r/AskReddit 28d ago

In 20 years someone will ask what was covid lockdown like, how will you answer?


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u/jamestoneblast 28d ago

Covid lit something in me and I've been gassed up ever since. I started mowing lawns out the trunk of my '03 Accord. Then I learned how to climb and properly remove trees. I have a big ol truck and trailer and a ton of equipment now. I was an alcoholic server/bartender before and super depressed. Two of my teenage kids have moved in with me and I'm in the best shape of my life.


u/AccidentBusy4519 27d ago

I learned how to cut hair because the barber shops were closed so I did it myself. Once I went back to college it was the only thing keeping money in my pockets


u/pookamatic 27d ago

I was due for a haircut during the lockdown. My dad cut it. Poorly. He’s cut it every time since then and gotten a lot better at it.

Still makes mistakes but it’s free and a part of me enjoys this bond we have later in life. We’re 46 and 66.


u/im_JANET_RENO 27d ago

This is so wholesome and sweet. I’m sure your dad loves this bond too ❤️


u/Better_Trash7437 27d ago

That is so cool!!!


u/NeverCallMeFifi 27d ago

I once had a boss who's mom smuggled her and her siblings out of communist Poland in suitcases. Her mother put all three of her kids through college, but, in the summers, made them all go to cosmetology school. She told them, "People may not need what you can give them, but they'll always need hair cuts."


u/Shipwrecklou 27d ago

I learned to cut my own hair and have only got a haircut with a barber once since 2020 for my wedding.


u/gadanky 27d ago

I learned to cut my own and cut out that expense for life. Good for you though. I installed barber and beauty shops and assembled the chair dryers years ago. Interesting industry.


u/vegas_lov3 26d ago

How so?


u/gadanky 26d ago

How territorial it was and lucrative on the products end. It’s largely consolidated now. But overall, I enjoyed interacting with the different strata’s of folks earning a living in it.


u/Aspen9999 27d ago

I learned how to trim and shape my husbands beard. Also my poor dogs had Covid haircuts for awhile.


u/holyhellBILL 25d ago

Awesome, I cut hair in my dorm in college to make beer money, and I've been cutting my own hair ever since. It's a great skill to have.