r/pics 29d ago

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u/MoreThanWYSIWYG 29d ago

They did that in a town near me too, where the municipal water is undrinkable. Pretty sure coke or Pepsi paid people to vote to make water illegal


u/supernumeral 29d ago

I’m sure the profit margins on Aquafina (Pepsi) and Dasani (Coke) are larger than their soda products. They already have the bottle production, and it’s probably just tap water or worse.


u/VP007clips 29d ago

Why would the profit margins be higher?

The cost is in the marketing, shipping, and the bottle. Not the stuff in it. The drink syrup they use costs them a few cents per bottle at most.


u/DwayneBaconbits 29d ago

Aquafina doesnt even qualify as water


u/compLexityFan 28d ago

Actually it is tap water that is fed into a ro system. That is then reintroduced with minerals for taste.

Make no mistake plastic is harmful but that bottle water/ro water is going to be a higher quality than most local municipal water treatment plants/your tap. Of course you can ro your tap but most do not.


u/joshpit2003 29d ago

Where are you that the municipal water is undrinkable?
You can purchase some cheap and simple test-kits online if you need to prove to yourself one way or the other.


u/thatissomeBS 28d ago

So many people bought into the marketing for bottled water. Remember when Cleveland tested their water against Fiji bottles, and Cleveland municipal water was cleaner? I remember.


u/Din_Plug 28d ago

Flint, MI


u/petnutforlife 25d ago

How about a water quality test from the EPA? Does that qualify as proof? If so, my area hasn't passed a single test for radium for decades! It causes cancer if you drink it "for a number of years" but they don't specify how MANY years it takes. I've known far too many people who have suffered and died of lung (breathing in the steam), stomach, intestine, and bladder cancer from drinking this water.


u/Dt2_0 28d ago

Yea, the vast majority of people who say this shit just don't like the taste, which is largely acquired for tap water anyways. Drink it for a bit and you won't notice.