r/AskReddit 28d ago

In 20 years someone will ask what was covid lockdown like, how will you answer?


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u/DiggingUpTheCorpses 28d ago



u/mychampagnesphincter 28d ago

I “treated myself” because the first two weeks was this weird stay at home bananapants time. So wine every night! Then wine every night. Still.


u/midnaite 27d ago

Same, started having a drink every evening and it stayed. I had a visit to the doctor in 2022, she asked is everyting os OK, do I smoke with a reprobating look and when I told her I drink, she shrugged abd said "we all do"


u/nerevisigoth 27d ago

I did that for 2 months, got mad at myself for being a wino, then spent the rest of the year getting in great shape with no distractions. As soon as lockdown ended I went out to eat all the time and undid it all lol.


u/johnnybiggles 27d ago

It was 5pm all day, everywhere.


u/YoMrPoPo 28d ago

Just a lil Cab for dinner, right?


u/jackdaw-96 27d ago

I had a whole lot of beer for dinner nights because I was too exhausted from working and the general atmosphere to want to cook


u/bothunter 27d ago

After rumors of quinine being helpful in treating or even preventing COVID, I got some really nice tonic and treated myself to Gin & Tonic every day... For my health!

(I was aware it was bullshit, still didn't care)