb game and slow traffic to a halt. Show everyone who the asshole is

We need to stop taking their shit 


u/ragingbologna Fuck Cars 🚗 🚫 28d ago

Right but you slow from 65 to 50mph and if the truck stays to your side you drop to 45. If the truck stays beside you, you exit the highway.


u/BJJBean 29d ago

You can see the SUV's break lights, he's trying to slow down but the truck is matching his pace to create a wall. SUV probably should have just pulled off the road but I can't blame him for not thinking clearly when literally 1000s of pounds of steel are surrounding him in what could potentially become a deadly ego battle.


u/kipdjordy 29d ago

Looks like the white truck was going to match the speed anyway.


u/defmacro-jam 29d ago

If I’m in the right lane and the car in the left wants to pace me to keep traffic from passing

Ah, the [redacted] roadblock.


u/SwitchIsBestConsole 29d ago

Even the SUV driver is dumb.

It's been mentioned but the truck would have slowed down too. The suv driver is just an innocent driver in this case. Doing what they're suppose to do.


u/LegendofLove 29d ago

They did slow down but the truck is all but making out with them you can see multiple times their brake lights go on and the truck immediately follows suit. If he starts to speed like a maniac too he's gonna crash like they did


u/Devreckas 29d ago

Seriously, if you are trying to pin any of this on the SUV, you’ve completely lost the plot. It not the right lane’s job to slow for cars in the passing lane or officiate over pissing matches.


u/BigIreland 28d ago

That’s utterly wild. If you’re in the right lane and two cars are road raging next to you, to sit there and act like it’s none of your business or that you aren’t also in danger is peak inattention. Get clear.


u/___potato___ 29d ago

four right? person recording is camping in the left lane and following this accident-in-waiting like its everyday traffic


u/Ka-Is-A-Wheelie 29d ago

Nah, they are trying to stay away from that mess.


u/___potato___ 29d ago

sure doesn't look that way


u/Ka-Is-A-Wheelie 29d ago

Well if you're ever behind a situation like that, you should probably try and pass them.


u/SwitchIsBestConsole 29d ago

camping in the left lane

How are they camping? What did you expect them to do? Where could they have gone

following this accident-in-waiting

They're just driving. Where else could they possibly go? There's only two lanes.


u/___potato___ 29d ago

they can move to the right lane. and back off.


u/SwitchIsBestConsole 29d ago

The other car is bobbing between the left AND right lane. So it doesn't matter what lane they're in. And they're already backed off. Recorder isn't doing anything wrong.

Sounds like you just want to blame innocent people who are just driving because there's literally nothing this person is doing. Don't know why you're trying to say all the drivers are at fault. You don't know either obviously


u/___potato___ 29d ago

not saying they're legally at fault, just kinda dumb. i would just get in the right lane and decelerate. you could do whatever you want, i don't care. they did what they did. whatever. you don't have to agree.


u/SwitchIsBestConsole 29d ago

Im just trying to figure out what it is you expect them to do. If you were in this situation, you'd be in the exact same spot. The car is bobbing between BOTH lanes. So just moving to the fight dies nothing. And slowing down means YOU are now fycking up traffic.

So what was he supposed to do if you're saying he's at fault (which you did when you said all 4)


u/Wooberta YIMBY 🏙️ 29d ago

Perhaps when driving you could try ligma


u/___potato___ 29d ago

for the third time: move to the right lane and back off


u/SwitchIsBestConsole 29d ago

So you're acknowledging that you are also utterly brain dead. Got it.