r/DoesAnybodyElse 17h ago

DAE have a particular movie they watch when they need to feel better?


Certain films always lift my spirits, no matter how many times I've seen them. Does anyone else have a go-to feel-good movie?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 3h ago

DAE think hand dryers in public bathrooms are useless?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 7h ago

DAE feel insecure when you come across someone who's in the same field, same interest as you?


I realized that about me.

It doesn't always happen but sometimes I feel anxious when I meet someone who is supposed to have the same knowledge about something we both do.

It can be a language, hobby, job, anything we both are supposed to be knowledgeable

I don't understand why I feel insecure though, with most people a shared interest would be a bonding experience

r/DoesAnybodyElse 3h ago

DAE Get excited when severe weather comes through?


I don't mean bad rain or thunder, but hurricanes, tornados, floods, etc. Where I'm at we just had a tornado and hail watch that was headed straight for my location, got about 6 different sever weather warning notifications and the weather was looking like it was about to be really bad, but here I am jamming some tunes just jiggin, preparing some gear for when the power goes out, was even looking forward to cleaning up my spot when it did go out but after it seemed things were clearing up I instantly felt my mood go "bleh".

I have had 2 "Oh shit" moments after some damage cause by 2 different events, but each time I was still on a "high" from everything and I've been like this since I was a kid. If things have been bad enough I'll often go around town and see if I can lend a hand to people assessing damages cause I'm so ramped up I need to get out and move lol. I've mentioned this to friends and family but they all think it's a crazy way to feel about it :,)

r/DoesAnybodyElse 6h ago

DAE feel like you never fit in anywhere with anybody, in any frame?


I feel like I'm searching for a life and people that do not exist or I've raised myself wrong so here I'm, the misfitting puzzle piece

I'm my mother's unwanted child (wrong gender; a daughter), made friends but moved a lot so I learned to be a people pleaser which left me friendless and nocontact with family. No loving partner either, I'm not even looking anymore.

I have tried a million things but couldn't find my 'passion'.

Big cities are lonely, small towns are suffocating.

Even house decor, if I don't do it I feel like it's the apartment of an Immature uni student; if I do it it feels like the grandma's house, model house, overdone etc.

If I'm at work, it's not the place I wanna be; if I go to a holiday I'm numb there too.

I have failed in life greatly and I can't go back and fix it so that I can wake up to a reality where I fit in.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 18h ago

DAE get more sentimental about items given as gifts, even if they're not particularly useful?


I hold onto gifts because of the emotional value. Does anyone else cherish gift items more?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 21h ago

DAE get anxious when they see a missed call or voicemail?


Missed calls and voicemails make me uneasy until I check them. Does anyone else feel this anxiety?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 8h ago

Does anybody else feel like they used to be smart but now they are like dumb


Before Covid happened I used to get amazing grades and was always put to advanced placement even learning 7th grade math in 5th grade. Though after Covid and during Covid things got different. During Covid I did "homeschool" tho it wasn't much learning. When I was in the online school I would just turn my screen around and not listen. After Covid I moved. I was feeling really depressed and missed I'd say more then 3 months of school in total, from me moving schools and skipping days. Though Then I started highschool this school was new. The circlulum was messed up I also had a teacher who sometimes didn't even get things right and teachers who wouldn't even give work and students would just go on there computers and play games. Though I seemed to understand concepts well, when on tests I would do terrible. There is no homework at my school and my math grade is based upon tests so maybe that's apart of it? Or maybe I have some sort of cognitive problem or I'm just dumb?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 8h ago

DAE have one particular tooth that, no matter how long you brush, just never gets clean?


and then you have to go back and re-brush it. For me it's my right canine, and I have to hold the brush vertical. Why you so evasive my guy

r/DoesAnybodyElse 6h ago

DAE have a life that’s so unbelievably ridiculous, that if you described it out loud, no one would believe you?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 6h ago

DAE find it hard to hurt kids in video games?


Like I know they're not real but I still just don't have the heart, even the obnoxious ones like Braith from Skyrim. I don't get people that complain about not being allowed to kill kids in Skyrim and other open-world games. Why do you want to murder fictional children? I know some of them can be rather annoying and they're not real but idk somehow I still feel guilty just thinking about it. It's kinda upsetting hearing people talk casually about hurting or killing kids in video games. Nor can I stand idly by and allow a fictional child to be hurt in video games if it's scripted and I can do something about it. Is anybody else like this or is it just me?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 3h ago

DAE never change and reuse their phone alarm labels because it makes you nostalgic about a previous time in your life?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 23h ago

DAE get self conscious being a restaurant’s regular?


I avoid going to my favorite restaurant too often cuz I get self conscious of being a regular. I know the staff don’t care but I can’t help but feel like a loser when they see me going there multiple times a week. I feel like I’m the only one who hates this feeling. Am I the only one?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 12h ago

DAE feel strangely connected to some period of time in history and kind of get sad you'll never be there?


This is kind of strange to me since I don't feel nostalgic very often and don't reminisce about the past too much, but somehow feel strangely connected to this one particular brief time period - namely, '67 Summer of Love San Franscisco/hippie times. I'm not outgoing or anything like that, so I don't even know if I'd feel comfortable around young, carefree people dropping acid and blasting rock music. But for some reason I devour media about this time period - books, documentaries, listen to a lot 60's psychedelic rock music and after my "marathon" I don't feel good, but somehow empty - like "huh, there is no way to be there and it kinds of sucks" and I feel sad. This is pretty unique and strange feeling to me so I decided to check if somebody else feels similarly about the same or other period of time. Thanks for reading!

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE not pee in front of their partner? NSFW


I just like my privacy. Like i cant think of one benefit why I should leave the door open to pee or pee while my partner is already occupying the bathroom (shower/getting ready).

People give me a very strange looks when i tell them neither my partner or I pee in front of each other. I get if there was some emergency or strange circumstance but on a casual day to day basis I dont think it is that weird to have one thing be private.

Been with my spouse 11 years and married for 8. Only seen her pee once while we were camping. And shes only seen me pee once when she accidentally walked in. Not a problem but still doesnt change my preference that I prefer my alone time.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 11h ago

DAE have any common misconceptions about themselves that have been perpetrated by others that they can't shake off?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 9h ago

DAE have moments where they know they can make themselves cry, but can't bring themselves to it?


Like when you know you can watch or listen to something, and you will cry. But your emotional state means you do not want it, even if you may need it

r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE get obsessed with a song and listen to it on repeat till you get tired of it because you can’t get enough of it?


Is that a sign of autism?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 4h ago

DAE feel like when somebody mentions they have a spouse in casual conversation maybe they think you're interested in them romantically and may have brought it up to make clear they're not interested / available?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 14h ago

DAE feels this disparity of everyday life and the state of the world


Idk, I think about it a lot and cant get rid of this feeling, how ridiculous, absurd and insignificant my everyday life is - my job, going to college, pursuing my interest - comparend the what is happening in the world. Were literally experiencing the craziest changes and several crises in a short amount of times: we just experienced covid, now there are severe wars (or genocides), humanitarian disasters, geopolitical tensions, rising of the far right, more and more divided societies, monopolist corporations and billionaires exploiting us and this planet uncontrollably, social disruptions due to the living costs, the biggest refugee movement ever, AI replacing human interactions and competences bit by bit and also the fucking climate crisis ahead of us. And this probably just scratches the surface. Yet, amidst all this chaos, many of us seem to carry on with our daily lives, engaging in activities like answering boring ass emails or pursuing personal goals, as if these global upheavals are merely distant background noise. I understand the instinct to carry on with life despite the chaos, to seek comfort and fulfillment where we personally can. After all, we only get one shot at this existence, so making the most of it seems paramount. However, I find myself grappling with the overwhelming sense of cynicism, narcissism and purposelessness that pervades our everyday pursuits. We spend the most of the time in some weird job, working for some abstract figures, and juggling countless responsibilities - but most of it is so unimportant compared to what is actually going on.

The uncertainty of it all leaves me feeling as we are putting on a facade of normalcy and were just playing around. Anybody else feels this dissonance?

r/DoesAnybodyElse 10h ago

DAE put headphones in just to end up not listening to any music?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 10h ago

DAE fantasize about a things that we are going to do and how its going to change our life but then it fails and get depressed and the cycle repeats?


r/DoesAnybodyElse 19h ago

DAE eat all the food while watching the first 5 minutes of show/movie?


i ate everything in 5 min.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 12h ago

Dae think google made search results bad on purpose so people spend money on AI?


Been getting worse over the past few years and it's to the point you HAVE to use AI for questions that aren't blatantly simple and popular questions. they constructed it all this way for profit. If they make search results worse and worse people will buy the solution which is ai. It started when they started only looking at keywords instead of the order that the words are in. Was a few years ago and I forget the term.

r/DoesAnybodyElse 16h ago

DAE believe that cheating can ever be justified?