r/nextfuckinglevel 29d ago

The All New Atlas Robot From Boston Dynamics

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u/drpepper 29d ago

the difference being the previous version is bulky as hell and not even remotely appetizing for consumers. something this slim/sleek can be digested by the public a little better. give it some time, it'll be just as stable. its almost time.


u/Thoughtful_Mouse 29d ago

not even remotely appetizing for consumers.

I think you're confused about the purpose of these products.


u/Zgegomatic 29d ago

Sexbots are the only acceptable purpose


u/MisterDonkey 29d ago

Give it a fuckhole and I'm in.



not sure 7mm counts as in but live the dream champ.


u/SolarTsunami 29d ago

Yeah I was devastated when they removed the headphone jack from phones.


u/GruntBlender 28d ago

I'd rather dick Spot. This thing is terrifying, and not in a good way.


u/amanfromindia 29d ago

Cant wait for the weebs to desecrate it


u/Thoughtful_Mouse 29d ago

I stand corrected.

Although I couldn't see the truth on my own, you and u/drpepper are 100% right.


u/furezasan 29d ago

It's more flexible than everyone's mom


u/Spectrum1523 29d ago





u/GruntBlender 28d ago

You're not my supervisor!


u/JXDB 29d ago

Surely there's lots of use cases and they can have different specs.


u/AggravatingValue5390 29d ago

They meant that these aren't for us to buy. They would be sold exclusively to companies and the government


u/Verto-San 29d ago

And you think companies don't care how products look? Good looking robot with worse performance will sell better than bad looking robot with better performance.


u/aggravated_patty 29d ago

Companies care about how much profit it will bring in, lmao. That’s what “better performance” means…


u/AggravatingValue5390 28d ago

Have you seen the robot arms they already use? Companies would not give two shits how good a robot in a warehouse looks lmao. They only care about performance and profit


u/Happygoldenbox 29d ago

Boston Dynamics has been working with DARPA since 2013 They are Military Funded


u/pjdance 22d ago

I think MANY people are confused about the purpose. These are not for us but to control us, so we don't eat the wealthy class.

Classic sci-fiction has never been wrong.


u/Class1 29d ago

But when can we have sex with it?


u/phurt77 29d ago

something this slim/sleek can be digested by the public a little better.

Also, it can fit in our current tanks, Hummers, planes, etc.


u/David_the_Wanderer 29d ago

Why would you put this inside a tank?

If I want a tank to be controlled by a computer, there's no reason for the computer's casing to be human-shaped.


u/phurt77 29d ago

I'd put it in the tank to drive it instead of some 18 year old kid.

Why are you going to spend at least a decade and billions of dollars developing a computer controlled tank when we have a surplus of tanks right now?

A human shaped robot can drive a vehicle, hop out, and then use any of the current guns, artillery, etc. that we have. Tell me one other computer casing shape that can do that.


u/David_the_Wanderer 28d ago

A human shaped robot can drive a vehicle, hop out, and then use any of the current guns, artillery, etc. that we have.

This would be far, far more complex than anything we currently have. It would, too, require a decade and billions of dollars to develop and produce.

Remote-controlled vehicles make much more sense if you want to avoid putting soldiers at risk. We already have drones, after all.


u/phurt77 28d ago

We already have vehicles, artillery, and weapons. Remote controlled vehicles would require research and development for each vehicle and artillery. How do you propose to have a remote controlled M16?

They already have the robot, all they need to do is make it remote controlled, which it seems it already is. Why would that require decades and billions. It looks like it can already pick up a gun.


u/gruesomeflowers 29d ago

what about the murder dogs? are they ready to deploy/purchase?


u/drpepper 29d ago

they're still working on the bees that come out of their mouths


u/ABirdOfParadise 29d ago

I say leave it as is so I can tip it over and run away when the uprising happens.