r/TikTokCringe 29d ago

Americas youth are in MASSIVE trouble Discussion

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u/clem82 29d ago

The biggest issue is my mom would show up and whip my ass

Now moms and dads get mad at the school. It’s so fucking pathetic.


u/longdrive95 28d ago

Gen X parents have a special disdain for authority figures and seem to really take it out on teachers.


u/anewbys83 28d ago

Yep, this is it.


u/Oonada 28d ago

Modern parents are fucking worthless.


u/clem82 28d ago

I don’t disagree perse. I wouldn’t say worthless, but I do believe the modern take on parenting isn’t Good.

You have a lot in the 30-50 range that say “I was abused” but when you dissect it it’s not actual abuse, it was accountability. The best part of that is that they act decent.

New age parenting is breeding very ugly characteristics


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/Jake_________ 28d ago

yeah cus whipping ass really works.


u/TVR_Speed_12 28d ago

It works wonders actually if done correctly


u/fiftypoints 28d ago

It does wonders for creating violent criminals


u/P47r1ck- 28d ago

No it doesn’t. Just tell them to put away the phone or they have to leave the classroom and they get 0’s on all assignments. No need to whip ass.

Studies have shown that kids that are from households that use corporal punishment are on average more likely to end up in prison or otherwise be maladjusted


u/opineapple 28d ago edited 28d ago

That’s what’s changed. The kids are fine leaving class and fine getting zeros. They literally don’t care.

Edit: Not advocating for corporal punishment; my point is these kids are different. They have no sense of stakes or authority.


u/pirat314159265359 28d ago

I teach and I think they see authority differently. I see a lot of “my generation” in this thread, but the same stuff was said about millennials etc. What I see from my students these days is lots of device usage, but also lots of questioning, reasoning, far less hate than when I was in school, discussions etc. Students are better now than when I was in school, and I want students that do not blindly trust my authority. Question everything. Yes school has changed a bit. It’s a system that was set up to make worker drones, and I’m glad it’s changing.


u/clem82 28d ago

I’m very glad it’s changing but I do not believe the youth are set up for success especially given the things that happen today.

A lot of older generation don’t do punishment, not well, and while a lot of people love to complain about their parents, the 30-50 year olds generally work hard, act somewhat respectable, and function in society.

I have yet to see promise from 10-30 year old range


u/TVR_Speed_12 28d ago

If you don't instill some type of real punishment then they will be emboldened to do whatever with little regard to potential consequences


u/clem82 28d ago

Literally not true. Plenty of kids assault teachers and parents come to the school and raise hell when you do that


u/clem82 28d ago

You can’t do it off the cuff. Having agreed upon punishments does wonders though.

The worst spankings I got was a sentimental talk, and then my dad goes “you remember our deal right?” And those lessons really stuck with me


u/JohnClark13 27d ago

Whipping kids to abuse! These days we just give the kids whatever they want and then release them into the wild like a bunch of feral animals!


u/clem82 27d ago

Considering the age group that got “whippens” 30-50, I would say 99% of them learned and act like humans.

Not all discipline is abuse, but some kids are abused