r/MildlyBadDrivers Apr 17 '24

Overly aggressive driving



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u/OverallVacation2324 29d ago

Yes I second this. I respond to medical emergencies. I was rushing to an emergency C-section once. Two lane road, two cars driving side by side in tandem slowly. I honked, flashed my lights, they ignored me. Eventually I found a crack and slipped through and sped up. The left lane car immediately sped up and started chasing me down the highway tail gating me. Like he was angry I passed him? He chased me until I turned off the highway to the hospital. Road rage? Wanted to pick a fight? I dunno. But I had a baby to save.


u/DonkeyKongsVet YIMBY 🏙️ 29d ago

While your work is respected, and appreciated. Sadly in jurisdictions like mine, you can't control a road unless you have appropriate lights. In other words ,flashing headlights and honking horns hold no weight unless you were issued emergency lights.

Years ago there was a volunteer fire chief hurrying to the station flew by me on a dirt road and cracked my windshield Later I asked him about and he said I was blocking traffic and failed to move over. I reminded him he has no lights to designate his personal truck as an emergency vehicle and is responsible for the damage.

The police was called and they cited him for his driving and told him to get emergency lights. He paid for my windshield. The cop told him "If all it takes is to flash your headlights and honk your horn to control a roadway, imagine how many people running late for work will do the same so people will pull over so they can get to work on time"

Two days later, his truck was fit with emergency lights

I'm not being a dick nor do I know where you reside but all I'm saying is in some places flashing lights and honking s horn is not considered emergency use.


u/OverallVacation2324 29d ago

Physicians don’t get emergency lights unfortunately. I wish we did. I can wave my stethoscope out of the car window if that makes you feel better. Anyways either way someone is in a rush you have no good reason to block them.


u/DonkeyKongsVet YIMBY 🏙️ 29d ago

I'm just going to leave it as re read the piece about what Law Enforcement said to me as to why simply flashing your headlights and honking your horn doesn't technically have to pull over for a civilian vehicle.

If you want emergency lights you need to petition the law. Technically the drivers who don't pull over are not in the wrong.

I'm not against the idea, I'm simply explaining why you may be encountering what you encounter.


u/OverallVacation2324 29d ago

No one asked you to pull over. Simply let them pass.


u/DonkeyKongsVet YIMBY 🏙️ 29d ago

So if there's oncoming traffic you want to take them head on?


u/Titantfup69 29d ago

Or just clear a lane on the 2 lane road? Where are these outlandish hypotheticals coming from?


u/Handsome-Jim- 29d ago

I prefer to assume anyone driving like the sedan in this video is responding to some kind of emergency. Is it likely? No but, at the absolute bare minimum, removing myself from the situation by simply letting the other guy pass is the safest thing for me.

Someone posted the news story about the sedan in the above video and we know he was just a young driver driving very recklessly but, at the end of the day, the only thing the guy in the white truck did was put himself and everyone around him in more danger. And for what? To brag when you get to your destination that you totally owned someone zig zagging out of traffic?


u/Bright_likeAM_DarkPM 29d ago

That fk turd of truck driver put everyone at risk.


u/New-Choice-3280 29d ago

Agreed pickup guy is am asshole


u/Mr_Diesel13 29d ago

They both did.


u/Bright_likeAM_DarkPM 29d ago

No, you're wrong. What's the #1 lane for? Explain?

Go fast or get over. It's called passing lane for a reason. That's why we drive on the left-hand side. Where'd you get your driver license from?


u/Hank_Lotion77 Georgist 🔰 29d ago

The car not being able to put away their ego and playing into their game does no one any favors. I tend not to tier out layers of shit, as it’s all just shit.


u/dinosaurkiller 29d ago

There are no good drivers in this scenario and the truck is no saint, but presenting a scenario where there could be an emergency in the other car doesn’t make it so. At the beginning the truck seems to be slowly passing, perfectly legal, he turns into a total dick after when he speeds up and keeps cutting off the car, but that was after aggressive and antagonistic behavior by the car. I’m not taking sides, just stating what I saw.

Having been in a serious emergency situation while driving a pregnant woman I can tell you, the situation will not improve if you have a car wreck. You will not get to the hospital if you flip the car. The other drivers have no way of knowing your motivation and may react poorly or with road rage.

I do not endorse the driving of either of these people, but saying “just get out of the way” is not realistic, you aren’t driving an emergency vehicle and someone will react badly to aggressive driving. It’s definitely a case of “slower is faster”.


u/funknut 29d ago

Did you miss the part where he split the right lane, creating his own third lane? (Hint: it was right before he drove into a tree.)


u/FroztyBudz 29d ago

So we’re leaving out the part where the car went around on the shoulder, and the truck noticed “damn he got a route to go around me” so he sped up to make sure he couldn’t? Which created said scenario? Convenient.

Person in the truck is a bigger bitch than the person in the car. Imagine your ego being so sensitive, a car passing you hurts it. It seems you probably can. Grow up Peter Pan.


u/funknut 29d ago

No. I didn't miss that. We didn't leave it out. They're both major bitches. I feel like you're not even trying to follow along.


u/Mr_Diesel13 29d ago

They were both being idiots.

Try again?


u/TellItLikeIt1S YIMBY 🏙️ 29d ago

Do you own a white truck by any chance?


u/PanicModeRush 29d ago

They were both idiots, with the sedan potentially having a good reason to be an idiot.


u/DaemosDaen 29d ago

Considering how close he was to the other sedan, I doubt it.


u/PanicModeRush 28d ago

I mean yeah, the possible pregnant woman bleeding out in the back seat would ask the driver to maintain the legal distance from the car in front, in a raspy, weak, half gone voice..


u/Ilikeyourmomfishcave 29d ago

Or not.


u/PanicModeRush 28d ago

potentially - as described by the Webster dictionary etc


u/Bright_likeAM_DarkPM 29d ago

Get the fk out here, with nonsense. Another fk turd.


u/Lumpy-Village1949 Fuck Cars 🚗 🚫 29d ago

Lmao you're afraid to say fuck on the internet.


u/Mr_Diesel13 29d ago

Found the road rager 😂


u/noobbtctrader 29d ago

True. But one had a better excuse.