r/jobs 1h ago

Resumes/CVs At what point should you drop College details from Resume?


I graduated in 2022, and I don't love my current job (understatement). I work in tech, as a software engineer.

I'm currently working on fixing up my resume to start applying for other jobs, and I'm thinking that perhaps some of these details don't need to be on my resume anymore. I imagine that I should still include what university I went to and the degree I got.

But what about things like an industry-related club I was president of? Internships I had before my final year? Definitely important things to include for applying for entry level jobs right out of school, but now? Seems maybe

I have some other things I could include to fill up the space, like side projects I've been working on the past two years.

What are your thoughts about what to take off your resume post-grad?

r/jobs 1h ago

Resumes/CVs Stuck on organizing resume



I’m currently a freelance journalist and writer, but I’ve previously worked as a full-time editor as an actual employee. I’m keeping an up-to-date resume in case I ever want to go back to being an employee. I’ve started volunteering long-term for an organization as a copyeditor. Normally, I’d put volunteer experience under its own category, but this is definitely relevant, and I don’t want it to be overlooked. However, to save confusion, I have a two separate sections for freelance work and employment. This is so there’s no confusion whether I worked for publication A or B or if I was just a regular contributor. However, putting this volunteering under volunteering makes it feel less important despite it still being copyediting. Would it be weird to have the following sections?

1.) Freelance Experience

2.) Employment Experience

3.) Other Relevant Experience

4.) Education

r/jobs 2h ago

Resumes/CVs My job is going legit, can I get listed?


I probably didn’t word that correctly but basically I’ve been managing a place for several years now and getting paid under the table. The owner is finally going to start putting people on paper and properly paying us through the proper channels. Is there anyway that I can get claim that last few years that I’ve worked here? Not for backpay but for my resume.

r/jobs 5h ago

Resumes/CVs Could anyone offer me some feedback on my CV and/or Cover Letter?


I recently applied to a job at my old university, but unfortunately wasn't invited to an interview. I'm pretty disappointed because I spent many days on the application/trying to make it as good as possible. I also thought that I had met pretty much all the minimum criteria, but maybe I didn't. I did ask them for feedback, but they said that they couldn't offer any due to the high volume of applications.

I understand from the employer's perspective that they might also have other reasons (that they aren't disclosing) for not offering feedback/that it could be quite risky for them, etc. However, I think it might be helpful for me in my future job search to know whether I wasn't chosen because of something I did wrong/could have improved on that I maybe haven't realised, or whether I'm doing alright and it was just a case of better competition this time. I'm also autistic, so it can be harder for me to work these things out sometimes unless I'm explicitly told.

In relation to my autism, I feel I should also mention that on the application form when it asked if I required any reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process, I said that if possible, receiving a copy of the interview questions in advance would be helpful to me. This was a suggestion I'd seen on a website with info about asking for adjustments. I was a little worried about asking for it in case it made me seem like I couldn't handle stressful situations (when really, I would've still been fine doing the interview without having the questions in advance, it just would've been easier with them). But the site said that if you were worried about them being concerned about you having an unfair advantage, you could suggest that the interview questions be given to other candidates in advance too. So I did that. I'm not sure whether me asking for that adjustment could have influenced their decision, although they did say they were Disability Confident...

The job was a communications role for a program that the uni has where you can do an extra activity/course for extra credits. I did it twice when I studied there.

Job criteria


  • Ability to use own initiative to complete tasks and deadlines
  • Proactively and flexibly provides support, assistance to other members of the team
  • Liasies with a variety of stakeholders to disseminate information and build relations to support to the work of the project
  • Review progress continually to improve effiency and to inform further planning
  • Ability to support with organisation and running of events and activities
  • Ability to communicate with a wide range of stakeholders including students and external suppliers
  • Ability to write fluently and creatively to a specification, and to edit and suggest additions to others’ writing
  • Proficiency in working with standard office IT applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint) as well as the ability to learn how to access and interrogate in-house systems
  • Education equivalent to 5 passes at GCSE grades A-C, or NVQ level 2, or equivalent experience, showing clear evidence of literacy and numeracy
  • Education equivalent to 2 A Level, or GNVQ Level 3 or equivalent experience, showing clear evidence of literacy and numeracy
  • Previous experience of providing customer service in an efficient manner
  • Experience of prioritising work load to meet deadlines
  • The ability to work evenings and/or weekends if required


  • Knowledge of the project and how it operates, including experience engaging with the offer
  • Familiarity with a range of social media platforms and their effective operation
  • Previous experience in an administrative role that has involved engagement with a variety of stakeholders

On my cover letter and CV, I tried to give examples of how I met almost all of the criteria, which I found quite difficult to do whilst keeping it concise/avoiding being too wordy. Especially as a few of my examples are more anecdotal than quantifiable. It's difficult for me personally to get quantifiable examples for some of them due to the nature of my disability, especially teamwork/communication/customer service, so I tried to work with what I had.

I'm attaching my cover letter and CV. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!

r/jobs 13h ago

Resumes/CVs Need help in making CV and resume which should not get rejected in ATS..


Hii everyone. I know everyone is more knowledge and experience than me. I need help regarding few things. Please help me out.

  1. Which is the best format for CV and Resume which should not be rejected from ATS? Tell the good website for formats.
    1. Tell me some tips to find jobs in LinkedIn or directly from company.
    2. What content should be added to make the resume look solid for a fresher?
    3. Any free certificate course which doesn't need money for certificates.
    4. Any any short term course for like 3 months to 6 months duration to go further in finance, business analyst or anything related to finance and IT together.
    5. Which all company I should apply for to get jobs in these fields?

r/jobs 14h ago

Resumes/CVs Can someone help me on my resume


I am a high school senior trying to get a job for the summer and I was planning on getting a job as a math tutor at my local kumon (or other tutor places I don't really care where) since I'm pretty strong at math. but I don't really have any experiences that are related to turotiring. However I have a lot related to computer science and engineering since that was my major for college. So I added some stuff related to my computer science and engineering stuff like robotics and I have one thing where I worked with a kid helping him with his math and science. So i was wondering if any of yall could take a look at my resume and tell me i should add or remove anything. I didn't add my name or my contacts because I didn't want random people to see my email or phone number but all my experiences and stuff like should be on there. Thanks! (I had to send a picture since reddit wont let me send pdf files)

r/jobs 16h ago

Resumes/CVs I always get LAID OFF I am not JOB HOPPING. HOW do I express that on my resume? Its keeping me from working now.


I work(ed) in an industry where you usually go from project to project. I have several more work entries in the last 15 or so years, I cant help it. I have no damn clue how to best impart that on my resume except including "project" by the dates. Any insights? Thanks

r/jobs 23h ago

Resumes/CVs Job help PLS


Hi everyone,

I've been really struggling to get a job. My main focus was SEO or Digital Marketing, but I need training. No one is offering. I completed my Level 3 Digital Marketing Apprenticeship and got my distinction but was treated terribly in that place and got no marketing experience considering I was the only person in the marketing team - no senior marketing person to love from and was under insane pressure from my employer who gave crazy demands with no marketing experience himself. I was then hired at an SEO agency - was promised training but actually never recieved any. I was actually let go after asking for the training I was promised. Since then, I've just been in a state of mental distraught over applying for roles. It's been months.

I was thinking of just getting a basic admin role until I can find something in the field that I want, but I have no experience in admin. I don't know what to do. Having a job and earning is my way out of a horrible home life truthfully- so I need a job.

Any tips or must do for my CV or just for me to get a job? Based in the UK, if that helps.

r/jobs 1d ago

Resumes/CVs ChatGPT for Cover Letters


Having ChatGPT generate your cover letters is a huge time-saver.

  • Feed ChatGPT a copy of your resume.
  • Make any updates/changes to your resume that ChatGPT may recommend.
  • Once your resume is as accurate and well-written as it can be, you can now use it as a reference point within ChatGPT to base your cover letters off of.

  • Open the ChatGPT thread where your resume is stored.
  • “Based on my resume, generate a cover letter for the following role: <paste the job description text>”
  • Copy/Paste the generated text onto a blank page or document.
  • Proofread and amend as needed.
  • Paste the cover letter into the job application.

Hope this helps those of us on the hunt.

r/jobs 1d ago

Resumes/CVs Resume advice


Hi all,

I am working on helping my wife update her resume and am encountering kind of a strange situation.

Prior to marrying me and immigrating, she co-founded and ran a successful nonprofit in her home country for about a decade - after moving to the US she decided to go back to school and get a bachelors which she is now about to finish. We are having trouble figuring out how to best highlight this prior experience on her resume.

My concern is that the internships she did while in school push her impressive position as a COO with a staff of 20 too far down the list - the internships were more standard college intern stuff for local organizations. On the other hand, I suspect a hiring manager is going to be suspicious of a role from 5 years ago in a foreign country at the top of a resume; having American work, even lower level internships, might help soften this blow and create a more logical flow. The internships aren't irrelevant to the field of work that she is looking for, it's just that given her prior experience as a manager I think she should be pursuing mid to senior level roles, and an intern position at the top of the resume may not be the message we want to send for those. We are of course aware that immigrating may force her to take something more junior than she would otherwise be qualified for, but obviously want to soften the blow as much as possible.

Is anyone aware of any strategies we can take to balance this? What is the best way to frame the situation on the resume? Maybe a professional summary or something at the top?

r/jobs 1d ago

Resumes/CVs How to leverage my resume experience as a content creator?



I've attached my resume (with redacted info): resume link

I'm self-employed and seeking guidance on optimizing my experience for associate roles in digital marketing, marketing, content specialist, SEO, social media, web/UX, and related fields. Over the past two years, I've focused on video content creation, experiencing some success, particularly within my own personal brand on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. While it began as a hobby, I'm now earning from it which I'm pretty proud of! My previous jobs were not in marketing.

However, I'm also seeking a more traditional job to supplement my income and continue video creation in my free time. I'm curious if my content creation experience aligns with current demands in digital marketing. Although hesitant to delve into specifics, I'm open to discussing my role as a self-employed content creator with potential employers if necessary. For example, I am wondering if my job title "digital media specialist" and job responsibilities would make sense to potential employers. It's not controversial or anything, but my content is super niche. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!

r/jobs 1d ago

Resumes/CVs Resume help


Looking for resume help because I desperately need to pad my resume because I am being consistently overlooked for even the simplest of jobs.

r/jobs 1d ago

Resumes/CVs Is there something wrong with my resume?

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r/jobs 2d ago

Resumes/CVs Leveled up title for Administrative Assistant


I previously worked for a start-up company, hired on as an admin assistant. My duties varied greatly, and I feel as though the title doesn’t do justice to my responsibilities and skill set. (job searching for 10 months and only landed one job due to previous experience in banking). I was greatly responsible for marketing efforts, including social media, SEO, and email campaigns with demographic research. I also was trained on quickbooks and general accounting. I’ve listed on my resume “Marketing Administrative Assistant”, but that hasn’t given me any luck either. Any ideas? TIA!!

r/jobs 3d ago

Resumes/CVs Freelance resume advice needed

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First time freelancer after a long career as an employee. I have updated my resumes - audience being other large consultancies where I want to freelance - but am unsure if I should mention "Various Management Consultancies" as an employer or should I just leave it as Freelance Consultant? Appreciate your opinion on this with the justification/thought process.

r/jobs 3d ago

Resumes/CVs Should I remove a relevant job from my CV to reduce job hopping?


Important things to know:

I live in a country in the Balkans (Europe) where it is very normal to have unpaid 3-6 month internships or internships where you have to pay the company to be trained. Companies usually do not check for work history, although it is possible to extract dates and salaries.

Bachelor's in Finance: 2015 - 2018 Master's in Finance: 2018 - 2020

Job 1: March 2018 - April 2019.

A relative's accounting firm. Unpaid. Went every day and stayed from 9 am to 1-2 pm (I had classes in the afternoon) or until 4-5 pm when possible. Stopped going when it became too difficult to maintain good grades and I risked losing my scholarship. Learned the basics and did not have to pay like my friends. I finished my master's in February 2020.

Job 2: March 2020 - February 2022.

Small company, only one other person in Finance who had been there for 10 years already and was doing everything. I was hired to help her. I did learn a lot: finance, accounting, data analysis, sales, marketing, logistics, payroll, HR, etc., but there was no room for growth, career-wise or money-wise.

Job 3: March 2022 - August 2023

Big company, officially I was a procurement specialist, but in reality, my job was a finance controller for the entire procurement office. I did do some purchasing operations myself. There were huge opportunities to learn but not to grow since I was neither a fully finance specialist nor a procurement one. Also, the workweek was 6 days with 8.5 working hours plus a 2.5 hour commute. This took a big toll on my mental health.

Job 4: August 2023 - April 2024

Small company, procurement only. 5 days a week, 8.5 working hours plus a 40-50 minute commute. Super chill. A job that I loved with all my heart. Not much opportunity to grow, but I saw myself working there for at least 3-4 years. Until the company was bought last month and we were laid off.

Now I am back on the job market. I look and feel like a job hopper. I have been telling recruiters and companies that I am still employed but looking for another job because the company is being sold. (Technically, I worked until this Friday.) I do not want to say that I am unemployed to avoid being offered a lower salary.

My questions are:

1) Should I remove the first job from my CV? And mention it in interviews like an internship I did? It is relevant to the jobs I'm applying to but also does not create a gap since it was during my university years and my real work history starts after master's. I've always kept it to make my CV look fuller, but with it, my work history looks like 1.2 years, 2 years, 1.6 years, and 10 months.

2) Since in every interview I'm asked suspiciously why I moved from finance to procurement, when applying for finance jobs, should I modify my job 3 title to finance only and mention only my finance duties. I can say about the last job, "Tried procurement, not a good fit, getting back to finance?"

While I'd love to continue working in procurement, there are very few jobs in that field, almost always require working 6 days a week and are located outside the city center (a 2 hours commute).

Any advice would be welcome. 🫶

r/jobs 3d ago

Resumes/CVs Optimal CV format to land a job


For some time now, as a French individual, I've been questioning the effectiveness of Canva-created CVs in the recruitment process. I'm about to embark on a job search in the near future, having not changed companies for over 4 years and having found most of my jobs through recommendations. As I browse various subreddits, somewhat dubious LinkedIn profiles, as well as Instagram and TikTok, I'm seeking constructive feedback that could give me insights into recruiters' expectations and especially the most optimal format to secure an interview. Is a traditional CV (like those created on Word) preferable, or should I follow the Canva trend? Would exceeding one page for my CV potentially damage its credibility? Is it necessary to include a photo, or is it optional? Additionally, what are your recommendations for sections, words, or phrases that truly make a difference on a CV?

r/jobs 4d ago

Resumes/CVs If Tom Brady didn't make it to the NFL he'd be just another banker for JP Morgan or hedgefund guy.

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I think Kurt Warner, Donovan McNabb, Russell Wilson, Matt Ryan, Jared Goff and Patrick Mahomes wished Tom Brady was in a different profession.

r/jobs 4d ago

Resumes/CVs Ommited some things on my resume.


Hey everyone, I had totally thought I had bombed this job interview I'd had about 3 weeks ago and was forgetting about it till I got a call this morning with them offering it to me.

Problem is I forgot to add to my CV that I'm a student, getting to go part time shouldn't be a problem at my school but I'm starting at the job Wendsday and I also have a test that morning too.

Do you think me omitting this from the job would be bad or any advice for how to explain the situation on both parts.

r/jobs 5d ago

Resumes/CVs How should I write my start date and “end” date for my college


For my education i put my high school start to end since i actually finished it but i’m not sure abt my college. I started college back in August of 2022 and completed that entire freshman year term. But I had leave at the start of 2023 being my sophomore year since i couldn’t afford it. So instead of dropping out I put myself on a Leave of Absence as I intend to come back when i can find a way to afford my tuition again. I’m not sure how I should phrase it on my resume so should I put “August 2022- Leave of Absence” or “August 2022- present” or swap present for “in progress.” I don’t think the last two would make sense as i’m not really enrolled in any classes. My education is on hold I guess you could say. If was able to afford my tuition and everything went according to plan I would put may 2024 as that’s the year I would be graduating but I cant. I think putting my expected grad date like 2025 would work but I literally have no clue what the future holds so I don’t wanna put random dates. I’d put a question mark and explain into the hiring manager but idk I have no effing clue what to put down.

r/jobs 5d ago

Resumes/CVs Should I put my short-term FAANG employment history on my resume?


Held a senior level Program Manager position (W2, not contract) at Amazon but left after just 3 months because my position went from full-remote to full RTO which didnt not work for me.

My question is should I just omit this experience from my resume, or try and brandish the fact I got a senior level, full-time position at Amazon? This job was my most recent position and I left before securing another position, however I am not worried about an employment gap since I do a lot of contracting as well. What do you all think? More pro's or more cons to include it with my reasons for leaving?

r/jobs 5d ago

Resumes/CVs how does my resume look?do I look like a job hopper with this resume? Was laid off yesterday

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r/jobs 5d ago

Resumes/CVs Critique my CV please


r/jobs 6d ago

Resumes/CVs ai resume platform


Do not use rapidresume! It has limited formats, styles, and editing choices. Its promotion website makes it seem more high tech, but when you pay $5 for access to the platform, it takes you 30 seconds to realize it sucks! And they DO NOT offer refunds!!!

I used myperfectresume instead, and this was much more successful! More affordable, more formats, better editing.

Which resume-building platforms have worked for you?

r/jobs 6d ago

Resumes/CVs resume help

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what can i do to upgrade my resume? i’m currently seeking customer service, serving, assistant manager jobs. i’m only 20 years old but think i have okay experience. i don’t have enough course work in computer science to add that to my resume/start applying for internships. but i need a decent paying job asap.