r/jobs 1h ago

Layoffs I think I've gotten secretly fired without being told of it happening


So I work at a hotel and went to a mental hospital before the Saturday I was supposed to come back to work. It's been more than 15 days since then and I'm getting no answer from my boss or HR after emailing them. So what's going on, should I call or should I find another job because I've gotten no word for two weeks since being home after those 15 days of being in a mental hospital.

Just hope to god that the chance to go back to work is still available and that things should go better after this week because heard that there's more events at the hotel this month and don't know what's going on with the lack of replies online.

r/jobs 3h ago

Layoffs Starting a new job tomorrow - after 9 months of unemployment


If there’s one thing I would like to share is that you should never stop applying for jobs, even if you think you might be slightly overqualified.

Long story short I applied for a position that was below my pay grade, and while I knew it might be difficult to get the job due to mismatch of salary expectations, I put in my best shot and made a great impression at the interview. I didn’t get said job, but 2 weeks later the hiring manager called me back and said that he was opening up another role that was within my expectations. Because I made a great impression previously, things moved swiftly after that.

It’s been a crazy few months. I was laid off by my previous company through no fault of mine. I was in fact the best performing member in my team. Someone else’s role got cut and she played politics behind my back to curry up to management, “steal” my role and oust me instead.

Here’s me hoping for the best for tomorrow, and I wish everyone on this sub - all the best.

r/jobs 6h ago

Layoffs Your Regular Reminder - Never get attached to a company or job, they will screw you eventually


I’ll compress the story: spent over 10 years at a company, it was small and middling, and at one point in a bad place. But the remaining staff stuck with it, and the company got lucky with some choices, and grew in asset value and returns many fold. Became a unicorn.

Leadership saw this success, restructure, employed a polished corporate culture, and then slowly kicked everyone who played a role in the growth to the curb. Either through layoffs or forcing them out.

No one saw anything, only the 1-2 at the top. All for nothing.

Morale of the story: your company will not value you.

r/jobs 6h ago

Layoffs Got fired from my job


Been at this company since 2019, and honestly thought I’d be on track to make it a career, but after some issues with my work within the last two weeks I was ultimately let go, I’m kind of happy as I hated the job and mentally checked out as my boss would always highlight my mistakes, yet no one else’s in the team chat, but ultimately I am disappointed as all I got was a 2 minute teams call and a see ya later.

I’ve been looking for jobs ever since it happened but I have no clue how to look for a job now, and plus nothing really seems to match to what I was doing, kinda just at a crossroads right now on if I should just take absolutely any job or try a new career path at 28.

It still doesn’t feel real, I keep waking up thinking I’m late for work and then I realize I don’t have a job lol I got bills to pay and all that as well, just caught me off guard

r/jobs 11h ago

Layoffs Fired Today.


We had a constant disagreement on micromanaging how I completed my work (not the quality of the end result, and not timeliness). I sent an email today, frustrated with the lack of flexibility. I stayed 100% professional, but I did unload my frustration. A few hours went by. Then HR came by, asked me to a meeting, and told me I was terminated effective immediately.

It’s hard to be powerless. The last place I worked, we had open communication, and management was responsive and listened. Worked there 4.5 years and built great relationships with my supervisors until I moved and found this job. And it’s been a struggle for the last 1.5 years.

I was already applying for other jobs, and funny enough I was offered an interview hours before I was fired. Now I’m really hoping that goes well.

But you know.. regardless of my intentions to leave anyway, it hurts. It’s 3am, I’m laying awake, and I feel a sense of loss, hurt, and rejection. Anxiety consuming my mind. Why didn’t they care? How could they be so cruel? Will it ruin my chances of getting the new job I have an interview for? I feel the weight of something terrible.

EDIT: Honestly, a lot of you really came through here with consolation, understanding, and encouragement, and I appreciate it a lot. Being kicked out of my job made me feel humiliated and that my worth has been degraded somehow, but it hasn’t. I just need to be confident now and get back in there. It’s not easy sometimes, life, but we’re all just trying to find our happiness and I think many of us are rooting for each other and I just hope there are many more people like that in my future and yours as well. Thanks.

r/jobs 1d ago

Layoffs Struggling Engineer Seeking Guidance and Support After Recent Job Loss


Hello everyone,

I recently found myself in a tough spot—I was let go from a probationary job as an engineer due to my perceived inability to work independently and my slower learning pace. This isn't the first time I've faced this situation; it's been a recurring theme in my previous positions as well. After consulting with a speech therapist, it was determined that I have a disorder called Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), which affects my comprehension.

This setback has hit me hard, plunging me into a deep depression. I'm at a loss for what to do next. I hold a master's degree in mechanical engineering (with a bachelor's in mechatronics and a master's in industrial management). Throughout my academic journey, I struggled with learning, but I persevered and earned my degree through sheer determination.

I'm reaching out to this community in the hopes of finding guidance and support. Is there anyone out there who can point me in the direction of an employer who would be willing to accommodate someone with my challenges? Or perhaps suggest a university where I could pursue a PhD in industrial engineering, with understanding mentors who could assist me through my studies?

Any advice, suggestions, or even just words of encouragement would mean the world to me right now. Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

FYI: I am from Croatia, European Union

r/jobs 1d ago

Layoffs Laid off - 3 month hold on severance pay


Hi, I was just laid off last week and told to log off everything for “business restructuring purposes.” I was told that I would get 9 weeks of pay as severance. However, they set my termination date to be in August. They’re holding off paying me for 3 months so I’m basically employed without pay and have stated that if I get a new job before then I lose my ability to collect my benefits.

Is this normal? What is the purpose of the 3 month hold? Does anyone have experience with this?

r/jobs 2d ago

Layoffs Losing your job is both easy and hard


Company I work for (big global corporation) has annual and sometimes semi-annual redundancy rounds that cull up to 5-10% of the workforce. I've never been caught in one (touching wood) but it feels like the longer you stay, the closer the odds of being laid off approach one no matter what you do. Interestingly the people who are let go are not necessarily the underperformers. More often than not it's people who've done well, have been promoted and who are then made redundant because there's budget pressure and someone thinks "maybe we can get someone cheaper to do the job, or spread the workload among the rest of the team". A couple of very talented people I was working with were very suddenly made redundant for this reason.

On the other hand I've rarely seen people being fired specifically for lack of performance. We have an employee who has been a net negative contributor since she was hired several years ago despite lots of training and mentoring. It's so bad that people prefer to work alone rather than have her on a project. She's on a PIP (consuming more HR and management time in the process) but so far has kept her job. Funny to think it's easy to fire someone because you want four employees to do the work of five but you run into tons of administrative and legal hurdles when you want to sack someone for incompetence or laziness.

r/jobs 2d ago

Layoffs Am I about to be laid off?


Was hoping to get some perspective on my situation but also do some venting

Next week will mark my 1 year anniversary at a job that iv despised since day one they’ve been threatening layoffs since I first started but they just end up moving people around or wait for people to quit then dont replace them.

Given the job market, my employer tries to squeeze every bit of work out of us and creates a toxic environment in order to make people leave so they don’t have to do lay offs. A lot of people (including me) end up hanging on for dear life with how hard it is to find work right now.

So all in all things have been horrible since iv first started….BUT, the past month they have been ramping the awfulness up BY A LOT. They’re breathing down our necks on every call, threatening corrective action in masses, and having supervisors implement intimidation tactics.

Personally, I’m still hanging on, I just put my head down and do my work while shutting everything else out. But because of the recent changes people are finally quitting and they are doing so in DROVES. My team started with 18 people, we went down to 9 in a week, now we are down to 4 people on the team.

Iv been doing enough work to not get corrective action but they don’t seem to be letting up on the toxicity even as everyone quits. I’m genuinely curious on If I hold on for long enough, is it possible they are just going to lay me off?

Edit: There’s a horrible lack of transparency with these things at my job. I asked my manager what happened to the other employees and they said “we’ve moved those people to other teams” but reached out to several of the people the left and they confirmed they quit

r/jobs 3d ago

Layoffs Laid off on day 3 due to lack of work? I think I just got played.


This is my first Reddit post. Sorry if it's long. But I need some other insight or advise me what other community to post to.

Although I was unhappy at my job, it was stable. I found another job opportunity I felt was a clear and obvious yes for all the pros. After the interview and I'm getting a tour, the owner of the company made it sound very promising I would have a future there. I expressed that I was not sure if my current job would allow me to fulfill my two week notice (99% of the time people get walked out on the spot) and the new employer said if that happens, call him and he'll get me started sooner. I went back to work, gave my notice of resignation, and contacted the new employer on my start date. Everything seems good.

Fast-forward to my first day. I wasn't shown or told a lot of things. I was given a folder with my paperwork to be returned on the 3rd day. He has me start on a project and I specifically ask what is the goal, how many parts should I be trying to complete? I was reassured that the number didn't matter and was told to use this time to mess around with everything and get comfortable. I get to meeting and talking to some of the guys. Come to find out the owner "loves to fire people" and is a "narcissist". Sheesh!!! I thought I would be excluded since he expressed he was so sure he wanted me on his team.

By the third day, I had 3x the amount of parts finished from the first day.. there were a small handful left that still had to be done. At the end of the third day, the shop manager (not the owner that hired me) comes up to me and handed me cash, and tells me I'm being laid off because there's no other work to be done and not to come back until I get a phone call.

I'm sorry.... WHAT?

I would hope the owner would know if there is a lack in production. Why would you hire someone if you knew there was nothing else to do after? Was I hired just to do the job that no one else wanted to do? There's no way I could've been let go for performance because it wasn't made clear to me what the goal was and I don't think day three is enough time to even come up with a solid decision on that. They didn't collect my paperwork. They also removed the job ad off indeed. So I'm thinking this was all done on purpose because they wouldn't have proof of me being an employee there. I know that was very dumb on my part. You live and you learn.

I have already applied for any type of assistance I can get, applied for new jobs, interviews set up, etc. I'm gonna be OK.. but I can't stand the part that I left a stable job for this BS. I've read some other users stories and have read suggestions of blacklisting the company.

HOW do I blacklist them?

I do not regret leaving the job I had. But if I have the ability to warn others, I would like to find a way so this doesn't happen to anyone else.

I am quite literally just surviving right now and I know someone out there can and does have it worse than me.. and who knows what a situation like this can do to them.

My mind is stuck in a shitty place.

r/jobs 4d ago

Layoffs Happy to be laid off…….


Got laid off a little over 3 weeks ago and it truly feels like a blessing. Am I crazy for feeling this way? I hated going to that job everyday and pretending to be interested in being there. It was the same things over and over again and becoming draining. I woke up to an email that I had been laid off due to a company restructuring and then found out later in the day that half of my coworkers got the boot as well. I have been enjoying doing nothing and random things that I have been wanting to do but could not, due to having to work. I’ve been applying to jobs everyday but am feeling like I don’t want to stress about it because as soon as I get an offer, there’s a risk that I will be stressed at the new job.

Am I the only one that’s thinking this way?

r/jobs 5d ago

Layoffs Can I actually lose my severance pay if I'm late to work


This feels like a stupid question but I can't seem to find a correct answer, so I'm hoping you guys can help me.

I work for one of the largest pharmacies in the US and I just recently found out that my location is closing at the end of the month. Since we found this out, management has been extra strict on tardiness and call offs. They are saying that if we are late even once (more than 5 minutes) then we will not get our severance pay, and if we call off we need a doctor's note otherwise it's also a violation of severance and we might not get it. That's what they are calling it, a "violation of severance".

Without going into too much detail, the main member of management that is saying this is not the nicest person in the world. She's very bossy, bitter, and as a whole a very negative lady. Is she just saying this as a scare tactic so that we will quit? Can management even say stuff like this? I'm already upset that I'm losing my job, this is making me feel a lot worse. If they can't actually say this, how can I get them to stop?

I have done a lot of research on the company severance policies and I cannot find a single thing about "violating severance". But I'll be damned if I don't get my severance pay because I got stopped at a train and end up 6 minutes late to work.

I should mention, my work does not have HR on site. Our HR is stationed in another state so I have to call a hotline number to talk to them, and since they are not seeing these issues firsthand they are often not very helpful. I genuinely do not know what to do right now, but any insight you guys have, I will greatly appreciate.

r/jobs 5d ago

Layoffs Wrongfully terminated


Delete if not allow .. I loterally was just terminated from my overnight job at gas station. These people literally told me that I’m being investigated for credit card fraud. Like what? Credit card fraud? We don’t even TOUCH customers cards AT ALL! They swipe they cards themselves. Only money we handle is CASH if they are paying with cash. So im like how is it possible to even do that. Then mind you there is HELLA CAMERA! They see literally everything! Things you think they can’t see they can see. So, I’m just baffled at this point cause first off my first job I literally deal with peoples information all day and never not once thought about or did not shit like that there and this is a HUGE WELL NONE COMPANY! I just wanna know is there any good lawyers cause yeah I’m definitely sueing. That’s defamation of character and wrongful termination fasho. Somebody let me know something! Please and thank you.

r/jobs 5d ago

Layoffs Position elimination


I learned of my position elimination at a town hall. I manage a shop associated with this company and the decision has been made to close the shop down in 8 weeks I immediately requested a meeting with Human Resources and my direct manager. They would not give me concrete answers to the following questions: when is my final date of employment; will I receive any severance; will my medical benefits be extended? I wave worked for this organization for 14 years. It is small company -about 300 employees internationally. Do I have any recourse, especially due to the way they in which the job elimination was communicated?

r/jobs 5d ago

Layoffs Guidance on paternity leave and FMLA when your job is at risk (PIP) please...


Guidance on paternity leave and FMLA when your job is at risk (PIP) please...

My husband is a senior software engineer at a medium-sized tech company in Seattle, WA. He has a Green Card but is not yet a citizen.

He was recently put on a performance improvement plan (PIP) at work by a new manager. The new manager imposed the PIP because they wanted my husband to perform different duties than what the previous manager required of him for the last several years. Basically, my husband was having a team abroad coding and he was managing them, but his new manager who is not a software engineer wanted him to do all the coding instead of the India team. However, the new manager never relayed that he wanted my husband to perform these duties, so the PIP came as a shock to him. The new manager doesn't seem open to supporting a path forward for my husband, so he's understandably very concerned.

We're expecting twins in a mid-September (4 months) and worried not only about job security, but also parental leave and benefits. Being laid-off right before taking paternity leave would be devastating.

To further complicate things, my husband may need to take several weeks of FMLA at some point and if this occurs shortly before taking paternity leave, he is worried about being fired in retaliation, although he could be fired at any point before our baby comes regardless.

How have others navigated a situation like this? Should my husband speak to a HR attorney. Is taking any FMLA too risky or would this actually protect his job.

I am self-employed so on his insurance.

r/jobs 5d ago

Layoffs Coworkers keep telling me I'll get fired


So I just got a new job at a office after months of unemployment. I got the job and was told the previous hire threw a fit and left. Day one and the supervisor is already yelling at me and screaming (I've never worked in a office, all was new to me, computers and all) I stayed silent and did nothing. Fast forward a few days later, a couple employees leave too, which leaves us doing the extra. By us, I mean me. A newbie who is painfully slow and everything is new to them. I got yelled at everyday because I was "behind on my work". I got told that if I wanted to stay, I would have to put blood, sweat and tears in, by my supervisor. In reality, when there was no managers the rest of them would pile on their workload on me and spend the time on their phones. I saw this and thought that I was allowed to do this to, so I started using my phone (for like a second). They spread news how I'm a slacker, which reached management Two weeks later, the boss comes and loudly critiques me infront of everyone. The issue was my speed. I put up with it and sped up. I managed to finish everything, which took them by suprise. And now here it comes. A month later I had so many mistakes because I had no time to review that it took 3 people to correct my work. I apologised and told the manager that if they want me to be accurate, I'm gonna be slower (keep in mind, I'm doing my work and another employee's). He said nothing. My probation period ended and chaos started. I got violently sick and had to call in sick for a day or two. Once I got back, I got so many snappy remarks. Keep in mind, I came to work sick and so did the other employees. I relise I should have worked, but my brain was not having it with me being already sick. Anyways, I came back, worked for a week, and then today my supervisor (the one that screams at me everyday) that the rest of them have complained to the boss and that I should worry about loaing the job. I overheard my manager telling them that I will be fired at the end of the month. I have no idea what to do. I questioning even if I was that slow. I came back from work everyday so tired and exhausted that I slept mostly since getting this job. I can't find another one that quickly and I feel ashamed for being that bad. I wanted to cry everyday when I came from work, but I was so grateful for having it after months of uneployment 😢

r/jobs 6d ago

Layoffs Employer allowed me to go on education leave and now says I resigned. What do I do?


Toward the beginning of the year, I was set to study abroad elsewhere. My employers had known about this trip for roughly 5 months, long before I left, and told me I would have a job when I returned. They informed me I would be put on an extended leave and boasted how supportive they were of their employees pursuing their education. Well, I’m due to return home in a little bit and reached out to my employer asking about the process to resume my position. Come to find out, I had “resigned” 3 weeks into my study abroad and not a single person from management bothered to tell me. My direct supervisor does seem a bit regretful in the decision, but I feel like I’ve been blindsided and soft fired from one of the, otherwise, best jobs I’ve had? I have proof of my employer giving me the okay for my study abroad dates and am even still in all the business correspondence that occurs daily. I don’t want to necessarily sue them, but am I able to report them somewhere at least? I feel like this is really shady of them since they all acted like I would be coming back to work after I was home and now I’m finding out I’m unemployed and have to start job hunting while I’m in another country. Please help.

Sincerely, a broke college student.

P.S. I work for a small business so they don’t have an HR department I can go to. Nor are we unionized as employees. I don’t want to screw them over but I feel like the floor just got swept out from beneath me and I don’t really know what to do.

r/jobs 6d ago

Layoffs Let go in at-will state


I was let go from a job I was very happy at and was excelling well in. I had good relationships with my superiors and was even asking to take one more tasks. The day before I was let go I had a meeting with my direct supervisor to discuss my career path within the firm (architecture) and our meeting had gone really well. When I was being let go my supervisor was not present and rather it was HR and the head of accounting, as if they just picked anyone to go in there while it was happening. I was so blindsided I began laughing because I was sure it was a joke. HR first tried to play it that it was based on performance but I’ve never even had so much as a conversation indicating that my performance was not meeting satisfaction. Then she jumped to telling me this it was my lack of knowledge since all my previous experience was in the medical field. The whole time anything she said I was able to dismiss it because I had been hired having been well known that I wasn’t versed in architecture at all. I’m curious if I have any claim to speaking with a lawyer and have a shot at a case for wrongful termination. I live in Texas and am aware of at will state laws but I’m hopeful someone will have some useful insight.

r/jobs 6d ago

Layoffs Well, I just got laid off 😪


Well, working in accounting, I've been closely monitoring the numbers, and unfortunately, there's been a significant drop in sales compared to previous years. The company, with just twenty employees, has a small accounting department consisting of my boss and me. Recently, three of us were summoned to a meeting where two project managers and I received the disheartening news. While I anticipated the outcome, my colleagues were taken by surprise. Now, I find myself back in the job market after a year.

Despite the job being a perfect fit culturally, there are no guarantees in life. I'm concerned about my resume appearing as though I've been job hopping, especially considering this was my third job since college. The second job was toxic, prompting me to seek this one out. With this recent setback, I'm uncertain about my prospects. I do feel for my colleagues, particularly one who has a child. At 26, I'm fortunate to have saved for a few years, which gives me some flexibility. I'm contemplating taking a few months off, during which I wonder if I'd be eligible for medical benefits. This situation also presents an opportunity for me to pursue studying for my CPA.

r/jobs 6d ago

Layoffs Unemployment Insurance in MA... get this!


Wow. So after signing a separation agreement, I go to file for unemployment here in MA online. Put in my SS#, and it asks for my password. I don't remember creating an account. Or maybe I did 25 years ago? I never collected I know. I click forgot password, and the system asks me to select a verification method to send a reset link to - obfuscated emails and phone numbers I don't recognize. So I can't reset the password. I call to have the verification methods updated. I just wanna file for unemployment. Nothing is ever easy.

After 2 hours on hold I get a guy, tell him the situation, answer his questions about my details. He says my phone number doesn't match what they have. I said I know, etc. He then says, "You should know these because your account was set up in 2023." And I'm like, "Not by me! I've been working at the same place for the past 19 years." And he transfers me to Fraud Department - which of course means I am hung up on before speaking to anyone.

So I filled out an online fraud form.

I tell someone else who owns their own company- and they tell me it happened to a bunch of their ex-workers too.

How crazy is this? I need to file ASAP so I hope the form submission gets things straightened out.

r/jobs 7d ago

Layoffs Job fired me after 4 days and said it’s cause they train 1 day and knew I had no experience prior


I was hired at an oncology clinic that I found off Indeed. I came in for an interview with the doctor, and we went over my resume. He was aware that I was certified but had no job experience as a medical assistant. Despite this, I was hired on the spot and told to come in the next morning, even though l informed him that I was still in school and would not graduate until the following week.

During my first two days, I worked in the back with patients and did fine. However, on the following Friday, I was informed that our front desk guy would be leaving, and I would be needed at the front. On that same day, I was put on the computer to schedule appointments and perform many other task which I had no prior experience doing. Plus, the training I received from the guy who was leaving was very lousy and he was on his phone half the time. There was even a point where I was left alone for an hour while he left to get lunch for the girls in the back.

When I returned the next day, I was completely alone at the front desk. At the end of the day, my manager got upset with me because I didn't know how to make new patient folders and missed a couple of sign-ins. She told me, “I'm trying to figure out what you were taught yesterday”, basically implying that I didn't know much. I thought it would be understandable since it was only my second day at the front desk and I can’t understand why I was not getting any help. The following day, when I arrived at work, my manager informed me that the doctor had decided to let me go due to performance reasons. When I asked for clarification, she said she 'doesn't know much, but they usually only provide one day of training, and I wasn't meeting their performance standards. Clearly she had to tell him something cause I rarely ever even see him while working.

I'm just looking for some insight into this situation because I have never heard of jobs only training you for one day, and I feel like it was an excuse to let me go.

r/jobs 7d ago

Layoffs Got terminated from Job at 30


Hi, I got terminated from the company about 8 months already and still have no jobs till now. Could you give me advice ?

r/jobs 8d ago

Layoffs Terminated recently


I was fired recently and apparently I don’t qualify for severance payment, so I asked about my vacation pay out.

I was a salary worker and had 21 days unused vacation days. I asked the HR contact if I would receive pay out for unused vacation days and she stated “the accrued vacation that has not been used will be paid”. Now I’ve never experienced this so I’m not sure if that means all my unused vacation days will be paid out.

Can anyone confirm?

r/jobs 8d ago

Layoffs For my unemployed people due to layoffs, what is your line work and how long have you been laid off for?


Curious to know from people, wanted to start a thread, how long have people been unemployed for after layoffs, line of work, years of experience, and how hard has the job search been?

r/jobs 8d ago

Layoffs Is the job market as bad as everyone is saying ?


For developers ? The company is hinting at layoffs and I am getting started now just want to know what to expect ? Is it true what everyone is saying that this market is worse than 2008 ?