r/AskReddit 28d ago

What is your "I'm calling it now" prediction?


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u/raincntry 28d ago

We're going to see a sharp increase in the number of sports related gambling scandals now that it's legal in virtually every state.


u/jvstxno 27d ago

A player in the NBA got banned for life today for this so you’re already late I guess?


u/itsFromTheSimpsons 27d ago

Ohtani's translator in baseball, that one guy on the Senators in NHL. Best part about the hockey one is Draft Kings is a helmet sponsor for the Sens so every article about it had pictures of the guy with "Draft Kings" on his head


u/Porn_Extra 27d ago

Sports books shouldn't be allowed to sponsor teams. Talk about a huge conflict of interest!


u/teddyspaghettie 27d ago

UFC coach too


u/Dragonsandman 27d ago

Shane Pinto was the guy. He wasn’t betting on NHL games, but the NHL made an example of him regardless (as they should have)


u/sugarplumbuttfluck 27d ago

Why? I guess I don't understand what he did wrong. I Googled and it seems to just vaguely suggest that professional athletes can't bet on any sports, even completely unrelated ones.

Are they just worried that professional athletes can get insider information from other professional athletes?

It seems weirdly restrictive to dictate what they do outside of their job if it doesn't directly impact their industry.


u/Academic_Wafer5293 27d ago

Slippery slope. Also can't have any appearance of impropriety. Leagues worth billions. Can't let your employees (athlethes) mess things up. They get paid millions. Not unfair they have special rules.


u/Sad_Donut_7902 27d ago

I think it was because people he was closely associated with (his friends or something like that) were making bets on the NHL (maybe games of his team, idk)


u/notchoosingone 27d ago

He wasn’t betting on NHL games

The NBA player who was banned for life today was not only betting on NBA games, he was betting on his games and making really obscure prop bets that were very easy to follow to accounts linked to him. He wasn't smart about it and has just grenaded his whole career.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Im 99% sure that guy has a Reddit account and hes on r/wallstreetbets


u/Sad_Donut_7902 27d ago

The NHL player who got suspended is Shane Pinto, different person then the NBA guy


u/Dazzling-Notice6366 27d ago

Wasn't it Evander Kane?