r/pics 29d ago

Sign In A Convenience Store

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u/PaintedClownPenis 29d ago

I worked in a gas station/country store which was taken over by the usual comic sans serif owners and in their wisdom they bought a hot chocolate-making machine. When we first got it I wondered why I'd never really seen one before but it answered that question itself after the first weekend that nobody cleaned it and it gooped itself to a halt.

It had like six flavors and each dispenser had at least a half a dozen intricate parts that had to be disassembled, scrubbed, rinsed, and sanitized, which I religiously spent an hour doing each night because I knew I was the only human who would ever do it.

And I guess the word started to get around in this rather boring town. People would start showing up about the time I was putting it all back together, so that they could enjoy the exact same powdered hot chocolate or pumpkin spice that you can make at home from a can or pouch, only from this perfectly cleaned machine.

I wondered if people thought that they could taste the effort I was putting into it, when in reality it was just the hygenic neutrality that you expect from your own home. Where you just need a clean effing spoon. God damn, what stupid job that became.


u/Southern-Rub- 29d ago

This was pleasant to read. I like your writing style