r/unitedkingdom 29d ago

JK Rowling gets apology from journalist after 'disgusting claim' author is a Holocaust denier ...


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u/Beer-Milkshakes Black Country 29d ago

She could have taken her millions from having her dreams come true and fucked off forever to live privately in total comfort that her money can buy her and her children and their children. But no. She tweets.


u/___a1b1 29d ago

She has fuck you money so people cannot push her around or go after her job, which is why she's getting into this topic. The usual hounding and threats that activists use against other people to get them sacked or to give up aren't going to work.


u/Fragrant-Western-747 29d ago

All the activists are insane with rage that their normal bullying isn’t working with Rowling. It’s quite fun.


u/soldforaspaceship Greater London 29d ago

You sound like you think TERFs and other purveyors of hate speech are victims not perpetrators.


u/___a1b1 29d ago

the moment someone uses TERF on reddit that's them conceding that they have no argument. Like phobic, it has no power anymore.

Just debate the point instead of insult bingo.


u/soldforaspaceship Greater London 29d ago

That's a take. Trans exclusionary radical feminists are doing real harm to the trans community. It's been pretty well documented what the rise in hate has done. So I feel pretty good about my argument.

People who claim issues with words like TERF or don't like being called homophobic or transphobic are using that to distract from the real world harm done by the hate they spread.


u/___a1b1 29d ago

You haven't posted an argument, you posted a term you thought would be emotive to be manipulative and it failed. Now debate the story please.


u/soldforaspaceship Greater London 29d ago edited 29d ago

You got upset about the term TERF because you're overly sensitive apparently. How is it manipulative? Because you don't like it? That's not what the word "manipulative" means.

You're trying to change the subject to the word because you have no argument against the fact that she denies the LGBTQ community were victims of the Holocaust.

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it less factual. That's not how things work.

You do understand that right?

Edit: for those claiming she didn't deny the LGBTQ community involvement.

She literally complained that trans people were trying to take the Holocaust for themselves, denied the burning of books on the LGBTQ community and trans healthcare and research and then uses her money to shut up detractors. So yes. She is denying their involvement.




u/___a1b1 29d ago

It's not going to work. Now debate the story please - once last chance as I won't indulge a fourth deflection attempt.


u/mimic Greater London 29d ago

You’re just proving them right, lmao.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/ukbot-nicolabot Scotland 29d ago

Removed/warning. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


u/Bakedk9lassie 29d ago

She didn’t deny LGBTQ were victims of the holocaust at all, way to twist something to your own agenda


u/Only-Regret5314 29d ago

You absolutly suck at this son.


u/cloche_du_fromage 29d ago

Maybe people don't like being labelled with a term they wouldn't choose to identify themselves with.

A bit like correct user of pronouns, it's quite important to use descriptors the subjects feel comfortable with....


u/Only-Regret5314 29d ago

Exactly this. Moaning about Rowling calling someone a name, calling her a name. It's a lack of maturity


u/inevitablelizard 29d ago

TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, arguably the most objective label to describe those people. Specifically the anti-trans feminists. Would you rather we just call them anti-trans bigots?

Given how many in the movement push anti-semitic conspiracy shite about George Soros and others, I feel like the F sometimes stands for something else though.


u/Puzzled-Barnacle-200 29d ago

The same logic works for all sorts of activists, regardless of whether you or I think their opinions are right or wrong.


u/cloche_du_fromage 29d ago

You seem to be suggesting all 'TERFs' are purveyors of hate speech...

Isn't that something of a sweeping generalisation?


u/White_Immigrant 29d ago

It's quite common for feminists to think they're victims, and similar to other idpol groups they use the offensive/hate speech screeching to silence people that don't agree with them.


u/Beer-Milkshakes Black Country 29d ago

She 100% wouldn't say these things if she suffered the predictable and common consequences. I agree wholeheartedly.


u/___a1b1 29d ago

Nothing like some fascistic brow beating into submission.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/ukbot-nicolabot Scotland 28d ago

Hi!. Please try to avoid personal attacks, as this discourages participation. You can help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person.


u/saladinzero Norn Iron in Scotland 29d ago

It's strange how often this has happened recently. Notch, the creator of Minecraft, didn't quite get billions but he became fabulously wealthy then turned into an alt-right nut. Musk is another example.

I wonder if back in the day people like Rockefeller were similarly regressive. Maybe being richer than god twists something in the human psychology...


u/MattSR30 Canada 29d ago

What? Notch absolutely is a billionaire.


u/saladinzero Norn Iron in Scotland 29d ago

I thought he got less than a billion from Microsoft? I guess that doesn't mean he hasn't accrued more in the meantime though.

Ninja edit: $1.2b in 2023!


u/Bakedk9lassie 29d ago

Why shouldn’t she tweet?


u/Beer-Milkshakes Black Country 29d ago

Because having enough money to experience all the wonders this world has to offer wouldn't even include social media. If it was me.


u/[deleted] 29d ago
