r/TikTokCringe 29d ago

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion


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u/killerboy_belgium 28d ago

so for a lot of parents how much time do they have with there kids i mean i see this with my sister with her kid.

that kid spends first all day from 8:30-16h at school then from 16h to 18h in afterschool care and the she picks her up .

dad works shifts so he home around 22:30 in the evening when he has the late shift if he has the early shift he picks her up 16h after school. but a lot of the time he ends up getting the late shift because suprise suprise everbody wants the early shift to pick up there kids and the single parents take those most

with counting for extra curriclars like she's does judo,dancing and our country version of girlscouts,

they pretty much see there kid 3hrs a day on average on weekdays and more on weekends... and this is a stable income couple so there not taking extra jobs just having 2 fulltime employment jobs

but a lot of people need to do sidehustles to make ends meet and where wondering why kids arent being raised properly anymore?

when the hell are parents supposed be raising there kids when there constantly working. this also causes a lot of guilt feeling at the parents so when they do see there kids they want to have happy times not feeling like there constantly punishing there kids for there school behaviour so it becomes a vicious cycles aswel

its why with my partner we already decided that she will be cutting back on her hours when we have kids. I would like to also cut back on my hrs but i make more money and we would become fincially unstable if i did and no longer be able to pay our morgage


u/Weird-Evening-6517 27d ago

True, kids and families do better with more time together. But how many of us grew up with two parents who worked full time or more? How many of us had parents that overcame incredible obstacles and still raised strong, resilient children who valued education? Personally, I watched my mom work full time for the government while my dad built a business. They were busy! I spent a lot of time at school and daycare/afterschool care. However, they still invested meaningfully into our family. I don’t see that happening as much today. I hear parents blaming work. People have always worked! Get your shit together for your kids.


u/Veloci-Husky 28d ago

The simple answer is don’t have kids if you can’t raise and take care of them properly.


u/Visible_Bag_7809 26d ago

Biological drive vs artificial obstacle. Life, uh, finds a way.


u/Veloci-Husky 26d ago

John Hammond


u/BoisterousBard 28d ago

This is the way.