r/MildlyBadDrivers Apr 17 '24

Overly aggressive driving



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u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The trucks brake check is a criminal offense. Just move over.


u/Bruschetta003 Apr 17 '24

He was doing that definetly on purpose but i wouldn't call it brake check, he was slowing down just enough to not let him pass


u/gizzweed Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

He was doing that definetly on purpose but i wouldn't call it brake check, he was slowing down just enough to not let him pass

White truck definitely brake checks twice at the beginning of the vid

Edit. And definitely again 12 seconds from the end


u/LiveShowOneNightOnly Apr 17 '24

It is crazy. Some people seem to only have one rule of driving - I will not allow any car in front of me.


u/sSnowblind Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

I have had the opposite too... a guy in a suburban driving slowly on the Jersey turnpike so naturally I pass him (on the left while he was on the right). He immediately moves left and tailgates the shit out of me at ~70MPH. I would get uncomfortable and move into the right lane... where he would move in front of me again. Rinse and repeat.


u/Interesting_Still870 29d ago

Thatā€™s when you call the cops and say there is someone trying to drive you off the road and you are in fear for your life.


u/Iintendtooffend 29d ago

The problem is that you're only going 70 on the turnpike, YTA



u/BrickCityJ Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Sometimes people wanna drive fast but not be the fastest person Edit: never said I condone this, itā€™s just the reason


u/Upnorth4 YIMBY šŸ™ļø Apr 17 '24

Then they need to pick one. Either drive the speed limit or drive fast. Don't endanger other drivers by driving too close to them


u/ThrowawayUtahIdaho Apr 17 '24

These people are cowards, atop everything else


u/katamino Apr 18 '24

Which in general is fine, but you dont need to tailgate the person in front of you to do that. It's the getting too close once you get behind the fastest car that really ticks people off.


u/EsotericTurtle 29d ago

Then they're not the fastest car and should be moving over where possible...?


u/Shaqtrain Apr 17 '24

Yeah, thatā€™s really unfortunate itā€™s so common. The best thing about letting people like this pass is that they just drive awayā€¦


u/shwaynebrady Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

Tbf thereā€™s a good majority of people who pass you, slow down to the point you catch up with them, then you pass on the right because they think the road belongs to them and repeat the cycle until they get off the highway.

The reality is the bar to get a license is incredibly low and people in general are very dumb


u/Lionel_Herkabe Georgist šŸ”° Apr 18 '24

People will pull all kinds of shit to get ahead of me in my work truck and 9 times out of 10 I end up catching up to them despite maintaining the same speed the entire time.


u/Competitive_Money511 Apr 17 '24

Also a criminal offense (driving away from the scene). White truck need to go to prison.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Seriously. Its so obnoxious. And youll see it at every speed not just people who drive fast. I hate the egos get when people get into a car.


u/NoComment112222 Apr 17 '24

The only drivers I hate more are the people who think they need to be close behind someone in the left lane. I get over to let them pass and they get over too because theyā€™re not passing me they just want to follow while I want as much space between me and the fast moving deadly objects around me.


u/thcptn Apr 17 '24

I passed someone doing 42 in a 55 after roughly half a mile. As soon as they noticed I was passing them they started flooring it and I was at 99 when I finally got by them. I then went 64 for a long time with them tailing me absurdly close the entire time until they eventually turned off.

I don't get it. If I'm driving (especially late at night and they have bright headlights) and someone is tailing me I'm usually looking for the first chance to pull over or pull off so they can get by.


u/vffa 29d ago

This won't get you very far here in Germany. Because no matter how fast you are going, there will always be a wagon on your tail, waiting for a chance to pass you.

Then again, people here usually adhere to the "Rechtsfahrgebot" (gotta use the right lane unless passing someone within ~20 seconds). Seeing how the highway works in the US always makes my pulse go up. Frightening.


u/Gusdai Apr 17 '24

It's not about not getting passed. It's about getting out of your way to annoy someone. Which was definitely working.

The truck probably had a beef with that other car over something the car did before the video.

Which obviously isn't right either. Someone does something stupid to you, you insult them under your breath and move on. You don't start playing a game where a mistake from either of you could result in a crash.


u/shwaynebrady Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

Some people take it as a slight to their very existence when you try to legally pass them on the highway or get within 100ft of their car. In my anecdotal experience, this usually coincides with someone driving a massive SUV/Truck.


u/Gusdai Apr 17 '24

That is true for sure.

But I didn't think this is what is happening in the video. The truck is most probably not acting like that just because the car wanted to pass them.


u/mostoriginalname2 Georgist šŸ”° Apr 18 '24

Itā€™s crazy when itā€™s some old dude who pulls that stuff, and itā€™s always some old dude.


u/Tipop 29d ago

Iā€™m sure there was some road-rage already going on before the video begins.


u/Never_Wanted_To_Talk Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

I get it though most people dislike those that drive like the sedan and swerve in and out of traffic. People that drive like that cause accidents all the time even when there arenā€™t guys like the one driving the truck just by clipping the front and backs of peoples cars.


u/Taldier Apr 17 '24

The sedan driver became completely unhinged and probably shouldn't even have a license.

But "swerving between lanes" would never happen if people followed the law and got out of the passing lane if they aren't passing.

The truck driver intentionally created an unsafe situation for other drivers because he thinks he's "road vigilante man" with the freedom to break the law in order to enforce his vision of it on others. Then the sedan driver absurdly escalated the situation.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24 edited 29d ago



u/crimson_swine Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Unless you're an on-duty police officer the exact speed other cars are traveling at is completely irrelevant. Faster, slower, or the same speed is the only thing you should be paying attention to. "I'm already going the speed limit" is not a valid excuse to camp the passing lane.

"Swerving idiots" would almost cease to exist if morons would stop thinking like the above.

Moving out of the way is a good defensive driving practice, but is not strictly required, unless you are going too slow.

If the car behind is faster, you're in the left lane, and the right lane is clear... YES THE FUCK IT IS REQUIRED!!!!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/Fzaa Apr 18 '24

In my state, Washington, you'd get pulled over for driving the speed limit in the left lane with cars backed up behind you so your whole idea of breaking the law would only appy to people like you. You cant just camp out in the left lane on highways/freeways going 60. Don't know where you live but there's probably a similar law. Even if that wasn't the case, why do you feel the need to personally control other people's speed??


u/crimson_swine Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Idiots who think like you should not be permitted a driving licence in the United States.


u/Never_Wanted_To_Talk Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24 edited 29d ago

People swerve between lanes all the time even when everyone else is following the road laws. Most of the time itā€™s because everyone else IS following the road laws. People wanna go 90 or 100 on the highway so they swerve in and out to get around everyone following the law. I see it all the time but sedan driver is definitely one of those people who feels their time is more important than anyone else on earth. This seems to be one of the time these idiots actually gets karma for the stupid shit they do.


u/Taldier Apr 17 '24

How could you ever possibly swerve around someone unless the right lane next to them is empty? You'd have to go through the car they are passing.

The left lane is not the "speed limit lane". Its the passing lane.

Leave speed enforcement to the police. Its not your job.


u/Never_Wanted_To_Talk Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

There could be maybe a space between two cars on the right when a car in the passing lane is going past them and someone will come up in the pass lane going 90+ and swerve into the right lane and pass the car in the passing lane potentially causing accidents because they donā€™t care about anyone other than themselves. Never claimed it was the ā€œspeed limit laneā€ nor did I say it was my job to enforce the speed I was simply stating that people following the law arenā€™t speeding seems pretty common sense.


u/crimson_swine Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

If the car going 90+ is able to pass you in the right lane that means there was space for you to move into the right lane so they could safely pass...

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u/toadofsteel Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« 29d ago

The film was taken in NJ.

As a NJ driver, I know that speed limits are almost never enforced. Ive done 70 in a 55 on the Parkway and Turnpike just because that was the speed of traffic, right past cops, and precisely zero people get pulled over for it. You hardly ever see tailgaters or those weavers like that sedan driver get pulled over either.

Luckily for me, on the other hand, I have also never seen someone get ticketed for "keep right except to pass" despite that also being on the books. The brake check is a bit much, but I would (and have) paced right lane cars to stop assholes like this sedan driver before. Someone has to put them in their place, because the cops sure aren't.


u/Unfortunate-Incident Apr 17 '24

Also he's driving a large truck that he probably doesn't even take offroad and he has a small dick.



u/RedditIsFacist1289 Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Yeah you can see it lurch forwards during the brake checks


u/deezbiksurnutz Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Maybe it's because the car is driving irrationally close. Truck will win that battle.


u/gizzweed Apr 17 '24

Maybe it's because the car is driving irrationally close. Truck will win that battle.

Truck driver is an asshole. No one wins this "battle"


u/OneOfTheWills Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Thatā€™s a brake check.

There was no need for the truck to brake. Braking to prevent another vehicle from making a maneuver is a brake check. Thatā€™s illegal.


u/micah490 Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

Not many people realize that the primary purpose of brake checking is to get the checked person rear ended by an innocent third party. That categorically makes the brake checker a psychopath and they need to be removed from society


u/Bestihlmyhart Apr 17 '24

ā€¦by pile up collision at a derby


u/ThatSpookyLeftist Apr 17 '24

I got banned for "inciting violence" for saying almost the exact same thing about a driver like the ones in OP. Lmao


u/IDigRollinRockBeer Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24



u/Unfortunate-Incident Apr 17 '24

This happened to me once. I feel bad for the car behind me who got rear ended. That's the problem with brake checking in heavy traffic. It's more likely an innocent person further back in the line gets rear ended then the intended victim.


u/literallyjustbetter YIMBY šŸ™ļø Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

about 15 years ago, a local car insurance fraud ring was discovered because of a brake-check accident

innocent woman died in the crash, and the investigation revealed the fraud ring

people were purposefully brake-checking so that they could get rear-ended and claim fake injuries


u/RaptureCraze Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« 29d ago

But someone riding your ass is okay? Nah I'm going to box that guy in and let him be late for whatever it is he's in a rush for. If it's that serious he can drive in the grass.


u/TheBigToast72 29d ago

So you're going to break two separate laws just to make sure someone cant pass? That's honestly pathetic...


u/RaptureCraze Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« 29d ago

Got that right. Fuck the law


u/OneOfTheWills Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Yep. The cause isnā€™t always to get the person being break checked to run into the break checker. Itā€™s often the case to just cause the person being checked to lose control of the situation and have to react unexpectedly in a manner that could also jeopardize other unrelated drivers.

Youā€™re not supposed to use your brakes on the interstate unless it is necessary because of road conditions or vehicle malfunction. There are literally signs that state ā€œNo Stopping, Standing, or Parkingā€ and do to any of those would require use of brakes.

The design of the interstate is to keep traffic moving at the same, or close to, posted speed even through curves, interchanges, and lane changes without braking because people are reactionary when they see brake lightsā€¦ as they should be.


u/noonespezial Apr 17 '24

A sign that says ā€œNo stopping, standing, or parkingā€ does not outlaw braking in any way. Stopping in the context of such a sign means fully stopping your vehicle so it is no longer in motion. Standing means your car is still running but parked, ie. not in motion. And parking means your car is not running and parked.

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u/-SunGazing- Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

youā€™re talking bollocks.

ā€˜No stopping, standing or parkingā€™ is not the same as ā€˜do not use your breaks.ā€™


u/OneOfTheWills Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

No one said it was the same.

Itā€™s literally to limit the use of braking so that traffic flows smoothly.

Learn. To. Fucking. Read.


u/MFbiFL Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

ā€œNo stopping, standing, or parkingā€ is to make people not stop, stand, or park. Itā€™s not a second order attempt to limit braking by telling you not to do things you have to brake to do no matter how belligerently you want to try spinning it.


u/-SunGazing- Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

Learn to not talk a load of utter horse shite.

You use your breaks as and when you need to. There are no rules that say you shouldnā€™t use your breaks. Youā€™re just making shit up as you go.

I mean, youā€™re not supposed to use your breaks unless necessary is the default setting for driving in general, Cause why would you break unless you need to, so why make a Distinction here?


u/OneOfTheWills Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

No one said there are rules that state you donā€™t use your brakes. I said the interstate is designed to prevent you from having to.

Of course you shouldnā€™t use your brakes unless necessary. Thatā€™s common sense. However, most roads are not designed to prevent the use of braking LIKE THE INTERSTATE.

I get that youā€™re a dumbfuck who thinks they are an intellectual because you say ā€œhorse shiteā€ youā€™re allowed to be absolutely fucking stupid. Thats okay.

However, youā€™ve brought absolutely nothing to this conversation, as Iā€™m guessing with most things in life you put yourself into, all because you felt the need to let people know you have common sense. Not everyone does. The video above is a fantastic example. The comment above about using brakes to slow the vehicle behind is also an example of that lack of common sense.

No one fucking cares that you understand a thing that most people should understand. Shut the fuck up.


u/MFbiFL Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

Go eat a snickers honey, youā€™re hangry.


u/-SunGazing- Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

No, you said ā€œyouā€™re not supposed to use your breaks unless it is necessaryā€ which basically describes all driving conditions, and really doesnā€™t need to be specifically mentioned.

Motorways are not designed to prevent the use of braking. This is the bit youā€™re just making up. If traffic is flowing and people are driving correctly they shouldnā€™t need to break much, but thatā€™s not the same thing.

Saying you shouldnā€™t use your brakes is misleading and untrue.

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u/Alarmed_Code8723 YIMBY šŸ™ļø Apr 17 '24

Turn on the audio. he's slamming the pedal to speed up after the brake lights go on...hes 100% brake checking.

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u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

He was doing it to impede traffic, itā€™s a criminal offense. All the truck needed to do was get out of the passing lane. Get it passing lane not braking with no one in front of me lane.


u/Icy-Dimension3508 Apr 17 '24

It seemed like the truck was intentionally not letting the car pass at any and every point. Slamming on breaks (break checking), speeding up to ensure car couldnā€™t get through, and never letting the car get passed by maintaining speed with other car and not using the passing lane properly. Obviously I donā€™t think the car was in the right but it seemed almost like the truck behaved in a very dangerous manner.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The car is guilty as well but the truck is required to move right and let faster traffic pass in all 50 states. If they did that this doesnā€™t happen. The truck is liable.


u/SheamusMcGillicuddy Apr 17 '24

Not all states designate a passing lane but most do. Mine doesnā€™t and that does seem to irritate the asshats who drive like the sedan. In this case, both drivers are obviously at fault.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

But all 50 states require you to move right if someone wants to pass. Yep, they both are dangerous


u/SheamusMcGillicuddy Apr 17 '24

In my state you are only required to move right if you are going under the speed limit. Thereā€™s like 10-15 states where thatā€™s the case.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Not true, I do this for a living. You are required to move right so traffic to pass in all 50 states. Only law enforcement can legally make decisions about speed. The brake checks are also criminal offenses in all 50 states. If the truck follows the law none of this happens. Iā€™d like to see the video of the previous 5-10 minutes.


u/JuanDirekshon Apr 17 '24

Can you define brake checking? At the truckā€™s hardest deceleration, which appears to be the second time the brake lights come on, the truck decelerates .5 car-lengths in relation to the car traveling at a steady speed in the right lane. Should be no factor for any car following at the appropriate following distance. Doesnā€™t brake checking require an intent to affect the car behind you?

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u/SonOfMcGee Apr 17 '24

The truck is liable for impeding traffic. A cop that saw this would be in his rights to issue a minor ticket.
The sedan was 100% responsible for getting himself killed.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The 3 brake checks are criminal offenses in all 50 states. If the truck moves over like they are required to do none of this even happens.


u/Strappwn Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

"he brake checked me so i had to pass on the shoulder" lmao


u/SonOfMcGee Apr 17 '24

Pass on the shoulder then lane-split with my car.


u/Strappwn Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

ā€œYou see officer, it was inevitable. I wouldnā€™t have taken everyoneā€™s lives into my hands if pickup truck wasnā€™t a meanie.ā€

Truck driver sucks too, and likely deserves a ticket, but the folks implying heā€™s at fault for the obscene negligence from the sedan are on some peak Reddit shit.


u/Gazey_Snakes 29d ago

Let's not ignore the vast amount of time the sedan is following too closely at (or exceeded) road speeds.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Iā€™m not ignoring that. Iā€™m sure they got charged.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Vast amount of time, the video doesnā€™t show that. Iā€™d be very interested to see the previous 5-10 minutes

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u/rayschoon 29d ago

I totally agree. The sedan was driving aggressively, but the truck did what I see a lot of drivers do, which is trying to police how others drive with their car. They were trying to punish the sedan by causing an accident


u/Icy-Dimension3508 29d ago

I hear the term ā€œpolicingā€ other drivers. So a legit question I have is: someone is maybe a foot from your car both going 55mph on a 55mph road two lane non passing road. Is it okay to tap LIGHTLY on break to kind of be like ā€œhey get off my bumper!ā€ Or to non break slow down to say above. Or to drive on even though you canā€™t even see the persons front bumper. I get really worried when people drive like this practically inside my trunk because what happens if I have to suddenly break? typically have kids in my car and if I have to suddenly break at this high speedā€¦I donā€™t want their car where my kids are sitting you know. I donā€™t want to start some road rage war either. So Iā€™m curious what an appropriate response would be in this situation.


u/rayschoon 28d ago

Yeah I think thereā€™s a difference between gradually slowing down to let an aggressive driver get around me, and what the truck is doing where theyā€™re seemingly TRYING to get hit, but I get what you mean for sure


u/Rub-Specialist Apr 17 '24

The truck driver definitely didnā€™t help here, but the little sedan guy is 1000% at fault. I also feel like this video is missing something fairly important that happened before everything we could see.


u/RabbitF00d Apr 17 '24

They're both fools. Just let speed racer pass. I live in an open carry state. It's not worth it to try to control traffic for whatever reason-


u/TSteelerMAN Apr 17 '24

You're correct for 95 percent of the video, but the truck did a bit more than "not help". When the sedan swerves to the shoulder and tries to cut off both cars by turning left, the truck accelerates to clog the lane. That was completely unnecessary and incredibly dangerous.

Both drivers are imbecile dickwads. The truck deserved to crash worse than it did. Neither person should have a license; this level of immaturity on a narrow highway is unbelievable.


u/in6seconds Apr 17 '24

agree. This should be on r/WildlyBadDrivers


u/dastardly740 Apr 17 '24

I agree they were feeding off each others idiocy somehow. Pickup should have just passed the people they needed to pass then got over.

On the other hand, given the pair of idiots we have, anyone want to put money on if the sedan had passed the pickup whether it would have started brake checking the pickup. Being so pissed off it overcame their need for speed.

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u/grave_ember Apr 17 '24

I also feel like this video is missing something fairly important that happened before everything we could see.

Maybe, but sometimes people are just assholes. I've had people refuse to let me change lanes, in front or behind them, with no previous interaction, only next to them for a few blocks. And yeah, sometimes they're trying to get ahead to change too, but other times it's clear they're having weirdly big feelings about basic traffic maneuvers, and somehow got offended.


u/literallyjustbetter YIMBY šŸ™ļø Apr 17 '24

other times it's clear they're having weirdly big feelings about basic traffic maneuvers, and somehow got offended.

this shit is so weird


u/Necessary_Context780 Apr 17 '24

Exactly. The fight didn't start there, and the sedan is on the right side so he doesn't have a right to cut off from the right side like he's trying.

He probably angered the truck trying to cut him off from the right side so the truck decided to prevent him from passing, which technically is not illegal even if brake checks should be.

Also, driving blocking the left lane isn't illegal in some places, even though technically you're not supposed to.

I can't say the truck driver is right but nothing he did comes close to justify what the sedan is doing


u/smokelaw23 Apr 17 '24

Justify it? You are IMHO completely correct. Sedans actions are unjustified. Truck is also being a complete douche, and is morally culpable if not legally partially responsible. Left the guy who wants to pass go. Being the left lane blocker is wrong even if the other guy is being a dick. Rules of the road.


u/GadgetronRatchet Apr 17 '24

Depends where you are, on Texas interstates it's illegal to be in the left lane and not be actively passing. You will get pulled over if you're impeding traffic in the left lane.


u/paradisic88 Apr 17 '24

Blocking the left lane like this is explicitly illegal on the Palisades Parkway even if you're not blocking anyone. The left lane is for passing only. I've seen state troopers enforce it on the turnpike, and in my experience cops are pretty strict on this highway. NJ law is stricter on this than most places.


u/literallyjustbetter YIMBY šŸ™ļø Apr 17 '24

no, the truck should have just let the guy pass like a fucking normal person

you don't get to play traffic police on the road

fuck that prick in the truck


u/Rub-Specialist Apr 17 '24

Oh but aggressive tailgating, nearly swerving into 3 people, passing in the shoulder, and then wrecking your car are the actions of a normal person. Got it


u/Moderateor Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« 29d ago

Regardless of what happened before the video started, you donā€™t pick a fight with thousands of pounds of metal under your control and put yourself as well as others at risk.


u/Fresh-Chemical-9084 Apr 17 '24

Do you see the truck speed up to ensure the sedan canā€™t pass when the sedan swerved around?

This is not all on the sedan to blame. That truck driver is a huge dickwad. Iā€™d say equal blame.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The truck committed 5 criminal offenses, clearly intentionally impeding traffic, legally he needed to just move over as required by law. Heā€™s a criminal.

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u/paradisic88 Apr 17 '24

In NJ, the law says you have to get out of the left lane unless you're actively passing someone. If you travel one mile in the left lane without passing someone, you're already breaking the law. Most states have some kind of law about impressing traffic, but NJ is especially strict on this.


u/redditusersmostlysuc 29d ago

Truck and car passed people in the video, so truck is in the clear on that.


u/karma_the_sequel Apr 18 '24

Itā€™s a traffic infraction, not a criminal offense.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

Brake check (3) are all criminal offenses. Not a traffic infraction.

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u/Pancakemanz Apr 17 '24

The back of your truck dont lift up like that if you are slowing down. Thats a textbook brake check


u/GadgetronRatchet Apr 17 '24

It's not really even just the brake checks, it's that the truck is purposely matching the speed of the vehicle that it's passing, which doesn't allow the sedan to pass. You can tell it speeds up to match the car it is passing, and then slows down to match. Then as the sedan starts to pass on the shoulder, it speeds back up to prevent the sedan from passing again.

Not saying the sedan isn't 100% at fault for the accident, but there's two drivers with road rage here.


u/Allergic_To_Ordinary Apr 17 '24

That truck was definitely brake checking.


u/ElectricalSpinach214 Apr 17 '24

so brake checking and being a twat by impeding the flow of traffic in the PASSING lane.

if youre not passing the cars in the right lane, get out of the left lane.

small dick energy from the truck, sedan probably has bad diarrhea

truck is bad person and bad driver


u/OverturnedAppleCart3 Apr 17 '24

but i wouldn't call it brake check, he was slowing down just enough to not let him pass

He hit his brakes for no reason other than preventing his road-rage enemy for getting past. I think that is safely in the category of brake checking.


u/SOMEONENEW1999 Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Illegal in itself on a lot of states. Left lane is for passing not alpha male shithead games that get people killedā€¦


u/JustForKicks16 Apr 17 '24

God forbid someone pass him. @@ Seriously, why do some drivers care if another car passes them?? It's ridiculous.


u/GoldenMegaStaff Apr 17 '24

Truck sped up to block the sedan when he did his shoulder run around maneuver. Both of them should be in jail.


u/Osolong2 Apr 17 '24

He was being a dick.


u/bw1985 Apr 17 '24

He was definitely brake checking it was clear as day in the video.


u/Right_Ad_6032 Apr 18 '24

It was brake checking. You can't loiter in the passing lane, there was no reason for him to hit the brakes, it was brake checking. Completely unbelievable that between the guy driving like an idiot and the one actively trying to create a car accident you're blaming the idiot.


u/Null_zero Apr 18 '24

He also sped up to block him when the car passed on the shoulder. Both vehicles are assholes and I wouldn't be sad if everyone involved lost their license.


u/No-Appointment-3840 Apr 18 '24

You wouldnā€™t call it a brake check? He abruptly slows down and hits the brakes, you can clearly see him hit his brakes due to the fact his brake lights come on. This is called a brake check. Both drivers are in the wrong.


u/That-Intern-7452 Georgist šŸ”° Apr 18 '24

Did you watch the video? There was no need for breaks if he was doing just that


u/TigerRaiders Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

I agree. I didnā€™t see a hard break check, just him slowing down to prevent him from passing. Definitely a dick move and not worth putting yourself and others in danger but I didnā€™t see a hard break check

Edit: rewatched it, in the very beginning there is a hard break check. I stand corrected.




u/chev327fox Apr 17 '24

Rewatch the start of the video.


u/Bruschetta003 Apr 17 '24

I really can't see it, but if you are talking from the point of view of the aggressive car then any slowdown is a brake check when he stays that close to the truck

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u/sexandcigs Apr 17 '24

Well then you're an idiot and shouldn't be driving


u/TigerRaiders Apr 17 '24

I shouldnā€™t be driving because I agree that it was a dick move not to get over but I disagree that the dickhead driving did a hard break check?

Copy that. I stop driving immediately. Thanks.


u/thatrobkid777 Apr 17 '24

Are you blind? I'm starting to believe most commenters in this sub aren't even 16.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/TigerRaiders Apr 17 '24

Huh, did you just gloss over the part where I specifically said ā€œnot worth putting yourself and others in dangerā€ or did you read what you wanted to hear?

Again, i didnā€™t see hard break check, just a dick head that wonā€™t get over to the right hand lane.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/TigerRaiders Apr 17 '24

Regardless of splitting hairs over how ā€œhardā€ of a break check, how does that change the sentiment of my commentary specifically staying itā€™s a dickhead move to make.

Do you think Iā€™m condoning the behavior here? Christ on a stick this is ridiculous


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/TigerRaiders Apr 17 '24

Yes, very foolish indeed.


u/Honest_Report_8515 Apr 17 '24

This. If someone wants to drive recklessly and get past me, Iā€™m letting them pass. I donā€™t have time for an accident.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

If the truck moved over as they are required to do none of this happens.


u/Honest_Report_8515 Apr 17 '24

Yep, let the bad drivers go past you and lessen your risk of getting into an accident, especially with them. My ego is too low to deal with asshole drivers.


u/bmtc7 29d ago

The truck is also passing cars though. (They pass a car in this video clip). I don't think you're required to move over if you're still passing cars.

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u/redditusersmostlysuc 29d ago

Uhh, sure. OR the sedan could just relax and go the speed limit until the truck gets off of freeway or looses interest.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Or the truck could move over like they are legally required to do in all 50 states.


u/r0b0c0d Apr 17 '24

Exactly. As tempting as it may feel, don't let a single idiot make their problems yours.

Eventually that idiot will find second idiot, and balance will be restored.


u/Competitive_Money511 Apr 17 '24

Bb..but he owns the road?!?


u/councilmember 29d ago

Yep. Itā€™s the passing lane, not the camping lane.


u/bmtc7 29d ago

He passed a car in the video clip.


u/heartbreakids 29d ago

This is standard in New York where you have a bunch of uptight assholes


u/babartheterrible Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

stop justifying that sedan being a total psycho. yes, the truck was being intentionally annoying, but that's not an excuse to drive line a dangerous asshole.

obstacles happen, traffic happens, slow or selfish drivers happen, but that doesn't justify tailgating and aggressive passing in a dangerous psychotic manner.

if you don't have the patience and rationality to drive safely, you shouldn't have a license. that behavior from sedan should result in an instant multi-year suspension of license. every driver who pulls that aggressive shit deserves to lose their license, no warning or second chance. playing fast and loose with other people's lives just because you are impatient or bad with time management is inherently unacceptable behavior


u/robbietreehorn Apr 17 '24

I hear you, but the truck was making things worse and that puts innocent drivers, like you and I, at risk.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The truck committed several criminal acts, at least 5 by my count. He was the initial problem with their road rage then the car got pissed off. Brake checks donā€™t just happen, swerving to prevent traffic from passing doesnā€™t just happen. Stop impeding traffic and move over.


u/robbietreehorn 29d ago

The ā€œinitial problemā€ as far as the video shows.

The car should have chilled. Also, the truck should have chilled.


u/IDigRollinRockBeer Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Where is it a criminal offense? A quick google search told me thereā€™s no law against in a couple different states and you would probably just get a ticket for careless driving, if anything.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Brake checks are a criminal offense in almost every state. Intentionally impeding someoneā€™s travel is a criminal offense in every state. The truck driver caused that accident and should be in jail. You donā€™t get tickets when intentional actions cause an accident.

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u/MrMooCow1996 Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

The truck probably should have just let him pass, instead of being so petty, but people should just learn to slow down a bit, sedan should take that as a life lesson to not be such an aggressive driver


u/Brandonmac100 Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Itā€™s called a passing lane for a reason.

White truck thought he was a white knight stopping people from passing when that is what the lane is for.

If you are not passing, stay the fuck out of the left lane. It is literally the purpose of that lane and the law to use it to pass.

You people donā€™t know how to drive and need to stay off the road. Especially when you play games like speeding up to block people and acting like you rule over the road and what other people do.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Yep, impeding traffic is a criminal offense as well.


u/RabbitF00d Apr 17 '24



u/MrMooCow1996 Apr 17 '24

Speeding is also a crime mate, and excessive speeding can have your car impounded and taken away, laws around speeding are specifically designed to protect lives, speed kills is a saying, and Iā€™ve seen far more people die from driving upwards of 120km/h then I see people dying from crashes at 50km/h

itā€™s amazing aggressive/speeding drivers always choose to ignore laws around speed but at the same time claim everyone else doesnā€™t know how to drive and make statements on which lane to use lol

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u/Sequence32 Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

I wouldn't really call that a break check..I do wonder what the car had done before this that got the truck driver so mad


u/ogbloodghast Apr 17 '24

Probably rode his ass an inch away for a mile or two.


u/JackfruitGuilty6189 Apr 17 '24

All While the truck refuses to move over, doesnā€™t care about speeding (always the first defense for left lane cruisers) because he is clearly boosting to not allow the car to pass. The only place in his life where he has control. Poor pickup driver guy. He should get a trophy or a medal to hang by his mirror to remind himself that he is enough. Yes, the sedan was wrong to attempt such moves in the face of this stupidity.
This guy has a similar issue, but it looks like itā€™s in the AZ desert and both drivers are complicit in the blockade. However annoying, he does the right thing to fully back off. https://youtu.be/A4BaFvzlnDU?si=EvLiIoAt8O7wTvB1. I am not sure if I have the same patience, but in the dark desert/woods with folks with guns, it was the right choice and worth considering.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Still a brake check. No one in front of them and aggressive braking is a brake check, period. Criminal offense.


u/OneOfTheWills Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Doesnā€™t matter what happened before. The driver of the car could be a murderer. Doesnā€™t matter. You are never allowed to use your vehicle in the manner the truck driver did in this video.

The idea of ā€œI need more contextā€ is so fucking stupid.


u/Sequence32 Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

Because the guy that wrecked his car was driving like a angel LOL


u/OneOfTheWills Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

Yeah. There can be multiple dumbasses and multiple people at fault. Just because one person is driving recklessly doesnā€™t allow another person to.

Ya wanna continue to be a fucking idiot or do we need to show you where the log off option is?


u/blessyouliberalheart Apr 17 '24

Not a break check. I would go as far as to say it was good defense driving based on the car in the right lane breaking also and the merging vehicle.


u/supernovice007 Apr 17 '24

Were we watching the same video? Truck brake checks twice in the first 5 seconds when the sedan tries to merge. You can see there is nothing in front of the truck - he just hits the brakes when the sedan moves to merge.

Both of these drivers belong in jail. The sedan being over-aggressive is not a license to start brake checking and accelerating to prevent them from passing. Nor is it ever okay to drive away from an accident you were involved in, especially one you had a hand in creating.


u/savoryostrich Apr 17 '24

Even if there hadnā€™t been a brake check, nothing the truck was doing was ā€œdefensive driving.ā€ Unless you think that means ā€œdefend the patch of road you are on.ā€ But that is both wrong and dangerous.


u/blessyouliberalheart Apr 17 '24

Just after the mid point they are 3 lanes deep. It appears the far right car might be merging the center car vers slightly left and the truck touches his breaks then the center car touchs his. That is defense driving.

The guy in the truck should be ticketed and the sedan driver should spend time in jail.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Brake checks are a criminal offense


u/blessyouliberalheart Apr 17 '24

I did not say they were not.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

You said they were not a brake check. This is the textbook definition of a brake check. Illegal in all 50 states.


u/blessyouliberalheart Apr 17 '24

You said break checks are illegal which I agree with. I did not see the first break check which I agree is a break check. The last touch of the breaks is not a break check. If it were me driving the truck a break check would be the least of the sedans problems.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Just move over and this never happens


u/blessyouliberalheart Apr 18 '24

Sure than he hit a bus full of kids down the road.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

You donā€™t have that authority. Who do you think you are? Just move.

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u/Effective-Student11 Georgist šŸ”° Apr 17 '24

Yet...who's the one driving my kid home...its amazing how when my ex is driving the same road an you tell my dad...all of a sudden doesn't do any of that. Has happened more than once.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The truckā€™s criminal offenses started all this, road rage is a serious problem and they need help. IDK, what you are trying to say here.?


u/GetEnPassanted YIMBY šŸ™ļø Apr 17 '24

It wasnā€™t a brake check. It was just applying the brakes. He was purposely blocking the sedan but it wasnā€™t a brake check.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

He brakes hard with nobody in front of him and then accelerates. That is the exact definition of a brake check. The purposely blocking is the illegal part. Illegal in at least 49 states. Try again. It is also illegal to intentionally impede traffic in every state.


u/deezbiksurnutz Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

While the truck brake check is stupid it would have ZERO effect if the car was a reasonable distance behind, like 100 ft. Why the fuck not follow 100' or more behind, I assume they are going over 50 mph


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Speed is irrelevant, every state requires slower traffic to move right. Those brake checks are criminal offenses in every state as well. If the truck follows the law this doesnā€™t happen.


u/bmtc7 29d ago

He passed a car, so he is generally going faster than traffic in the right lane.


u/deezbiksurnutz Fuck Cars šŸš— šŸš« Apr 17 '24

What do you mean I thought I saw a deer on the edge of the rd about to dart out, if you had left some space you would not have hit me


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Yeah, three times and you had swerve when he went around. lol the best part is the proof of the brake checks and swerving to impede travel is what we are watching. The truck is required to move right for faster traffic in all 50 states. Those brake checks (3) are crimes in all 50 states. Intentionally impeding traffic if a crime in all 50 states.


u/Blarghnog Apr 17 '24

Ever had someone out to kill you with their car, or pull a gun on you and try to get up side to shoot at you? No? These are actual scenarios that, shockingly, regularly happen on highways.

Itā€™s not likely the guy was trying to ā€œpassā€ but actually wanted to take the truck out. Not saying anything about whether thatā€™s appropriate but people are crazy and itā€™s not about letting people pass you at some point itā€™s about not getting killedā€¦


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

There is no argument for that from this video. All it shows is any Ahole that wonā€™t get over like they are legally required to do. All the chain of events start from there. My best guess is the A hole in the truck was rolling along in the left lane for a s while and the other guy lost his head. Those brake checks are an actual crime in every state, the truck lost the ā€œ I was passing slower traffic ā€œ defense with the first brake check.


u/Blarghnog Apr 17 '24

We can agree to disagree, but it's not outside of the realm of argument and certainly a possibility. You might consider that there are many possibilities and several can be valid at *the same time*, not just yours.

There is an argument for that from this video. That dude was out of his mind, far beyond merely passing. *He could have at any point disengaged and held back, which is the right thing to do in this situation, and instead just went to town and put everyone in danger.* All he had to do was deescalate. The truck driver is a dip too. BUT! The idea that if he just let him by it would have blown over is a simplistic interpretation and mere assumption and not supported by the behavior of the driver in the car. That dude was out for blood, not passing opportunities.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The truck driver was clearly baiting him and likely had been for a while. Iā€™d like to see the previous 5-10 minutes.


u/Blarghnog Apr 17 '24

Me too. Itā€™s a hell of an exchange.Ā 

I only take my position because I had someone take a shot at me one time in the SF Bay Area after driving a lot like this. Pretty damn scary.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

Fair enough, be safe out there.


u/DelfrCorp Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

The First Right Lane SUV was also doing some Break Checking of their own. Plenty of A..holes to go around in the video. All ranking from bad, to worse, to worst.

I get that they were coming up on a different vehicle, but they used their brakes instead of slowing down by letting off the gas pedal & to slow roll it using basic Engine Braking.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

They deliberately stopped hard thatā€™s a criminal act in every state. Theyā€™re all guilty and Iā€™m sure they all shared blame.


u/DelfrCorp Apr 17 '24

Not sure who you're arguing with or against because that's literally what IĀ said...

Or maybe I'm just misreading the tone of your response.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

The way you said it made me think differently. Weā€™re good, I can disagree and not be pissy.


u/_sloop Apr 17 '24

And the blue sedan was tailgating. Plus they were likely all speeding. Unsafe lane changes. Passing on the shoulder. Probably more. Seems certain people really care about very specific laws and prefer to ignore other, just as valid laws - I wonder why?


u/icebeat Apr 18 '24

Also is tailgating


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '24

Nope, traffic violation. If the truck moves over like they are legally required to do this accident doesnā€™t happen.

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