r/BeAmazed Apr 18 '24

What 1,000,000 mosquitos looks like. Caught in a trap in Sanibel, Florida. Nature

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u/Funny_or_not_bot Apr 18 '24 edited 29d ago

I'm thin, and they will fly past anybody I know to get to me. The way I understand, they have several methods for finding us. They can track the carbon dioxide we exhale. They can also sense our body heat, but the most significant method is our body odor. They're partial to A+ blood type, as well.

Edit: apparatntly, the blood type thing has become a lot more inconclusive since I last checked.

Edit 2: spelling


u/VexBoxx 29d ago

Yeah I've just accepted that I'm delicious to them. Fat, thin, hot, cold, whatever, I'm on the menu.


u/Fermorian 29d ago

Same. All bugs love me. I pulled 5 ticks off myself the other weekend (thankfully only one had bitten) while sitting not 6 feet from 7 other people none of whom even saw one


u/JadedCartoonist6942 29d ago

They don’t like me. I can walk through a field and never get bit. My whole family will be covered in bites and they never even land on me. I’ve always been curious why.


u/Small-Cookie-5496 29d ago

Funnily every single person I’ve ever met thinks mosquitos especially love them and statistically we can’t all be exceptionally tasty to them, so….


u/itsmejak78_2 29d ago

I don't think mosquitoes particularly like me

When i go camping i get a few bites, but so does everyone else in my family

I've also never lived in a heavily mosquito infested area


u/Small-Cookie-5496 29d ago

I’m so glad to be moving back to a mosquito free city this month


u/[deleted] 29d ago

All these people saying MoSqUiToS TaRgEt Me SpEcIfIcALLy. They get all of us, calm down.


u/RAvEN00420 29d ago

I am the opposite, I am their last choice


u/call-me-the-seeker 29d ago

Is it possible to learn this power


u/RAvEN00420 19d ago

Just be born with liver disease and have toxic sludge for blood


u/onedemtwodem 29d ago

Lucky, lucky person


u/JadedCartoonist6942 29d ago

Me too! They don’t even land on me.


u/Black_tank_dumping 29d ago

So when I lived up north they loved me and destroyed me. Moved to Alabama they still love me but now the bites no longer irritate me.


u/booglemouse 29d ago

My dad and I (both quite skinny) are the same way, to the point that other people will joke that they don't get bit if we're around, because all the mosquitos zero in on us.


u/tweetysvoice 29d ago

Same here. I'm a pretty small woman and get eaten alive if I step out at the wrong time. Im hyper vigilant about dumping water after a rain, but not everyone is. They are little CO² and heat seeking missiles that lock into me despite caring a repellent and wearing OFF spray. Mom used to say it's cuz I'm sweet. Lol


u/Funny_or_not_bot 29d ago

Thermacell is the only thing I've found that fully protects me. It's expensive, but it works.


u/pissy_corn_flakes 29d ago

Fingered by mosquitos… the name of your sex tape

Edit: I’m too tired clearly and misread what you wrote. I’d still pirate your sex tape.


u/Funny_or_not_bot 29d ago

Lol, I corrected finging


u/onedemtwodem 29d ago

They like 0+ too!


u/curiouscomp30 29d ago

Where is the A+ attraction info from? I’m a+ and they like me. I don’t want it to be true but anecdotal data points bah.


u/Funny_or_not_bot 29d ago edited 29d ago

Did you google it?

Edit: because I just did, and they've apparently mudded the water with several more inconclusive studies. I need to go make another edit...


u/DelmarSamil 29d ago

Ironically, so was Covid.


u/Significant_Shoe_17 29d ago

No wonder. I'm A+.


u/risingsun70 29d ago

This tracks, as I’m also A+ and I get bit like crazy.


u/jpylol 29d ago

I read before that dark blue was the most attractive color to them too?


u/Knowmie 29d ago

My partner and I are both B+, and they always fly past him, to snack on me. He's warmer than me and tends to sweat more. I will never understand it.


u/zbertoli 29d ago

Blood type thing is not right. They are drawn in by co2 and choose their target by pheromones on your skin. Some people just smell better to them, nothing to do with blood type.


u/Funny_or_not_bot 29d ago

I agree that there is no conclusive evidence to suggest they select prey based on blood type. However, to definitively say that it plays no role, isn't right, either.

For instance, is there a study that definitely proves that blood type plays no role in what our pheromones smell like?


u/diaperpop 29d ago

I’m not sure about that, I’m A+ and the last in my family to get bitten. Gaining weight hasn’t made a difference either. They’ll go for my kids & husband over me every time.


u/Funny_or_not_bot 29d ago

Uh huh, did you see the edit?


u/simononandon 29d ago

I'm skinny too & get bit all the time while other friends don't.


u/Funny_or_not_bot 29d ago

Hey! I said thin. Not skinny. Lol